5524 lines
184 KiB
5524 lines
184 KiB
* Foundation Responsive Library
* http://foundation.zurb.com
* Copyright 2013, ZURB
* Free to use under the MIT license.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
// Used to retrieve Foundation media queries from CSS.
if($('head').has('.foundation-mq-small').length === 0) {
$('head').append('<meta class="foundation-mq-small">');
if($('head').has('.foundation-mq-medium').length === 0) {
$('head').append('<meta class="foundation-mq-medium">');
if($('head').has('.foundation-mq-large').length === 0) {
$('head').append('<meta class="foundation-mq-large">');
if($('head').has('.foundation-mq-xlarge').length === 0) {
$('head').append('<meta class="foundation-mq-xlarge">');
if($('head').has('.foundation-mq-xxlarge').length === 0) {
$('head').append('<meta class="foundation-mq-xxlarge">');
// Embed FastClick (this should be removed later)
function FastClick(layer){'use strict';var oldOnClick,self=this;this.trackingClick=false;this.trackingClickStart=0;this.targetElement=null;this.touchStartX=0;this.touchStartY=0;this.lastTouchIdentifier=0;this.touchBoundary=10;this.layer=layer;if(!layer||!layer.nodeType){throw new TypeError('Layer must be a document node');}this.onClick=function(){return FastClick.prototype.onClick.apply(self,arguments)};this.onMouse=function(){return FastClick.prototype.onMouse.apply(self,arguments)};this.onTouchStart=function(){return FastClick.prototype.onTouchStart.apply(self,arguments)};this.onTouchMove=function(){return FastClick.prototype.onTouchMove.apply(self,arguments)};this.onTouchEnd=function(){return FastClick.prototype.onTouchEnd.apply(self,arguments)};this.onTouchCancel=function(){return FastClick.prototype.onTouchCancel.apply(self,arguments)};if(FastClick.notNeeded(layer)){return}if(this.deviceIsAndroid){layer.addEventListener('mouseover',this.onMouse,true);layer.addEventListener('mousedown',this.onMouse,true);layer.addEventListener('mouseup',this.onMouse,true)}layer.addEventListener('click',this.onClick,true);layer.addEventListener('touchstart',this.onTouchStart,false);layer.addEventListener('touchmove',this.onTouchMove,false);layer.addEventListener('touchend',this.onTouchEnd,false);layer.addEventListener('touchcancel',this.onTouchCancel,false);if(!Event.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation){layer.removeEventListener=function(type,callback,capture){var rmv=Node.prototype.removeEventListener;if(type==='click'){rmv.call(layer,type,callback.hijacked||callback,capture)}else{rmv.call(layer,type,callback,capture)}};layer.addEventListener=function(type,callback,capture){var adv=Node.prototype.addEventListener;if(type==='click'){adv.call(layer,type,callback.hijacked||(callback.hijacked=function(event){if(!event.propagationStopped){callback(event)}}),capture)}else{adv.call(layer,type,callback,capture)}}}if(typeof layer.onclick==='function'){oldOnClick=layer.onclick;layer.addEventListener('click',function(event){oldOnClick(event)},false);layer.onclick=null}}FastClick.prototype.deviceIsAndroid=navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android')>0;FastClick.prototype.deviceIsIOS=/iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(navigator.userAgent);FastClick.prototype.deviceIsIOS4=FastClick.prototype.deviceIsIOS&&(/OS 4_\d(_\d)?/).test(navigator.userAgent);FastClick.prototype.deviceIsIOSWithBadTarget=FastClick.prototype.deviceIsIOS&&(/OS ([6-9]|\d{2})_\d/).test(navigator.userAgent);FastClick.prototype.needsClick=function(target){'use strict';switch(target.nodeName.toLowerCase()){case'button':case'select':case'textarea':if(target.disabled){return true}break;case'input':if((this.deviceIsIOS&&target.type==='file')||target.disabled){return true}break;case'label':case'video':return true}return(/\bneedsclick\b/).test(target.className)};FastClick.prototype.needsFocus=function(target){'use strict';switch(target.nodeName.toLowerCase()){case'textarea':case'select':return true;case'input':switch(target.type){case'button':case'checkbox':case'file':case'image':case'radio':case'submit':return false}return!target.disabled&&!target.readOnly;default:return(/\bneedsfocus\b/).test(target.className)}};FastClick.prototype.sendClick=function(targetElement,event){'use strict';var clickEvent,touch;if(document.activeElement&&document.activeElement!==targetElement){document.activeElement.blur()}touch=event.changedTouches[0];clickEvent=document.createEvent('MouseEvents');clickEvent.initMouseEvent('click',true,true,window,1,touch.screenX,touch.screenY,touch.clientX,touch.clientY,false,false,false,false,0,null);clickEvent.forwardedTouchEvent=true;targetElement.dispatchEvent(clickEvent)};FastClick.prototype.focus=function(targetElement){'use strict';var length;if(this.deviceIsIOS&&targetElement.setSelectionRange){length=targetElement.value.length;targetElement.setSelectionRange(length,length)}else{targetElement.focus()}};FastClick.prototype.updateScrollParent=function(targetElement){'use strict';var scrollParent,parentElement;scrollParent=targetElement.fastClickScrollParent;if(!scrollParent||!scrollParent.contains(targetElement)){parentElement=targetElement;do{if(parentElement.scrollHeight>parentElement.offsetHeight){scrollParent=parentElement;targetElement.fastClickScrollParent=parentElement;break}parentElement=parentElement.parentElement}while(parentElement)}if(scrollParent){scrollParent.fastClickLastScrollTop=scrollParent.scrollTop}};FastClick.prototype.getTargetElementFromEventTarget=function(eventTarget){'use strict';if(eventTarget.nodeType===Node.TEXT_NODE){return eventTarget.parentNode}return eventTarget};FastClick.prototype.onTouchStart=function(event){'use strict';var targetElement,touch,selection;if(event.targetTouches.length>1){return true}targetElement=this.getTargetElementFromEventTarget(event.target);touch=event.targetTouches[0];if(this.deviceIsIOS){selection=window.getSelection();if(selection.rangeCount&&!selection.isCollapsed){return true}if(!this.deviceIsIOS4){if(touch.identifier===this.lastTouchIdentifier){event.preventDefault();return false}this.lastTouchIdentifier=touch.identifier;this.updateScrollParent(targetElement)}}this.trackingClick=true;this.trackingClickStart=event.timeStamp;this.targetElement=targetElement;this.touchStartX=touch.pageX;this.touchStartY=touch.pageY;if((event.timeStamp-this.lastClickTime)<200){event.preventDefault()}return true};FastClick.prototype.touchHasMoved=function(event){'use strict';var touch=event.changedTouches[0],boundary=this.touchBoundary;if(Math.abs(touch.pageX-this.touchStartX)>boundary||Math.abs(touch.pageY-this.touchStartY)>boundary){return true}return false};FastClick.prototype.onTouchMove=function(event){'use strict';if(!this.trackingClick){return true}if(this.targetElement!==this.getTargetElementFromEventTarget(event.target)||this.touchHasMoved(event)){this.trackingClick=false;this.targetElement=null}return true};FastClick.prototype.findControl=function(labelElement){'use strict';if(labelElement.control!==undefined){return labelElement.control}if(labelElement.htmlFor){return document.getElementById(labelElement.htmlFor)}return labelElement.querySelector('button, input:not([type=hidden]), keygen, meter, output, progress, select, textarea')};FastClick.prototype.onTouchEnd=function(event){'use strict';var forElement,trackingClickStart,targetTagName,scrollParent,touch,targetElement=this.targetElement;if(!this.trackingClick){return true}if((event.timeStamp-this.lastClickTime)<200){this.cancelNextClick=true;return true}this.lastClickTime=event.timeStamp;trackingClickStart=this.trackingClickStart;this.trackingClick=false;this.trackingClickStart=0;if(this.deviceIsIOSWithBadTarget){touch=event.changedTouches[0];targetElement=document.elementFromPoint(touch.pageX-window.pageXOffset,touch.pageY-window.pageYOffset)||targetElement;targetElement.fastClickScrollParent=this.targetElement.fastClickScrollParent}targetTagName=targetElement.tagName.toLowerCase();if(targetTagName==='label'){forElement=this.findControl(targetElement);if(forElement){this.focus(targetElement);if(this.deviceIsAndroid){return false}targetElement=forElement}}else if(this.needsFocus(targetElement)){if((event.timeStamp-trackingClickStart)>100||(this.deviceIsIOS&&window.top!==window&&targetTagName==='input')){this.targetElement=null;return false}this.focus(targetElement);if(!this.deviceIsIOS4||targetTagName!=='select'){this.targetElement=null;event.preventDefault()}return false}if(this.deviceIsIOS&&!this.deviceIsIOS4){scrollParent=targetElement.fastClickScrollParent;if(scrollParent&&scrollParent.fastClickLastScrollTop!==scrollParent.scrollTop){return true}}if(!this.needsClick(targetElement)){event.preventDefault();this.sendClick(targetElement,event)}return false};FastClick.prototype.onTouchCancel=function(){'use strict';this.trackingClick=false;this.targetElement=null};FastClick.prototype.onMouse=function(event){'use strict';if(!this.targetElement){return true}if(event.forwardedTouchEvent){return true}if(!event.cancelable){return true}if(!this.needsClick(this.targetElement)||this.cancelNextClick){if(event.stopImmediatePropagation){event.stopImmediatePropagation()}else{event.propagationStopped=true}event.stopPropagation();event.preventDefault();return false}return true};FastClick.prototype.onClick=function(event){'use strict';var permitted;if(this.trackingClick){this.targetElement=null;this.trackingClick=false;return true}if(event.target.type==='submit'&&event.detail===0){return true}permitted=this.onMouse(event);if(!permitted){this.targetElement=null}return permitted};FastClick.prototype.destroy=function(){'use strict';var layer=this.layer;if(this.deviceIsAndroid){layer.removeEventListener('mouseover',this.onMouse,true);layer.removeEventListener('mousedown',this.onMouse,true);layer.removeEventListener('mouseup',this.onMouse,true)}layer.removeEventListener('click',this.onClick,true);layer.removeEventListener('touchstart',this.onTouchStart,false);layer.removeEventListener('touchmove',this.onTouchMove,false);layer.removeEventListener('touchend',this.onTouchEnd,false);layer.removeEventListener('touchcancel',this.onTouchCancel,false)};FastClick.notNeeded=function(layer){'use strict';var metaViewport;if(typeof window.ontouchstart==='undefined'){return true}if((/Chrome\/[0-9]+/).test(navigator.userAgent)){if(FastClick.prototype.deviceIsAndroid){metaViewport=document.querySelector('meta[name=viewport]');if(metaViewport&&metaViewport.content.indexOf('user-scalable=no')!==-1){return true}}else{return true}}if(layer.style.msTouchAction==='none'){return true}return false};FastClick.attach=function(layer){'use strict';return new FastClick(layer)};if(typeof define!=='undefined'&&define.amd){define(function(){'use strict';return FastClick})}else if(typeof module!=='undefined'&&module.exports){module.exports=FastClick.attach;module.exports.FastClick=FastClick}else{window.FastClick=FastClick}
// Enable FastClick
if(typeof FastClick !== 'undefined') {
// private Fast Selector wrapper,
// returns jQuery object. Only use where
// getElementById is not available.
var S = function (selector, context) {
if (typeof selector === 'string') {
if (context) {
return $(context.querySelectorAll(selector));
return $(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
return $(selector, context);
window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || (function( doc, undefined ) {
"use strict";
var bool,
docElem = doc.documentElement,
refNode = docElem.firstElementChild || docElem.firstChild,
// fakeBody required for <FF4 when executed in <head>
fakeBody = doc.createElement( "body" ),
div = doc.createElement( "div" );
div.id = "mq-test-1";
div.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top:-100em";
fakeBody.style.background = "none";
return function(q){
div.innerHTML = "­<style media=\"" + q + "\"> #mq-test-1 { width: 42px; }</style>";
docElem.insertBefore( fakeBody, refNode );
bool = div.offsetWidth === 42;
docElem.removeChild( fakeBody );
return {
matches: bool,
media: q
}( document ));
* jquery.requestAnimationFrame
* https://github.com/gnarf37/jquery-requestAnimationFrame
* Requires jQuery 1.8+
* Copyright (c) 2012 Corey Frang
* Licensed under the MIT license.
(function( $ ) {
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill adapted from Erik Möller
// fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
// http://my.opera.com/emoller/blog/2011/12/20/requestanimationframe-for-smart-er-animating
var animating,
lastTime = 0,
vendors = ['webkit', 'moz'],
requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame,
cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame;
for(; lastTime < vendors.length && !requestAnimationFrame; lastTime++) {
requestAnimationFrame = window[ vendors[lastTime] + "RequestAnimationFrame" ];
cancelAnimationFrame = cancelAnimationFrame ||
window[ vendors[lastTime] + "CancelAnimationFrame" ] ||
window[ vendors[lastTime] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame" ];
function raf() {
if ( animating ) {
requestAnimationFrame( raf );
if ( requestAnimationFrame ) {
// use rAF
window.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame;
window.cancelAnimationFrame = cancelAnimationFrame;
jQuery.fx.timer = function( timer ) {
if ( timer() && jQuery.timers.push( timer ) && !animating ) {
animating = true;
jQuery.fx.stop = function() {
animating = false;
} else {
// polyfill
window.requestAnimationFrame = function( callback, element ) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime(),
timeToCall = Math.max( 0, 16 - ( currTime - lastTime ) ),
id = window.setTimeout( function() {
callback( currTime + timeToCall );
}, timeToCall );
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {
}( jQuery ));
function removeQuotes (string) {
if (typeof string === 'string' || string instanceof String) {
string = string.replace(/^[\\/'"]+|(;\s?})+|[\\/'"]+$/g, '');
return string;
window.Foundation = {
name : 'Foundation',
version : '5.0.0',
media_queries : {
small : S('.foundation-mq-small').css('font-family').replace(/^[\/\\'"]+|(;\s?})+|[\/\\'"]+$/g, ''),
medium : S('.foundation-mq-medium').css('font-family').replace(/^[\/\\'"]+|(;\s?})+|[\/\\'"]+$/g, ''),
large : S('.foundation-mq-large').css('font-family').replace(/^[\/\\'"]+|(;\s?})+|[\/\\'"]+$/g, ''),
xlarge: S('.foundation-mq-xlarge').css('font-family').replace(/^[\/\\'"]+|(;\s?})+|[\/\\'"]+$/g, ''),
xxlarge: S('.foundation-mq-xxlarge').css('font-family').replace(/^[\/\\'"]+|(;\s?})+|[\/\\'"]+$/g, '')
stylesheet : $('<style></style>').appendTo('head')[0].sheet,
init : function (scope, libraries, method, options, response) {
var library_arr,
args = [scope, method, options, response],
responses = [];
// check RTL
this.rtl = /rtl/i.test(S('html').attr('dir'));
// set foundation global scope
this.scope = scope || this.scope;
if (libraries && typeof libraries === 'string' && !/reflow/i.test(libraries)) {
if (this.libs.hasOwnProperty(libraries)) {
responses.push(this.init_lib(libraries, args));
} else {
for (var lib in this.libs) {
responses.push(this.init_lib(lib, libraries));
return scope;
init_lib : function (lib, args) {
if (this.libs.hasOwnProperty(lib)) {
if (args && args.hasOwnProperty(lib)) {
return this.libs[lib].init.apply(this.libs[lib], [this.scope, args[lib]]);
return this.libs[lib].init.apply(this.libs[lib], args);
return function () {};
patch : function (lib) {
lib.scope = this.scope;
lib['data_options'] = this.lib_methods.data_options;
lib['bindings'] = this.lib_methods.bindings;
lib['S'] = S;
lib.rtl = this.rtl;
inherit : function (scope, methods) {
var methods_arr = methods.split(' ');
for (var i = methods_arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.lib_methods.hasOwnProperty(methods_arr[i])) {
this.libs[scope.name][methods_arr[i]] = this.lib_methods[methods_arr[i]];
random_str : function (length) {
var chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
if (!length) {
length = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
str += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
return str;
libs : {},
// methods that can be inherited in libraries
lib_methods : {
throttle : function(fun, delay) {
var timer = null;
return function () {
var context = this, args = arguments;
timer = setTimeout(function () {
fun.apply(context, args);
}, delay);
// parses data-options attribute
data_options : function (el) {
var opts = {}, ii, p, opts_arr, opts_len,
data_options = el.data('options');
if (typeof data_options === 'object') {
return data_options;
opts_arr = (data_options || ':').split(';'),
opts_len = opts_arr.length;
function isNumber (o) {
return ! isNaN (o-0) && o !== null && o !== "" && o !== false && o !== true;
function trim(str) {
if (typeof str === 'string') return $.trim(str);
return str;
// parse options
for (ii = opts_len - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
p = opts_arr[ii].split(':');
if (/true/i.test(p[1])) p[1] = true;
if (/false/i.test(p[1])) p[1] = false;
if (isNumber(p[1])) p[1] = parseInt(p[1], 10);
if (p.length === 2 && p[0].length > 0) {
opts[trim(p[0])] = trim(p[1]);
return opts;
delay : function (fun, delay) {
return setTimeout(fun, delay);
// test for empty object or array
empty : function (obj) {
if (obj.length && obj.length > 0) return false;
if (obj.length && obj.length === 0) return true;
for (var key in obj) {
if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) return false;
return true;
register_media : function(media, media_class) {
if(Foundation.media_queries[media] === undefined) {
$('head').append('<meta class="' + media_class + '">');
Foundation.media_queries[media] = removeQuotes($('.' + media_class).css('font-family'));
addCustomRule : function(rule, media) {
if(media === undefined) {
Foundation.stylesheet.insertRule(rule, Foundation.stylesheet.cssRules.length);
} else {
var query = Foundation.media_queries[media];
if(query !== undefined) {
Foundation.stylesheet.insertRule('@media ' +
Foundation.media_queries[media] + '{ ' + rule + ' }');
loaded : function (image, callback) {
function loaded () {
function bindLoad () {
this.one('load', loaded);
if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
var src = this.attr( 'src' ),
param = src.match( /\?/ ) ? '&' : '?';
param += 'random=' + (new Date()).getTime();
this.attr('src', src + param);
if (!image.attr('src')) {
if (image[0].complete || image[0].readyState === 4) {
} else {
bindings : function (method, options) {
var self = this,
should_bind_events = !S(this).data(this.name + '-init');
if (typeof method === 'string') {
return this[method].call(this);
if (S(this.scope).is('[data-' + this.name +']')) {
S(this.scope).data(this.name + '-init', $.extend({}, this.settings, (options || method), this.data_options(S(this.scope))));
if (should_bind_events) {
} else {
S('[data-' + this.name + ']', this.scope).each(function () {
var should_bind_events = !S(this).data(self.name + '-init');
S(this).data(self.name + '-init', $.extend({}, self.settings, (options || method), self.data_options(S(this))));
if (should_bind_events) {
$.fn.foundation = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
return this.each(function () {
Foundation.init.apply(Foundation, [this].concat(args));
return this;
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.abide = {
name : 'abide',
version : '5.0.0',
settings : {
focus_on_invalid : true,
timeout : 1000,
patterns : {
alpha: /[a-zA-Z]+/,
alpha_numeric : /[a-zA-Z0-9]+/,
integer: /-?\d+/,
number: /-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)?(?:\.\d+)?/,
// generic password: upper-case, lower-case, number/special character, and min 8 characters
password : /(?=^.{8,}$)((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![.\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$/,
// amex, visa, diners
card : /^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\d{3})\d{11})$/,
cvv : /^([0-9]){3,4}$/,
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/states-of-the-type-attribute.html#valid-e-mail-address
email : /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/,
url: /(https?|ftp|file|ssh):\/\/(((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?/,
// abc.de
domain: /^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/,
datetime: /([0-2][0-9]{3})\-([0-1][0-9])\-([0-3][0-9])T([0-5][0-9])\:([0-5][0-9])\:([0-5][0-9])(Z|([\-\+]([0-1][0-9])\:00))/,
date: /(?:19|20)[0-9]{2}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])|(?:(?!02)(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:30))|(?:(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31))/,
time : /(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])(:[0-5][0-9]){2}/,
dateISO: /\d{4}[\/\-]\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{1,2}/,
month_day_year : /(0[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.](19|20)\d\d/,
// #FFF or #FFFFFF
color: /^#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})$/
timer : null,
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.bindings(method, options);
events : function (scope) {
var self = this,
form = $(scope).attr('novalidate', 'novalidate'),
settings = form.data('abide-init');
.on('submit.fndtn.abide validate.fndtn.abide', function (e) {
var is_ajax = /ajax/i.test($(this).attr('data-abide'));
return self.validate($(this).find('input, textarea, select').get(), e, is_ajax);
.find('input, textarea, select')
.on('blur.fndtn.abide change.fndtn.abide', function (e) {
self.validate([this], e);
.on('keydown.fndtn.abide', function (e) {
var settings = $(this).closest('form').data('abide-init');
self.timer = setTimeout(function () {
self.validate([this], e);
}.bind(this), settings.timeout);
validate : function (els, e, is_ajax) {
var validations = this.parse_patterns(els),
validation_count = validations.length,
form = $(els[0]).closest('form'),
submit_event = /submit/.test(e.type);
for (var i=0; i < validation_count; i++) {
if (!validations[i] && (submit_event || is_ajax)) {
if (this.settings.focus_on_invalid) els[i].focus();
$(els[i]).closest('form').attr('data-invalid', '');
return false;
if (submit_event || is_ajax) {
if (is_ajax) return false;
return true;
parse_patterns : function (els) {
var count = els.length,
el_patterns = [];
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return this.check_validation_and_apply_styles(el_patterns);
pattern : function (el) {
var type = el.getAttribute('type'),
required = typeof el.getAttribute('required') === 'string';
if (this.settings.patterns.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
return [el, this.settings.patterns[type], required];
var pattern = el.getAttribute('pattern') || '';
if (this.settings.patterns.hasOwnProperty(pattern) && pattern.length > 0) {
return [el, this.settings.patterns[pattern], required];
} else if (pattern.length > 0) {
return [el, new RegExp(pattern), required];
pattern = /.*/;
return [el, pattern, required];
check_validation_and_apply_styles : function (el_patterns) {
var count = el_patterns.length,
validations = [];
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var el = el_patterns[i][0],
required = el_patterns[i][2],
value = el.value,
is_equal = el.getAttribute('data-equalto'),
is_radio = el.type === "radio",
valid_length = (required) ? (el.value.length > 0) : true;
if (is_radio && required) {
validations.push(this.valid_radio(el, required));
} else if (is_equal && required) {
validations.push(this.valid_equal(el, required));
} else {
if (el_patterns[i][1].test(value) && valid_length ||
!required && el.value.length < 1) {
} else {
$(el).attr('data-invalid', '').parent().addClass('error');
return validations;
valid_radio : function (el, required) {
var name = el.getAttribute('name'),
group = document.getElementsByName(name),
count = group.length,
valid = false;
for (var i=0; i < count; i++) {
if (group[i].checked) valid = true;
for (var i=0; i < count; i++) {
if (valid) {
} else {
$(group[i]).attr('data-invalid', '').parent().addClass('error');
return valid;
valid_equal: function(el, required) {
var from = document.getElementById(el.getAttribute('data-equalto')).value,
to = el.value,
valid = (from === to);
if (valid) {
} else {
$(el).attr('data-invalid', '').parent().addClass('error');
return valid;
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.accordion = {
name : 'accordion',
version : '5.0.1',
settings : {
active_class: 'active',
toggleable: true
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.bindings(method, options);
events : function () {
$(this.scope).off('.accordion').on('click.fndtn.accordion', '[data-accordion] > dd > a', function (e) {
var accordion = $(this).parent(),
target = $('#' + this.href.split('#')[1]),
siblings = $('> dd > .content', target.closest('[data-accordion]')),
settings = accordion.parent().data('accordion-init'),
active = $('> dd > .content.' + settings.active_class, accordion.parent());
if (active[0] == target[0] && settings.toggleable) {
return target.toggleClass(settings.active_class);
off : function () {},
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.alert = {
name : 'alert',
version : '5.0.0',
settings : {
animation: 'fadeOut',
speed: 300, // fade out speed
callback: function (){}
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.bindings(method, options);
events : function () {
$(this.scope).off('.alert').on('click.fndtn.alert', '[data-alert] a.close', function (e) {
var alertBox = $(this).closest("[data-alert]"),
settings = alertBox.data('alert-init');
alertBox[settings.animation](settings.speed, function () {
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.clearing = {
name : 'clearing',
version: '5.0.0',
settings : {
templates : {
viewing : '<a href="#" class="clearing-close">×</a>' +
'<div class="visible-img" style="display: none"><img src="//:0">' +
'<p class="clearing-caption"></p><a href="#" class="clearing-main-prev"><span></span></a>' +
'<a href="#" class="clearing-main-next"><span></span></a></div>'
// comma delimited list of selectors that, on click, will close clearing,
// add 'div.clearing-blackout, div.visible-img' to close on background click
close_selectors : '.clearing-close',
// event initializers and locks
init : false,
locked : false
init : function (scope, method, options) {
var self = this;
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle loaded');
this.bindings(method, options);
if ($(this.scope).is('[data-clearing]')) {
this.assemble($('li', this.scope));
} else {
$('[data-clearing]', this.scope).each(function () {
self.assemble($('li', this));
events : function (scope) {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.clearing', 'ul[data-clearing] li',
function (e, current, target) {
var current = current || $(this),
target = target || current,
next = current.next('li'),
settings = current.closest('[data-clearing]').data('clearing-init'),
image = $(e.target);
if (!settings) {
settings = current.closest('[data-clearing]').data('clearing-init');
// if clearing is open and the current image is
// clicked, go to the next image in sequence
if (target.hasClass('visible') &&
current[0] === target[0] &&
next.length > 0 && self.is_open(current)) {
target = next;
image = $('img', target);
// set current and target to the clicked li if not otherwise defined.
self.open(image, current, target);
.on('click.fndtn.clearing', '.clearing-main-next',
function (e) { self.nav(e, 'next') })
.on('click.fndtn.clearing', '.clearing-main-prev',
function (e) { self.nav(e, 'prev') })
.on('click.fndtn.clearing', this.settings.close_selectors,
function (e) { Foundation.libs.clearing.close(e, this) })
function (e) { self.keydown(e) });
function () { self.resize() });
swipe_events : function (scope) {
var self = this;
.on('touchstart.fndtn.clearing', '.visible-img', function(e) {
if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; }
var data = {
start_page_x: e.touches[0].pageX,
start_page_y: e.touches[0].pageY,
start_time: (new Date()).getTime(),
delta_x: 0,
is_scrolling: undefined
$(this).data('swipe-transition', data);
.on('touchmove.fndtn.clearing', '.visible-img', function(e) {
if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; }
// Ignore pinch/zoom events
if(e.touches.length > 1 || e.scale && e.scale !== 1) return;
var data = $(this).data('swipe-transition');
if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
data = {};
data.delta_x = e.touches[0].pageX - data.start_page_x;
if ( typeof data.is_scrolling === 'undefined') {
data.is_scrolling = !!( data.is_scrolling || Math.abs(data.delta_x) < Math.abs(e.touches[0].pageY - data.start_page_y) );
if (!data.is_scrolling && !data.active) {
var direction = (data.delta_x < 0) ? 'next' : 'prev';
data.active = true;
self.nav(e, direction);
.on('touchend.fndtn.clearing', '.visible-img', function(e) {
$(this).data('swipe-transition', {});
assemble : function ($li) {
var $el = $li.parent();
if ($el.parent().hasClass('carousel')) return;
$el.after('<div id="foundationClearingHolder"></div>');
var holder = $('#foundationClearingHolder'),
settings = $el.data('clearing-init'),
grid = $el.detach(),
data = {
grid: '<div class="carousel">' + grid[0].outerHTML + '</div>',
viewing: settings.templates.viewing
wrapper = '<div class="clearing-assembled"><div>' + data.viewing +
data.grid + '</div></div>';
return holder.after(wrapper).remove();
open : function ($image, current, target) {
var root = target.closest('.clearing-assembled'),
container = $('div', root).first(),
visible_image = $('.visible-img', container),
image = $('img', visible_image).not($image);
if (!this.locked()) {
// set the image to the selected thumbnail
.attr('src', this.load($image))
.css('visibility', 'hidden');
this.loaded(image, function () {
image.css('visibility', 'visible');
// toggle the gallery
.caption($('.clearing-caption', visible_image), $image)
.shift(current, target, function () {
close : function (e, el) {
var root = (function (target) {
if (/blackout/.test(target.selector)) {
return target;
} else {
return target.closest('.clearing-blackout');
}($(el))), container, visible_image;
if (el === e.target && root) {
container = $('div', root).first();
visible_image = $('.visible-img', container);
this.settings.prev_index = 0;
$('ul[data-clearing]', root)
.attr('style', '').closest('.clearing-blackout')
return false;
is_open : function (current) {
return current.parent().prop('style').length > 0;
keydown : function (e) {
var clearing = $('ul[data-clearing]', '.clearing-blackout');
if (e.which === 39) this.go(clearing, 'next');
if (e.which === 37) this.go(clearing, 'prev');
if (e.which === 27) $('a.clearing-close').trigger('click');
nav : function (e, direction) {
var clearing = $('ul[data-clearing]', '.clearing-blackout');
this.go(clearing, direction);
resize : function () {
var image = $('img', '.clearing-blackout .visible-img');
if (image.length) {
// visual adjustments
fix_height : function (target) {
var lis = target.parent().children(),
self = this;
lis.each(function () {
var li = $(this),
image = li.find('img');
if (li.height() > image.outerHeight()) {
.width(lis.length * 100 + '%');
return this;
update_paddles : function (target) {
var visible_image = target
if (target.next().length > 0) {
$('.clearing-main-next', visible_image)
} else {
$('.clearing-main-next', visible_image)
if (target.prev().length > 0) {
$('.clearing-main-prev', visible_image)
} else {
$('.clearing-main-prev', visible_image)
center : function (target) {
if (!this.rtl) {
marginLeft : -(target.outerWidth() / 2),
marginTop : -(target.outerHeight() / 2)
} else {
marginRight : -(target.outerWidth() / 2),
marginTop : -(target.outerHeight() / 2)
return this;
// image loading and preloading
load : function ($image) {
if ($image[0].nodeName === "A") {
var href = $image.attr('href');
} else {
var href = $image.parent().attr('href');
if (href) return href;
return $image.attr('src');
preload : function ($image) {
img : function (img) {
if (img.length) {
var new_img = new Image(),
new_a = $('a', img);
if (new_a.length) {
new_img.src = new_a.attr('href');
} else {
new_img.src = $('img', img).attr('src');
return this;
// image caption
caption : function (container, $image) {
var caption = $image.data('caption');
if (caption) {
} else {
return this;
// directional methods
go : function ($ul, direction) {
var current = $('.visible', $ul),
target = current[direction]();
if (target.length) {
$('img', target)
.trigger('click', [current, target]);
shift : function (current, target, callback) {
var clearing = target.parent(),
old_index = this.settings.prev_index || target.index(),
direction = this.direction(clearing, current, target),
left = parseInt(clearing.css('left'), 10),
width = target.outerWidth(),
// we use jQuery animate instead of CSS transitions because we
// need a callback to unlock the next animation
if (target.index() !== old_index && !/skip/.test(direction)){
if (/left/.test(direction)) {
clearing.animate({left : left + width}, 300, this.unlock());
} else if (/right/.test(direction)) {
clearing.animate({left : left - width}, 300, this.unlock());
} else if (/skip/.test(direction)) {
// the target image is not adjacent to the current image, so
// do we scroll right or not
skip_shift = target.index() - this.settings.up_count;
if (skip_shift > 0) {
clearing.animate({left : -(skip_shift * width)}, 300, this.unlock());
} else {
clearing.animate({left : 0}, 300, this.unlock());
direction : function ($el, current, target) {
var lis = $('li', $el),
li_width = lis.outerWidth() + (lis.outerWidth() / 4),
up_count = Math.floor($('.clearing-container').outerWidth() / li_width) - 1,
target_index = lis.index(target),
this.settings.up_count = up_count;
if (this.adjacent(this.settings.prev_index, target_index)) {
if ((target_index > up_count)
&& target_index > this.settings.prev_index) {
response = 'right';
} else if ((target_index > up_count - 1)
&& target_index <= this.settings.prev_index) {
response = 'left';
} else {
response = false;
} else {
response = 'skip';
this.settings.prev_index = target_index;
return response;
adjacent : function (current_index, target_index) {
for (var i = target_index + 1; i >= target_index - 1; i--) {
if (i === current_index) return true;
return false;
// lock management
lock : function () {
this.settings.locked = true;
unlock : function () {
this.settings.locked = false;
locked : function () {
return this.settings.locked;
off : function () {
reflow : function () {
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.dropdown = {
name : 'dropdown',
version : '5.0.0',
settings : {
active_class: 'open',
is_hover: false,
opened: function(){},
closed: function(){}
init : function (scope, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle');
this.bindings(method, options);
events : function (scope) {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown]', function (e) {
var settings = $(this).data('dropdown-init');
if (!settings.is_hover || Modernizr.touch) self.toggle($(this));
.on('mouseenter.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown], [data-dropdown-content]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data('dropdown')) {
var dropdown = $('#' + $this.data('dropdown')),
target = $this;
} else {
var dropdown = $this;
target = $("[data-dropdown='" + dropdown.attr('id') + "']");
var settings = target.data('dropdown-init');
if (settings.is_hover) self.open.apply(self, [dropdown, target]);
.on('mouseleave.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown], [data-dropdown-content]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
self.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
if ($this.data('dropdown')) {
var settings = $this.data('dropdown-init');
if (settings.is_hover) self.close.call(self, $('#' + $this.data('dropdown')));
} else {
var target = $('[data-dropdown="' + $(this).attr('id') + '"]'),
settings = target.data('dropdown-init');
if (settings.is_hover) self.close.call(self, $this);
}.bind(this), 150);
.on('click.fndtn.dropdown', function (e) {
var parent = $(e.target).closest('[data-dropdown-content]');
if ($(e.target).data('dropdown') || $(e.target).parent().data('dropdown')) {
if (!($(e.target).data('revealId')) &&
(parent.length > 0 && ($(e.target).is('[data-dropdown-content]') ||
$.contains(parent.first()[0], e.target)))) {
self.close.call(self, $('[data-dropdown-content]'));
.on('opened.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown-content]', this.settings.opened)
.on('closed.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown-content]', this.settings.closed);
.on('resize.fndtn.dropdown', self.throttle(function () {
}, 50)).trigger('resize');
close: function (dropdown) {
var self = this;
dropdown.each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass(self.settings.active_class)) {
.css(Foundation.rtl ? 'right':'left', '-99999px')
open: function (dropdown, target) {
.addClass(this.settings.active_class), target);
toggle : function (target) {
var dropdown = $('#' + target.data('dropdown'));
if (dropdown.length === 0) {
// No dropdown found, not continuing
this.close.call(this, $('[data-dropdown-content]').not(dropdown));
if (dropdown.hasClass(this.settings.active_class)) {
this.close.call(this, dropdown);
} else {
this.close.call(this, $('[data-dropdown-content]'))
this.open.call(this, dropdown, target);
resize : function () {
var dropdown = $('[data-dropdown-content].open'),
target = $("[data-dropdown='" + dropdown.attr('id') + "']");
if (dropdown.length && target.length) {
this.css(dropdown, target);
css : function (dropdown, target) {
var offset_parent = dropdown.offsetParent(),
position = target.offset();
position.top -= offset_parent.offset().top;
position.left -= offset_parent.offset().left;
if (this.small()) {
position : 'absolute',
width: '95%',
'max-width': 'none',
top: position.top + target.outerHeight()
dropdown.css(Foundation.rtl ? 'right':'left', '2.5%');
} else {
if (!Foundation.rtl && $(window).width() > dropdown.outerWidth() + target.offset().left) {
var left = position.left;
if (dropdown.hasClass('right')) {
} else {
if (!dropdown.hasClass('right')) {
var left = position.left - (dropdown.outerWidth() - target.outerWidth());
dropdown.attr('style', '').css({
position : 'absolute',
top: position.top + target.outerHeight(),
left: left
return dropdown;
small : function () {
return matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries.small).matches &&
off: function () {
$('html, body').off('.fndtn.dropdown');
this.settings.init = false;
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.interchange = {
name : 'interchange',
version : '5.0.0',
cache : {},
images_loaded : false,
nodes_loaded : false,
settings : {
load_attr : 'interchange',
named_queries : {
'default' : Foundation.media_queries.small,
small : Foundation.media_queries.small,
medium : Foundation.media_queries.medium,
large : Foundation.media_queries.large,
xlarge : Foundation.media_queries.xlarge,
xxlarge: Foundation.media_queries.xxlarge,
landscape : 'only screen and (orientation: landscape)',
portrait : 'only screen and (orientation: portrait)',
retina : 'only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),' +
'only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),' +
'only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),' +
'only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),' +
'only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi),' +
'only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx)'
directives : {
replace: function (el, path, trigger) {
// The trigger argument, if called within the directive, fires
// an event named after the directive on the element, passing
// any parameters along to the event that you pass to trigger.
// ex. trigger(), trigger([a, b, c]), or trigger(a, b, c)
// This allows you to bind a callback like so:
// $('#interchangeContainer').on('replace', function (e, a, b, c) {
// console.log($(this).html(), a, b, c);
// });
if (/IMG/.test(el[0].nodeName)) {
var orig_path = el[0].src;
if (new RegExp(path, 'i').test(orig_path)) return;
el[0].src = path;
return trigger(el[0].src);
var last_path = el.data('interchange-last-path');
if (last_path == path) return;
return $.get(path, function (response) {
el.data('interchange-last-path', path);
init : function (scope, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle');
this.data_attr = 'data-' + this.settings.load_attr;
this.bindings(method, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('resize.fndtn.interchange', self.throttle(function () {
}, 50));
return this;
resize : function () {
var cache = this.cache;
if(!this.images_loaded || !this.nodes_loaded) {
setTimeout($.proxy(this.resize, this), 50);
for (var uuid in cache) {
if (cache.hasOwnProperty(uuid)) {
var passed = this.results(uuid, cache[uuid]);
if (passed) {
.scenario[1]](passed.el, passed.scenario[0], function () {
if (arguments[0] instanceof Array) {
var args = arguments[0];
} else {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
passed.el.trigger(passed.scenario[1], args);
results : function (uuid, scenarios) {
var count = scenarios.length;
if (count > 0) {
var el = this.S('[data-uuid="' + uuid + '"]');
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var mq, rule = scenarios[i][2];
if (this.settings.named_queries.hasOwnProperty(rule)) {
mq = matchMedia(this.settings.named_queries[rule]);
} else {
mq = matchMedia(rule);
if (mq.matches) {
return {el: el, scenario: scenarios[i]};
return false;
load : function (type, force_update) {
if (typeof this['cached_' + type] === 'undefined' || force_update) {
this['update_' + type]();
return this['cached_' + type];
update_images : function () {
var images = this.S('img[' + this.data_attr + ']'),
count = images.length,
loaded_count = 0,
data_attr = this.data_attr;
this.cache = {};
this.cached_images = [];
this.images_loaded = (count === 0);
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (images[i]) {
var str = images[i].getAttribute(data_attr) || '';
if (str.length > 0) {
if(loaded_count === count) {
this.images_loaded = true;
return this;
update_nodes : function () {
var nodes = this.S('[' + this.data_attr + ']:not(img)'),
count = nodes.length,
loaded_count = 0,
data_attr = this.data_attr;
this.cached_nodes = [];
// Set nodes_loaded to true if there are no nodes
// this.nodes_loaded = false;
this.nodes_loaded = (count === 0);
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var str = nodes[i].getAttribute(data_attr) || '';
if (str.length > 0) {
if(loaded_count === count) {
this.nodes_loaded = true;
return this;
enhance : function (type) {
var count = this['cached_' + type].length;
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
this.object($(this['cached_' + type][i]));
return $(window).trigger('resize');
parse_params : function (path, directive, mq) {
return [this.trim(path), this.convert_directive(directive), this.trim(mq)];
convert_directive : function (directive) {
var trimmed = this.trim(directive);
if (trimmed.length > 0) {
return trimmed;
return 'replace';
object : function(el) {
var raw_arr = this.parse_data_attr(el),
scenarios = [], count = raw_arr.length;
if (count > 0) {
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var split = raw_arr[i].split(/\((.*?)(\))$/);
if (split.length > 1) {
var cached_split = split[0].split(','),
params = this.parse_params(cached_split[0],
cached_split[1], split[1]);
return this.store(el, scenarios);
uuid : function (separator) {
var delim = separator || "-";
function S4() {
return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1);
return (S4() + S4() + delim + S4() + delim + S4()
+ delim + S4() + delim + S4() + S4() + S4());
store : function (el, scenarios) {
var uuid = this.uuid(),
current_uuid = el.data('uuid');
if (current_uuid) return this.cache[current_uuid];
el.attr('data-uuid', uuid);
return this.cache[uuid] = scenarios;
trim : function(str) {
if (typeof str === 'string') {
return $.trim(str);
return str;
parse_data_attr : function (el) {
var raw = el.data(this.settings.load_attr).split(/\[(.*?)\]/),
count = raw.length, output = [];
for (var i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (raw[i].replace(/[\W\d]+/, '').length > 4) {
return output;
reflow : function () {
this.load('images', true);
this.load('nodes', true);
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
var Modernizr = Modernizr || false;
Foundation.libs.joyride = {
name : 'joyride',
version : '5.0.0',
defaults : {
expose : false, // turn on or off the expose feature
modal : true, // Whether to cover page with modal during the tour
tip_location : 'bottom', // 'top' or 'bottom' in relation to parent
nub_position : 'auto', // override on a per tooltip bases
scroll_speed : 1500, // Page scrolling speed in milliseconds, 0 = no scroll animation
scroll_animation : 'linear', // supports 'swing' and 'linear', extend with jQuery UI.
timer : 0, // 0 = no timer , all other numbers = timer in milliseconds
start_timer_on_click : true, // true or false - true requires clicking the first button start the timer
start_offset : 0, // the index of the tooltip you want to start on (index of the li)
next_button : true, // true or false to control whether a next button is used
tip_animation : 'fade', // 'pop' or 'fade' in each tip
pause_after : [], // array of indexes where to pause the tour after
exposed : [], // array of expose elements
tip_animation_fade_speed: 300, // when tipAnimation = 'fade' this is speed in milliseconds for the transition
cookie_monster : false, // true or false to control whether cookies are used
cookie_name : 'joyride', // Name the cookie you'll use
cookie_domain : false, // Will this cookie be attached to a domain, ie. '.notableapp.com'
cookie_expires : 365, // set when you would like the cookie to expire.
tip_container : 'body', // Where will the tip be attached
tip_location_patterns : {
top: ['bottom'],
bottom: [], // bottom should not need to be repositioned
left: ['right', 'top', 'bottom'],
right: ['left', 'top', 'bottom']
post_ride_callback : function (){}, // A method to call once the tour closes (canceled or complete)
post_step_callback : function (){}, // A method to call after each step
pre_step_callback : function (){}, // A method to call before each step
pre_ride_callback : function (){}, // A method to call before the tour starts (passed index, tip, and cloned exposed element)
post_expose_callback : function (){}, // A method to call after an element has been exposed
template : { // HTML segments for tip layout
link : '<a href="#close" class="joyride-close-tip">×</a>',
timer : '<div class="joyride-timer-indicator-wrap"><span class="joyride-timer-indicator"></span></div>',
tip : '<div class="joyride-tip-guide"><span class="joyride-nub"></span></div>',
wrapper : '<div class="joyride-content-wrapper"></div>',
button : '<a href="#" class="small button joyride-next-tip"></a>',
modal : '<div class="joyride-modal-bg"></div>',
expose : '<div class="joyride-expose-wrapper"></div>',
expose_cover: '<div class="joyride-expose-cover"></div>'
expose_add_class : '' // One or more space-separated class names to be added to exposed element
init : function (scope, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle delay');
this.settings = this.defaults;
this.bindings(method, options)
events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.joyride', '.joyride-next-tip, .joyride-modal-bg', function (e) {
if (this.settings.$li.next().length < 1) {
} else if (this.settings.timer > 0) {
} else {
.on('click.fndtn.joyride', '.joyride-close-tip', function (e) {
.on('resize.fndtn.joyride', self.throttle(function () {
if ($('[data-joyride]').length > 0 && self.settings.$next_tip) {
if (self.settings.exposed.length > 0) {
var $els = $(self.settings.exposed);
$els.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (self.is_phone()) {
} else {
self.pos_default(false, true);
}, 100));
start : function () {
var self = this,
$this = $('[data-joyride]', this.scope),
integer_settings = ['timer', 'scrollSpeed', 'startOffset', 'tipAnimationFadeSpeed', 'cookieExpires'],
int_settings_count = integer_settings.length;
if (!$this.length > 0) return;
if (!this.settings.init) this.events();
this.settings = $this.data('joyride-init');
// non configureable settings
this.settings.$content_el = $this;
this.settings.$body = $(this.settings.tip_container);
this.settings.body_offset = $(this.settings.tip_container).position();
this.settings.$tip_content = this.settings.$content_el.find('> li');
this.settings.paused = false;
this.settings.attempts = 0;
// can we create cookies?
if (typeof $.cookie !== 'function') {
this.settings.cookie_monster = false;
// generate the tips and insert into dom.
if (!this.settings.cookie_monster || this.settings.cookie_monster && $.cookie(this.settings.cookie_name) === null) {
this.settings.$tip_content.each(function (index) {
var $this = $(this);
this.settings = $.extend({}, self.defaults, self.data_options($this))
// Make sure that settings parsed from data_options are integers where necessary
for (var i = int_settings_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
self.settings[integer_settings[i]] = parseInt(self.settings[integer_settings[i]], 10);
self.create({$li : $this, index : index});
// show first tip
if (!this.settings.start_timer_on_click && this.settings.timer > 0) {
} else {
resume : function () {
tip_template : function (opts) {
var $blank, content;
opts.tip_class = opts.tip_class || '';
$blank = $(this.settings.template.tip).addClass(opts.tip_class);
content = $.trim($(opts.li).html()) +
this.button_text(opts.button_text) +
this.settings.template.link +
$blank.first().attr('data-index', opts.index);
$('.joyride-content-wrapper', $blank).append(content);
return $blank[0];
timer_instance : function (index) {
var txt;
if ((index === 0 && this.settings.start_timer_on_click && this.settings.timer > 0) || this.settings.timer === 0) {
txt = '';
} else {
txt = $(this.settings.template.timer)[0].outerHTML;
return txt;
button_text : function (txt) {
if (this.settings.next_button) {
txt = $.trim(txt) || 'Next';
txt = $(this.settings.template.button).append(txt)[0].outerHTML;
} else {
txt = '';
return txt;
create : function (opts) {
var buttonText = opts.$li.attr('data-button') || opts.$li.attr('data-text'),
tipClass = opts.$li.attr('class'),
$tip_content = $(this.tip_template({
tip_class : tipClass,
index : opts.index,
button_text : buttonText,
li : opts.$li
show : function (init) {
var $timer = null;
// are we paused?
if (this.settings.$li === undefined
|| ($.inArray(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.pause_after) === -1)) {
// don't go to the next li if the tour was paused
if (this.settings.paused) {
this.settings.paused = false;
} else {
this.settings.attempts = 0;
if (this.settings.$li.length && this.settings.$target.length > 0) {
if (init) { //run when we first start
this.settings.pre_ride_callback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$next_tip);
if (this.settings.modal) {
this.settings.pre_step_callback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$next_tip);
if (this.settings.modal && this.settings.expose) {
this.settings.tip_settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options(this.settings.$li));
this.settings.timer = parseInt(this.settings.timer, 10);
this.settings.tip_settings.tip_location_pattern = this.settings.tip_location_patterns[this.settings.tip_settings.tip_location];
// scroll if not modal
if (!/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)) {
if (this.is_phone()) {
} else {
$timer = this.settings.$next_tip.find('.joyride-timer-indicator');
if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.tip_animation)) {
if (this.settings.timer > 0) {
this.delay(function () {
width: $timer.parent().width()
}, this.settings.timer, 'linear');
}.bind(this), this.settings.tip_animation_fade_speed);
} else {
} else if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.tip_animation)) {
if (this.settings.timer > 0) {
this.delay(function () {
width: $timer.parent().width()
}, this.settings.timer, 'linear');
}.bind(this), this.settings.tip_animation_fadeSpeed);
} else {
this.settings.$current_tip = this.settings.$next_tip;
// skip non-existant targets
} else if (this.settings.$li && this.settings.$target.length < 1) {
} else {
} else {
this.settings.paused = true;
is_phone : function () {
return matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries.small).matches &&
hide : function () {
if (this.settings.modal && this.settings.expose) {
if (!this.settings.modal) {
// Prevent scroll bouncing...wait to remove from layout
this.settings.$current_tip.css('visibility', 'hidden');
setTimeout($.proxy(function() {
this.css('visibility', 'visible');
}, this.settings.$current_tip), 0);
set_li : function (init) {
if (init) {
this.settings.$li = this.settings.$tip_content.eq(this.settings.start_offset);
this.settings.$current_tip = this.settings.$next_tip;
} else {
this.settings.$li = this.settings.$li.next();
set_next_tip : function () {
this.settings.$next_tip = $(".joyride-tip-guide").eq(this.settings.$li.index());
this.settings.$next_tip.data('closed', '');
set_target : function () {
var cl = this.settings.$li.attr('data-class'),
id = this.settings.$li.attr('data-id'),
$sel = function () {
if (id) {
return $(document.getElementById(id));
} else if (cl) {
return $('.' + cl).first();
} else {
return $('body');
this.settings.$target = $sel();
scroll_to : function () {
var window_half, tipOffset;
window_half = $(window).height() / 2;
tipOffset = Math.ceil(this.settings.$target.offset().top - window_half + this.settings.$next_tip.outerHeight());
if (tipOffset > 0) {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: tipOffset
}, this.settings.scroll_speed, 'swing');
paused : function () {
return ($.inArray((this.settings.$li.index() + 1), this.settings.pause_after) === -1);
restart : function () {
this.settings.$li = undefined;
pos_default : function (init, resizing) {
var half_fold = Math.ceil($(window).height() / 2),
tip_position = this.settings.$next_tip.offset(),
$nub = this.settings.$next_tip.find('.joyride-nub'),
nub_width = Math.ceil($nub.outerWidth() / 2),
nub_height = Math.ceil($nub.outerHeight() / 2),
toggle = init || false;
// tip must not be "display: none" to calculate position
if (toggle) {
this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'hidden');
if (typeof resizing === 'undefined') {
resizing = false;
if (!/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)) {
if (this.bottom()) {
var leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().left;
if (Foundation.rtl) {
leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().width - this.settings.$next_tip.width() + leftOffset;
top: (this.settings.$target.offset().top + nub_height + this.settings.$target.outerHeight()),
left: leftOffset});
this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tip_settings.nub_position, 'top');
} else if (this.top()) {
var leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().left;
if (Foundation.rtl) {
leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().width - this.settings.$next_tip.width() + leftOffset;
top: (this.settings.$target.offset().top - this.settings.$next_tip.outerHeight() - nub_height),
left: leftOffset});
this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tip_settings.nub_position, 'bottom');
} else if (this.right()) {
top: this.settings.$target.offset().top,
left: (this.outerWidth(this.settings.$target) + this.settings.$target.offset().left + nub_width)});
this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tip_settings.nub_position, 'left');
} else if (this.left()) {
top: this.settings.$target.offset().top,
left: (this.settings.$target.offset().left - this.outerWidth(this.settings.$next_tip) - nub_width)});
this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tip_settings.nub_position, 'right');
if (!this.visible(this.corners(this.settings.$next_tip)) && this.settings.attempts < this.settings.tip_settings.tip_location_pattern.length) {
this.settings.tip_settings.tip_location = this.settings.tip_settings.tip_location_pattern[this.settings.attempts];
} else if (this.settings.$li.length) {
if (toggle) {
this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'visible');
pos_phone : function (init) {
var tip_height = this.settings.$next_tip.outerHeight(),
tip_offset = this.settings.$next_tip.offset(),
target_height = this.settings.$target.outerHeight(),
$nub = $('.joyride-nub', this.settings.$next_tip),
nub_height = Math.ceil($nub.outerHeight() / 2),
toggle = init || false;
if (toggle) {
this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'hidden');
if (!/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)) {
if (this.top()) {
this.settings.$next_tip.offset({top: this.settings.$target.offset().top - tip_height - nub_height});
} else {
this.settings.$next_tip.offset({top: this.settings.$target.offset().top + target_height + nub_height});
} else if (this.settings.$li.length) {
if (toggle) {
this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'visible');
pos_modal : function ($nub) {
show_modal : function () {
if (!this.settings.$next_tip.data('closed')) {
var joyridemodalbg = $('.joyride-modal-bg');
if (joyridemodalbg.length < 1) {
if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.tip_animation)) {
} else {
expose : function () {
var expose,
randId = 'expose-'+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof $) {
el = arguments[0];
} else if(this.settings.$target && !/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)){
el = this.settings.$target;
} else {
return false;
if(el.length < 1){
console.error('element not valid', el);
return false;
expose = $(this.settings.template.expose);
top: el.offset().top,
left: el.offset().left,
width: el.outerWidth(true),
height: el.outerHeight(true)
exposeCover = $(this.settings.template.expose_cover);
origCSS = {
zIndex: el.css('z-index'),
position: el.css('position')
origClasses = el.attr('class') == null ? '' : el.attr('class');
if (origCSS.position == 'static') {
el.data('orig-class', origClasses);
el.attr('class', origClasses + ' ' + this.settings.expose_add_class);
top: el.offset().top,
left: el.offset().left,
width: el.outerWidth(true),
height: el.outerHeight(true)
if (this.settings.modal) this.show_modal();
el.data('expose', randId);
this.settings.post_expose_callback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$next_tip, el);
un_expose : function () {
var exposeId,
expose ,
clearAll = false;
if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof $) {
el = arguments[0];
} else if(this.settings.$target && !/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)){
el = this.settings.$target;
} else {
return false;
if(el.length < 1){
if (window.console) {
console.error('element not valid', el);
return false;
exposeId = el.data('expose');
expose = $('.' + exposeId);
if (arguments.length > 1) {
clearAll = arguments[1];
if (clearAll === true) {
} else {
origCSS = el.data('expose-css');
if (origCSS.zIndex == 'auto') {
el.css('z-index', '');
} else {
el.css('z-index', origCSS.zIndex);
if (origCSS.position != el.css('position')) {
if(origCSS.position == 'static') {// this is default, no need to set it.
el.css('position', '');
} else {
el.css('position', origCSS.position);
origClasses = el.data('orig-class');
el.attr('class', origClasses);
add_exposed: function(el){
this.settings.exposed = this.settings.exposed || [];
if (el instanceof $ || typeof el === 'object') {
} else if (typeof el == 'string') {
remove_exposed: function(el){
var search, count;
if (el instanceof $) {
search = el[0]
} else if (typeof el == 'string'){
search = el;
this.settings.exposed = this.settings.exposed || [];
count = this.settings.exposed.length;
for (var i=0; i < count; i++) {
if (this.settings.exposed[i] == search) {
this.settings.exposed.splice(i, 1);
center : function () {
var $w = $(window);
top : ((($w.height() - this.settings.$next_tip.outerHeight()) / 2) + $w.scrollTop()),
left : ((($w.width() - this.settings.$next_tip.outerWidth()) / 2) + $w.scrollLeft())
return true;
bottom : function () {
return /bottom/i.test(this.settings.tip_settings.tip_location);
top : function () {
return /top/i.test(this.settings.tip_settings.tip_location);
right : function () {
return /right/i.test(this.settings.tip_settings.tip_location);
left : function () {
return /left/i.test(this.settings.tip_settings.tip_location);
corners : function (el) {
var w = $(window),
window_half = w.height() / 2,
//using this to calculate since scroll may not have finished yet.
tipOffset = Math.ceil(this.settings.$target.offset().top - window_half + this.settings.$next_tip.outerHeight()),
right = w.width() + w.scrollLeft(),
offsetBottom = w.height() + tipOffset,
bottom = w.height() + w.scrollTop(),
top = w.scrollTop();
if (tipOffset < top) {
if (tipOffset < 0) {
top = 0;
} else {
top = tipOffset;
if (offsetBottom > bottom) {
bottom = offsetBottom;
return [
el.offset().top < top,
right < el.offset().left + el.outerWidth(),
bottom < el.offset().top + el.outerHeight(),
w.scrollLeft() > el.offset().left
visible : function (hidden_corners) {
var i = hidden_corners.length;
while (i--) {
if (hidden_corners[i]) return false;
return true;
nub_position : function (nub, pos, def) {
if (pos === 'auto') {
} else {
startTimer : function () {
if (this.settings.$li.length) {
this.settings.automate = setTimeout(function () {
}.bind(this), this.settings.timer);
} else {
end : function () {
if (this.settings.cookie_monster) {
$.cookie(this.settings.cookie_name, 'ridden', { expires: this.settings.cookie_expires, domain: this.settings.cookie_domain });
if (this.settings.timer > 0) {
if (this.settings.modal && this.settings.expose) {
this.settings.$next_tip.data('closed', true);
this.settings.post_step_callback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$current_tip);
this.settings.post_ride_callback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$current_tip);
off : function () {
$('.joyride-close-tip, .joyride-next-tip, .joyride-modal-bg').off('.joyride');
$('.joyride-tip-guide, .joyride-modal-bg').remove();
this.settings = {};
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.magellan = {
name : 'magellan',
version : '5.0.0',
settings : {
active_class: 'active',
threshold: 0
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.fixed_magellan = $("[data-magellan-expedition]");
this.last_destination = $('[data-magellan-destination]').last();
events : function () {
var self = this;
.on('arrival.fndtn.magellan', '[data-magellan-arrival]', function (e) {
var $destination = $(this),
$expedition = $destination.closest('[data-magellan-expedition]'),
active_class = $expedition.attr('data-magellan-active-class')
|| self.settings.active_class;
.on('update-position.fndtn.magellan', function() {
var $el = $(this);
.on('resize.fndtn.magellan', function() {
.on('scroll.fndtn.magellan', function() {
var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
self.fixed_magellan.each(function() {
var $expedition = $(this);
if (typeof $expedition.data('magellan-top-offset') === 'undefined') {
$expedition.data('magellan-top-offset', $expedition.offset().top);
if (typeof $expedition.data('magellan-fixed-position') === 'undefined') {
$expedition.data('magellan-fixed-position', false);
var fixed_position = (windowScrollTop + self.settings.threshold) > $expedition.data("magellan-top-offset");
var attr = $expedition.attr('data-magellan-top-offset');
if ($expedition.data("magellan-fixed-position") != fixed_position) {
$expedition.data("magellan-fixed-position", fixed_position);
if (fixed_position) {
$expedition.css({position:"fixed", top:0});
} else {
$expedition.css({position:"", top:""});
if (fixed_position && typeof attr != 'undefined' && attr != false) {
$expedition.css({position:"fixed", top:attr + "px"});
if (this.last_destination.length > 0) {
$(window).on('scroll.fndtn.magellan', function (e) {
var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
scrolltopPlusHeight = windowScrollTop + $(window).height(),
lastDestinationTop = Math.ceil(self.last_destination.offset().top);
$('[data-magellan-destination]').each(function () {
var $destination = $(this),
destination_name = $destination.attr('data-magellan-destination'),
topOffset = $destination.offset().top - $destination.outerHeight(true) - windowScrollTop;
if (topOffset <= self.settings.threshold) {
$("[data-magellan-arrival='" + destination_name + "']").trigger('arrival');
// In large screens we may hit the bottom of the page and dont reach the top of the last magellan-destination, so lets force it
if (scrolltopPlusHeight >= $(self.scope).height() && lastDestinationTop > windowScrollTop && lastDestinationTop < scrolltopPlusHeight) {
set_threshold : function () {
if (typeof this.settings.threshold !== 'number') {
this.settings.threshold = (this.fixed_magellan.length > 0) ?
this.fixed_magellan.outerHeight(true) : 0;
off : function () {
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.offcanvas = {
name : 'offcanvas',
version : '5.0.0',
settings : {},
init : function (scope, method, options) {
events : function () {
.on('click.fndtn.offcanvas', '.left-off-canvas-toggle', function (e) {
.on('click.fndtn.offcanvas', '.exit-off-canvas', function (e) {
.on('click.fndtn.offcanvas', '.right-off-canvas-toggle', function (e) {
.on('click.fndtn.offcanvas', '.exit-off-canvas', function (e) {
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
var noop = function() {};
var Orbit = function(el, settings) {
// Don't reinitialize plugin
if (el.hasClass(settings.slides_container_class)) {
return this;
var self = this,
slides_container = el,
idx = 0,
locked = false,
adjust_height_after = false;
self.update_slide_number = function(index) {
if (settings.slide_number) {
if (settings.bullets) {
self.update_active_link = function(index) {
var link = $('a[data-orbit-link="'+slides_container.children().eq(index).attr('data-orbit-slide')+'"]');
self.build_markup = function() {
slides_container.wrap('<div class="'+settings.container_class+'"></div>');
container = slides_container.parent();
if (settings.navigation_arrows) {
container.append($('<a href="#"><span></span></a>').addClass(settings.prev_class));
container.append($('<a href="#"><span></span></a>').addClass(settings.next_class));
if (settings.timer) {
timer_container = $('<div>').addClass(settings.timer_container_class);
if (settings.slide_number) {
number_container = $('<div>').addClass(settings.slide_number_class);
number_container.append('<span></span> ' + settings.slide_number_text + ' <span></span>');
if (settings.bullets) {
bullets_container = $('<ol>').addClass(settings.bullets_container_class);
bullets_container.wrap('<div class="orbit-bullets-container"></div>');
slides_container.children().each(function(idx, el) {
var bullet = $('<li>').attr('data-orbit-slide', idx);
if (settings.stack_on_small) {
self._goto = function(next_idx, start_timer) {
// if (locked) {return false;}
if (next_idx === idx) {return false;}
if (typeof timer === 'object') {timer.restart();}
var slides = slides_container.children();
var dir = 'next';
locked = true;
if (next_idx < idx) {dir = 'prev';}
if (next_idx >= slides.length) {next_idx = 0;}
else if (next_idx < 0) {next_idx = slides.length - 1;}
var current = $(slides.get(idx));
var next = $(slides.get(next_idx));
current.css('zIndex', 2);
next.css('zIndex', 4).addClass(settings.active_slide_class);
var callback = function() {
var unlock = function() {
idx = next_idx;
locked = false;
if (start_timer === true) {timer = self.create_timer(); timer.start();}
slides_container.trigger('after-slide-change.fndtn.orbit',[{slide_number: idx, total_slides: slides.length}]);
settings.after_slide_change(idx, slides.length);
if (slides_container.height() != next.height() && settings.variable_height) {
slides_container.animate({'height': next.height()}, 250, 'linear', unlock);
} else {
if (slides.length === 1) {callback(); return false;}
var start_animation = function() {
if (dir === 'next') {animate.next(current, next, callback);}
if (dir === 'prev') {animate.prev(current, next, callback);}
if (next.height() > slides_container.height() && settings.variable_height) {
slides_container.animate({'height': next.height()}, 250, 'linear', start_animation);
} else {
self.next = function(e) {
self._goto(idx + 1);
self.prev = function(e) {
self._goto(idx - 1);
self.link_custom = function(e) {
var link = $(this).attr('data-orbit-link');
if ((typeof link === 'string') && (link = $.trim(link)) != "") {
var slide = container.find('[data-orbit-slide='+link+']');
if (slide.index() != -1) {self._goto(slide.index());}
self.link_bullet = function(e) {
var index = $(this).attr('data-orbit-slide');
if ((typeof index === 'string') && (index = $.trim(index)) != "") {
self.timer_callback = function() {
self._goto(idx + 1, true);
self.compute_dimensions = function() {
var current = $(slides_container.children().get(idx));
var h = current.height();
if (!settings.variable_height) {
if ($(this).height() > h) { h = $(this).height(); }
self.create_timer = function() {
var t = new Timer(
return t;
self.stop_timer = function() {
if (typeof timer === 'object') timer.stop();
self.toggle_timer = function() {
var t = container.find('.'+settings.timer_container_class);
if (t.hasClass(settings.timer_paused_class)) {
if (typeof timer === 'undefined') {timer = self.create_timer();}
else {
if (typeof timer === 'object') {timer.stop();}
self.init = function() {
if (settings.timer) {timer = self.create_timer(); timer.start();}
animate = new FadeAnimation(settings, slides_container);
if (settings.animation === 'slide')
animate = new SlideAnimation(settings, slides_container);
container.on('click', '.'+settings.next_class, self.next);
container.on('click', '.'+settings.prev_class, self.prev);
container.on('click', '[data-orbit-slide]', self.link_bullet);
container.on('click', self.toggle_timer);
if (settings.swipe) {
container.on('touchstart.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
if (!e.touches) {e = e.originalEvent;}
var data = {
start_page_x: e.touches[0].pageX,
start_page_y: e.touches[0].pageY,
start_time: (new Date()).getTime(),
delta_x: 0,
is_scrolling: undefined
container.data('swipe-transition', data);
.on('touchmove.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; }
// Ignore pinch/zoom events
if(e.touches.length > 1 || e.scale && e.scale !== 1) return;
var data = container.data('swipe-transition');
if (typeof data === 'undefined') {data = {};}
data.delta_x = e.touches[0].pageX - data.start_page_x;
if ( typeof data.is_scrolling === 'undefined') {
data.is_scrolling = !!( data.is_scrolling || Math.abs(data.delta_x) < Math.abs(e.touches[0].pageY - data.start_page_y) );
if (!data.is_scrolling && !data.active) {
var direction = (data.delta_x < 0) ? (idx+1) : (idx-1);
data.active = true;
.on('touchend.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
container.data('swipe-transition', {});
container.on('mouseenter.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
if (settings.timer && settings.pause_on_hover) {
.on('mouseleave.fndtn.orbit', function(e) {
if (settings.timer && settings.resume_on_mouseout) {
$(document).on('click', '[data-orbit-link]', self.link_custom);
$(window).on('resize', self.compute_dimensions);
$(window).on('load', self.compute_dimensions);
$(window).on('load', function(){
container.prev('.preloader').css('display', 'none');
var Timer = function(el, settings, callback) {
var self = this,
duration = settings.timer_speed,
progress = el.find('.'+settings.timer_progress_class),
left = -1;
this.update_progress = function(w) {
var new_progress = progress.clone();
new_progress.attr('style', '');
new_progress.css('width', w+'%');
progress = new_progress;
this.restart = function() {
left = -1;
this.start = function() {
if (!el.hasClass(settings.timer_paused_class)) {return true;}
left = (left === -1) ? duration : left;
start = new Date().getTime();
progress.animate({'width': '100%'}, left, 'linear');
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, left);
this.stop = function() {
if (el.hasClass(settings.timer_paused_class)) {return true;}
var end = new Date().getTime();
left = left - (end - start);
var w = 100 - ((left / duration) * 100);
var SlideAnimation = function(settings, container) {
var duration = settings.animation_speed;
var is_rtl = ($('html[dir=rtl]').length === 1);
var margin = is_rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft';
var animMargin = {};
animMargin[margin] = '0%';
this.next = function(current, next, callback) {
current.animate({marginLeft:'-100%'}, duration);
next.animate(animMargin, duration, function() {
current.css(margin, '100%');
this.prev = function(current, prev, callback) {
current.animate({marginLeft:'100%'}, duration);
prev.css(margin, '-100%');
prev.animate(animMargin, duration, function() {
current.css(margin, '100%');
var FadeAnimation = function(settings, container) {
var duration = settings.animation_speed;
var is_rtl = ($('html[dir=rtl]').length === 1);
var margin = is_rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft';
this.next = function(current, next, callback) {
next.css({'margin':'0%', 'opacity':'0.01'});
next.animate({'opacity':'1'}, duration, 'linear', function() {
current.css('margin', '100%');
this.prev = function(current, prev, callback) {
prev.css({'margin':'0%', 'opacity':'0.01'});
prev.animate({'opacity':'1'}, duration, 'linear', function() {
current.css('margin', '100%');
Foundation.libs = Foundation.libs || {};
Foundation.libs.orbit = {
name: 'orbit',
version: '5.0.0',
settings: {
animation: 'slide',
timer_speed: 10000,
pause_on_hover: true,
resume_on_mouseout: false,
animation_speed: 500,
stack_on_small: false,
navigation_arrows: true,
slide_number: true,
slide_number_text: 'of',
container_class: 'orbit-container',
stack_on_small_class: 'orbit-stack-on-small',
next_class: 'orbit-next',
prev_class: 'orbit-prev',
timer_container_class: 'orbit-timer',
timer_paused_class: 'paused',
timer_progress_class: 'orbit-progress',
slides_container_class: 'orbit-slides-container',
bullets_container_class: 'orbit-bullets',
bullets_active_class: 'active',
slide_number_class: 'orbit-slide-number',
caption_class: 'orbit-caption',
active_slide_class: 'active',
orbit_transition_class: 'orbit-transitioning',
bullets: true,
timer: true,
variable_height: false,
swipe: true,
before_slide_change: noop,
after_slide_change: noop
init: function (scope, method, options) {
var self = this;
if (typeof method === 'object') {
$.extend(true, self.settings, method);
if ($(scope).is('[data-orbit]')) {
var $el = $(scope);
var opts = self.data_options($el);
new Orbit($el, $.extend({},self.settings, opts));
$('[data-orbit]', scope).each(function(idx, el) {
var $el = $(el);
var opts = self.data_options($el);
new Orbit($el, $.extend({},self.settings, opts));
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.reveal = {
name : 'reveal',
version : '5.0.0',
locked : false,
settings : {
animation: 'fadeAndPop',
animation_speed: 250,
close_on_background_click: true,
close_on_esc: true,
dismiss_modal_class: 'close-reveal-modal',
bg_class: 'reveal-modal-bg',
open: function(){},
opened: function(){},
close: function(){},
closed: function(){},
bg : $('.reveal-modal-bg'),
css : {
open : {
'opacity': 0,
'visibility': 'visible',
'display' : 'block'
close : {
'opacity': 1,
'visibility': 'hidden',
'display': 'none'
init : function (scope, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'delay');
this.bindings(method, options);
events : function (scope) {
var self = this;
$('[data-reveal-id]', this.scope)
.on('click.fndtn.reveal', function (e) {
if (!self.locked) {
var element = $(this),
ajax = element.data('reveal-ajax');
self.locked = true;
if (typeof ajax === 'undefined') {
self.open.call(self, element);
} else {
var url = ajax === true ? element.attr('href') : ajax;
self.open.call(self, element, {url: url});
.on('click.fndtn.reveal', this.close_targets(), function (e) {
if (!self.locked) {
var settings = $('[data-reveal].open').data('reveal-init'),
bg_clicked = $(e.target)[0] === $('.' + settings.bg_class)[0];
if (bg_clicked && !settings.close_on_background_click) {
self.locked = true;
self.close.call(self, bg_clicked ? $('[data-reveal].open') : $(this).closest('[data-reveal]'));
if($('[data-reveal]', this.scope).length > 0) {
// .off('.reveal')
.on('open.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.open)
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.opened)
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', this.open_video)
.on('close.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.close)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', this.settings.closed)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', this.close_video);
} else {
// .off('.reveal')
.on('open.fndtn.reveal', '[data-reveal]', this.settings.open)
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '[data-reveal]', this.settings.opened)
.on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '[data-reveal]', this.open_video)
.on('close.fndtn.reveal', '[data-reveal]', this.settings.close)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '[data-reveal]', this.settings.closed)
.on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '[data-reveal]', this.close_video);
$('body').on('keyup.fndtn.reveal', function ( event ) {
var open_modal = $('[data-reveal].open'),
settings = open_modal.data('reveal-init');
if ( event.which === 27 && settings.close_on_esc) { // 27 is the keycode for the Escape key
open_modal.foundation('reveal', 'close');
return true;
open : function (target, ajax_settings) {
if (target) {
if (typeof target.selector !== 'undefined') {
var modal = $('#' + target.data('reveal-id'));
} else {
var modal = $(this.scope);
ajax_settings = target;
} else {
var modal = $(this.scope);
if (!modal.hasClass('open')) {
var open_modal = $('[data-reveal].open');
if (typeof modal.data('css-top') === 'undefined') {
modal.data('css-top', parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10))
.data('offset', this.cache_offset(modal));
if (open_modal.length < 1) {
if (typeof ajax_settings === 'undefined' || !ajax_settings.url) {
this.hide(open_modal, this.settings.css.close);
this.show(modal, this.settings.css.open);
} else {
var self = this,
old_success = typeof ajax_settings.success !== 'undefined' ? ajax_settings.success : null;
$.extend(ajax_settings, {
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if ( $.isFunction(old_success) ) {
old_success(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
$(modal).foundation('section', 'reflow');
self.hide(open_modal, self.settings.css.close);
self.show(modal, self.settings.css.open);
close : function (modal) {
var modal = modal && modal.length ? modal : $(this.scope),
open_modals = $('[data-reveal].open');
if (open_modals.length > 0) {
this.locked = true;
this.hide(open_modals, this.settings.css.close);
close_targets : function () {
var base = '.' + this.settings.dismiss_modal_class;
if (this.settings.close_on_background_click) {
return base + ', .' + this.settings.bg_class;
return base;
toggle_bg : function () {
if ($('.' + this.settings.bg_class).length === 0) {
this.settings.bg = $('<div />', {'class': this.settings.bg_class})
if (this.settings.bg.filter(':visible').length > 0) {
} else {
show : function (el, css) {
// is modal
if (css) {
if (el.parent('body').length === 0) {
var placeholder = el.wrap('<div style="display: none;" />').parent();
el.on('closed.fndtn.reveal.wrapped', function() {
if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
css.top = $(window).scrollTop() - el.data('offset') + 'px';
var end_css = {
top: $(window).scrollTop() + el.data('css-top') + 'px',
opacity: 1
return this.delay(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, this.settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
this.locked = false;
}.bind(this), this.settings.animation_speed / 2);
if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
var end_css = {opacity: 1};
return this.delay(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, this.settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
this.locked = false;
}.bind(this), this.settings.animation_speed / 2);
return el.css(css).show().css({opacity: 1}).addClass('open').trigger('opened');
// should we animate the background?
if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
return el.fadeIn(this.settings.animation_speed / 2);
return el.show();
hide : function (el, css) {
// is modal
if (css) {
if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
var end_css = {
top: - $(window).scrollTop() - el.data('offset') + 'px',
opacity: 0
return this.delay(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, this.settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
this.locked = false;
}.bind(this), this.settings.animation_speed / 2);
if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
var end_css = {opacity: 0};
return this.delay(function () {
return el
.animate(end_css, this.settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function () {
this.locked = false;
}.bind(this), this.settings.animation_speed / 2);
return el.hide().css(css).removeClass('open').trigger('closed');
// should we animate the background?
if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) {
return el.fadeOut(this.settings.animation_speed / 2);
return el.hide();
close_video : function (e) {
var video = $(this).find('.flex-video'),
iframe = video.find('iframe');
if (iframe.length > 0) {
iframe.attr('data-src', iframe[0].src);
iframe.attr('src', 'about:blank');
open_video : function (e) {
var video = $(this).find('.flex-video'),
iframe = video.find('iframe');
if (iframe.length > 0) {
var data_src = iframe.attr('data-src');
if (typeof data_src === 'string') {
iframe[0].src = iframe.attr('data-src');
} else {
var src = iframe[0].src;
iframe[0].src = undefined;
iframe[0].src = src;
cache_offset : function (modal) {
var offset = modal.show().height() + parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10);
return offset;
off : function () {
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.tab = {
name : 'tab',
version : '5.0.1',
settings : {
active_class: 'active'
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.bindings(method, options);
events : function () {
$(this.scope).off('.tab').on('click.fndtn.tab', '[data-tab] > dd > a', function (e) {
var tab = $(this).parent(),
target = $('#' + this.href.split('#')[1]),
siblings = tab.siblings(),
settings = tab.closest('[data-tab]').data('tab-init');
off : function () {},
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.tooltip = {
name : 'tooltip',
version : '5.0.0',
settings : {
additional_inheritable_classes : [],
tooltip_class : '.tooltip',
append_to: 'body',
touch_close_text: 'Tap To Close',
disable_for_touch: false,
tip_template : function (selector, content) {
return '<span data-selector="' + selector + '" class="'
+ Foundation.libs.tooltip.settings.tooltip_class.substring(1)
+ '">' + content + '<span class="nub"></span></span>';
cache : {},
init : function (scope, method, options) {
this.bindings(method, options);
events : function () {
var self = this;
if (Modernizr.touch) {
.on('click.fndtn.tooltip touchstart.fndtn.tooltip touchend.fndtn.tooltip',
'[data-tooltip]', function (e) {
var settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($(this)));
if (!settings.disable_for_touch) {
.on('click.fndtn.tooltip touchstart.fndtn.tooltip touchend.fndtn.tooltip',
this.settings.tooltip_class, function (e) {
} else {
.on('mouseenter.fndtn.tooltip mouseleave.fndtn.tooltip',
'[data-tooltip]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
if (/enter|over/i.test(e.type)) {
} else if (e.type === 'mouseout' || e.type === 'mouseleave') {
showOrCreateTip : function ($target) {
var $tip = this.getTip($target);
if ($tip && $tip.length > 0) {
return this.show($target);
return this.create($target);
getTip : function ($target) {
var selector = this.selector($target),
tip = null;
if (selector) {
tip = $('span[data-selector="' + selector + '"]' + this.settings.tooltip_class);
return (typeof tip === 'object') ? tip : false;
selector : function ($target) {
var id = $target.attr('id'),
dataSelector = $target.attr('data-tooltip') || $target.attr('data-selector');
if ((id && id.length < 1 || !id) && typeof dataSelector != 'string') {
dataSelector = 'tooltip' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
$target.attr('data-selector', dataSelector);
return (id && id.length > 0) ? id : dataSelector;
create : function ($target) {
var $tip = $(this.settings.tip_template(this.selector($target), $('<div></div>').html($target.attr('title')).html())),
classes = this.inheritable_classes($target);
if (Modernizr.touch) {
$tip.append('<span class="tap-to-close">'+this.settings.touch_close_text+'</span>');
reposition : function (target, tip, classes) {
var width, nub, nubHeight, nubWidth, column, objPos;
tip.css('visibility', 'hidden').show();
width = target.data('width');
nub = tip.children('.nub');
nubHeight = nub.outerHeight();
nubWidth = nub.outerHeight();
objPos = function (obj, top, right, bottom, left, width) {
return obj.css({
'top' : (top) ? top : 'auto',
'bottom' : (bottom) ? bottom : 'auto',
'left' : (left) ? left : 'auto',
'right' : (right) ? right : 'auto',
'width' : (width) ? width : 'auto'
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + target.outerHeight() + 10), 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left, width);
if (this.small()) {
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + target.outerHeight() + 10), 'auto', 'auto', 12.5, $(this.scope).width());
objPos(nub, -nubHeight, 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left);
} else {
var left = target.offset().left;
if (Foundation.rtl) {
left = target.offset().left + target.offset().width - tip.outerWidth();
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + target.outerHeight() + 10), 'auto', 'auto', left, width);
if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-top') > -1) {
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top - tip.outerHeight()), 'auto', 'auto', left, width)
} else if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-left') > -1) {
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (target.outerHeight() / 2) - nubHeight*2.5), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left - tip.outerWidth() - nubHeight), width)
} else if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-right') > -1) {
objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (target.outerHeight() / 2) - nubHeight*2.5), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left + target.outerWidth() + nubHeight), width)
tip.css('visibility', 'visible').hide();
small : function () {
return matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries.small).matches;
inheritable_classes : function (target) {
var inheritables = ['tip-top', 'tip-left', 'tip-bottom', 'tip-right', 'noradius'].concat(this.settings.additional_inheritable_classes),
classes = target.attr('class'),
filtered = classes ? $.map(classes.split(' '), function (el, i) {
if ($.inArray(el, inheritables) !== -1) {
return el;
}).join(' ') : '';
return $.trim(filtered);
show : function ($target) {
var $tip = this.getTip($target);
this.reposition($target, $tip, $target.attr('class'));
hide : function ($target) {
var $tip = this.getTip($target);
// deprecate reload
reload : function () {
var $self = $(this);
return ($self.data('fndtn-tooltips')) ? $self.foundationTooltips('destroy').foundationTooltips('init') : $self.foundationTooltips('init');
off : function () {
$(this.settings.tooltip_class).each(function (i) {
$('[data-tooltip]').get(i).attr('title', $(this).text());
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
Foundation.libs.topbar = {
name : 'topbar',
version: '5.0.1',
settings : {
index : 0,
sticky_class : 'sticky',
custom_back_text: true,
back_text: 'Back',
is_hover: true,
mobile_show_parent_link: false,
scrolltop : true // jump to top when sticky nav menu toggle is clicked
init : function (section, method, options) {
Foundation.inherit(this, 'addCustomRule register_media throttle');
var self = this;
self.register_media('topbar', 'foundation-mq-topbar');
this.bindings(method, options);
$('[data-topbar]', this.scope).each(function () {
var topbar = $(this),
settings = topbar.data('topbar-init'),
section = $('section', this),
titlebar = $('> ul', this).first();
topbar.data('index', 0);
var topbarContainer = topbar.parent();
if(topbarContainer.hasClass('fixed') || topbarContainer.hasClass(settings.sticky_class)) {
self.settings.sticky_class = settings.sticky_class;
self.settings.stick_topbar = topbar;
topbar.data('height', topbarContainer.outerHeight());
topbar.data('stickyoffset', topbarContainer.offset().top);
} else {
topbar.data('height', topbar.outerHeight());
if (!settings.assembled) self.assemble(topbar);
if (settings.is_hover) {
$('.has-dropdown', topbar).addClass('not-click');
} else {
$('.has-dropdown', topbar).removeClass('not-click');
// Pad body when sticky (scrolled) or fixed.
self.addCustomRule('.f-topbar-fixed { padding-top: ' + topbar.data('height') + 'px }');
if (topbarContainer.hasClass('fixed')) {
toggle: function (toggleEl) {
var self = this;
if (toggleEl) {
var topbar = $(toggleEl).closest('[data-topbar]');
} else {
var topbar = $('[data-topbar]');
var settings = topbar.data('topbar-init');
var section = $('section, .section', topbar);
if (self.breakpoint()) {
if (!self.rtl) {
section.css({left: '0%'});
$('>.name', section).css({left: '100%'});
} else {
section.css({right: '0%'});
$('>.name', section).css({right: '100%'});
$('li.moved', section).removeClass('moved');
topbar.data('index', 0);
.css('height', '');
if (settings.scrolltop) {
if (!topbar.hasClass('expanded')) {
if (topbar.hasClass('fixed')) {
} else if (topbar.parent().hasClass('fixed')) {
if (settings.scrolltop) {
} else {
} else {
if(topbar.parent().hasClass(self.settings.sticky_class)) {
if(topbar.parent().hasClass('fixed')) {
if (!topbar.hasClass('expanded')) {
} else {
timer : null,
events : function (bar) {
var self = this;
.on('click.fndtn.topbar', '[data-topbar] .toggle-topbar', function (e) {
.on('click.fndtn.topbar', '[data-topbar] li.has-dropdown', function (e) {
var li = $(this),
target = $(e.target),
topbar = li.closest('[data-topbar]'),
settings = topbar.data('topbar-init');
if(target.data('revealId')) {
if (self.breakpoint()) return;
if (settings.is_hover && !Modernizr.touch) return;
if (li.hasClass('hover')) {
} else {
if (target[0].nodeName === 'A' && target.parent().hasClass('has-dropdown')) {
.on('click.fndtn.topbar', '[data-topbar] .has-dropdown>a', function (e) {
if (self.breakpoint()) {
var $this = $(this),
topbar = $this.closest('[data-topbar]'),
section = topbar.find('section, .section'),
dropdownHeight = $this.next('.dropdown').outerHeight(),
$selectedLi = $this.closest('li');
topbar.data('index', topbar.data('index') + 1);
if (!self.rtl) {
section.css({left: -(100 * topbar.data('index')) + '%'});
section.find('>.name').css({left: 100 * topbar.data('index') + '%'});
} else {
section.css({right: -(100 * topbar.data('index')) + '%'});
section.find('>.name').css({right: 100 * topbar.data('index') + '%'});
topbar.css('height', $this.siblings('ul').outerHeight(true) + topbar.data('height'));
$(window).off('.topbar').on('resize.fndtn.topbar', self.throttle(function () {
}, 50)).trigger('resize');
$('body').off('.topbar').on('click.fndtn.topbar touchstart.fndtn.topbar', function (e) {
var parent = $(e.target).closest('li').closest('li.hover');
if (parent.length > 0) {
$('[data-topbar] li').removeClass('hover');
// Go up a level on Click
$(this.scope).on('click.fndtn.topbar', '[data-topbar] .has-dropdown .back', function (e) {
var $this = $(this),
topbar = $this.closest('[data-topbar]'),
section = topbar.find('section, .section'),
settings = topbar.data('topbar-init'),
$movedLi = $this.closest('li.moved'),
$previousLevelUl = $movedLi.parent();
topbar.data('index', topbar.data('index') - 1);
if (!self.rtl) {
section.css({left: -(100 * topbar.data('index')) + '%'});
section.find('>.name').css({left: 100 * topbar.data('index') + '%'});
} else {
section.css({right: -(100 * topbar.data('index')) + '%'});
section.find('>.name').css({right: 100 * topbar.data('index') + '%'});
if (topbar.data('index') === 0) {
topbar.css('height', '');
} else {
topbar.css('height', $previousLevelUl.outerHeight(true) + topbar.data('height'));
setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
resize : function () {
var self = this;
$('[data-topbar]').each(function () {
var topbar = $(this),
settings = topbar.data('topbar-init');
var stickyContainer = topbar.parent('.' + self.settings.sticky_class);
var stickyOffset;
if (!self.breakpoint()) {
var doToggle = topbar.hasClass('expanded');
.css('height', '')
if(doToggle) {
if(stickyContainer.length > 0) {
if(stickyContainer.hasClass('fixed')) {
// Remove the fixed to allow for correct calculation of the offset.
stickyOffset = stickyContainer.offset().top;
if($(document.body).hasClass('f-topbar-fixed')) {
stickyOffset -= topbar.data('height');
topbar.data('stickyoffset', stickyOffset);
} else {
stickyOffset = stickyContainer.offset().top;
topbar.data('stickyoffset', stickyOffset);
breakpoint : function () {
return !matchMedia(Foundation.media_queries['topbar']).matches;
assemble : function (topbar) {
var self = this,
settings = topbar.data('topbar-init'),
section = $('section', topbar),
titlebar = $('> ul', topbar).first();
// Pull element out of the DOM for manipulation
$('.has-dropdown>a', section).each(function () {
var $link = $(this),
$dropdown = $link.siblings('.dropdown'),
url = $link.attr('href');
if (settings.mobile_show_parent_link && url && url.length > 1) {
var $titleLi = $('<li class="title back js-generated"><h5><a href="#"></a></h5></li><li><a class="parent-link js-generated" href="' + url + '">' + $link.text() +'</a></li>');
} else {
var $titleLi = $('<li class="title back js-generated"><h5><a href="#"></a></h5></li>');
// Copy link to subnav
if (settings.custom_back_text == true) {
$('h5>a', $titleLi).html(settings.back_text);
} else {
$('h5>a', $titleLi).html('« ' + $link.html());
// Put element back in the DOM
// check for sticky
assembled : function (topbar) {
topbar.data('topbar-init', $.extend({}, topbar.data('topbar-init'), {assembled: true}));
height : function (ul) {
var total = 0,
self = this;
$('> li', ul).each(function () { total += $(this).outerHeight(true); });
return total;
sticky : function () {
var $window = $(window),
self = this;
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
update_sticky_positioning: function() {
var klass = '.' + this.settings.sticky_class;
var $window = $(window);
if ($(klass).length > 0) {
var distance = this.settings.sticky_topbar.data('stickyoffset');
if (!$(klass).hasClass('expanded')) {
if ($window.scrollTop() > (distance)) {
if (!$(klass).hasClass('fixed')) {
} else if ($window.scrollTop() <= distance) {
if ($(klass).hasClass('fixed')) {
off : function () {
reflow : function () {}
}(jQuery, this, this.document));
* Modernizr v2.7.1
* www.modernizr.com
* Copyright (c) Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton
* Available under the BSD and MIT licenses: www.modernizr.com/license/
* Modernizr tests which native CSS3 and HTML5 features are available in
* the current UA and makes the results available to you in two ways:
* as properties on a global Modernizr object, and as classes on the
* <html> element. This information allows you to progressively enhance
* your pages with a granular level of control over the experience.
* Modernizr has an optional (not included) conditional resource loader
* called Modernizr.load(), based on Yepnope.js (yepnopejs.com).
* To get a build that includes Modernizr.load(), as well as choosing
* which tests to include, go to www.modernizr.com/download/
* Authors Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton
* Contributors Ryan Seddon, Ben Alman
window.Modernizr = (function( window, document, undefined ) {
var version = '2.7.1',
Modernizr = {},
// option for enabling the HTML classes to be added
enableClasses = true,
docElement = document.documentElement,
* Create our "modernizr" element that we do most feature tests on.
mod = 'modernizr',
modElem = document.createElement(mod),
mStyle = modElem.style,
* Create the input element for various Web Forms feature tests.
inputElem /*>>inputelem*/ = document.createElement('input') /*>>inputelem*/ ,
smile = ':)',
toString = {}.toString,
// TODO :: make the prefixes more granular
// List of property values to set for css tests. See ticket #21
prefixes = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- '.split(' '),
// Following spec is to expose vendor-specific style properties as:
// elem.style.WebkitBorderRadius
// and the following would be incorrect:
// elem.style.webkitBorderRadius
// Webkit ghosts their properties in lowercase but Opera & Moz do not.
// Microsoft uses a lowercase `ms` instead of the correct `Ms` in IE8+
// erik.eae.net/archives/2008/03/10/21.48.10/
// More here: github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/issue/21
omPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms',
cssomPrefixes = omPrefixes.split(' '),
domPrefixes = omPrefixes.toLowerCase().split(' '),
ns = {'svg': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'},
tests = {},
inputs = {},
attrs = {},
classes = [],
slice = classes.slice,
featureName, // used in testing loop
// Inject element with style element and some CSS rules
injectElementWithStyles = function( rule, callback, nodes, testnames ) {
var style, ret, node, docOverflow,
div = document.createElement('div'),
// After page load injecting a fake body doesn't work so check if body exists
body = document.body,
// IE6 and 7 won't return offsetWidth or offsetHeight unless it's in the body element, so we fake it.
fakeBody = body || document.createElement('body');
if ( parseInt(nodes, 10) ) {
// In order not to give false positives we create a node for each test
// This also allows the method to scale for unspecified uses
while ( nodes-- ) {
node = document.createElement('div');
node.id = testnames ? testnames[nodes] : mod + (nodes + 1);
// <style> elements in IE6-9 are considered 'NoScope' elements and therefore will be removed
// when injected with innerHTML. To get around this you need to prepend the 'NoScope' element
// with a 'scoped' element, in our case the soft-hyphen entity as it won't mess with our measurements.
// msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533897%28VS.85%29.aspx
// Documents served as xml will throw if using ­ so use xml friendly encoded version. See issue #277
style = ['­','<style id="s', mod, '">', rule, '</style>'].join('');
div.id = mod;
// IE6 will false positive on some tests due to the style element inside the test div somehow interfering offsetHeight, so insert it into body or fakebody.
// Opera will act all quirky when injecting elements in documentElement when page is served as xml, needs fakebody too. #270
(body ? div : fakeBody).innerHTML += style;
if ( !body ) {
//avoid crashing IE8, if background image is used
fakeBody.style.background = '';
//Safari 5.13/5.1.4 OSX stops loading if ::-webkit-scrollbar is used and scrollbars are visible
fakeBody.style.overflow = 'hidden';
docOverflow = docElement.style.overflow;
docElement.style.overflow = 'hidden';
ret = callback(div, rule);
// If this is done after page load we don't want to remove the body so check if body exists
if ( !body ) {
docElement.style.overflow = docOverflow;
} else {
return !!ret;
// adapted from matchMedia polyfill
// by Scott Jehl and Paul Irish
// gist.github.com/786768
testMediaQuery = function( mq ) {
var matchMedia = window.matchMedia || window.msMatchMedia;
if ( matchMedia ) {
return matchMedia(mq).matches;
var bool;
injectElementWithStyles('@media ' + mq + ' { #' + mod + ' { position: absolute; } }', function( node ) {
bool = (window.getComputedStyle ?
getComputedStyle(node, null) :
node.currentStyle)['position'] == 'absolute';
return bool;
// isEventSupported determines if a given element supports the given event
// kangax.github.com/iseventsupported/
// The following results are known incorrects:
// Modernizr.hasEvent("webkitTransitionEnd", elem) // false negative
// Modernizr.hasEvent("textInput") // in Webkit. github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/333
// ...
isEventSupported = (function() {
var TAGNAMES = {
'select': 'input', 'change': 'input',
'submit': 'form', 'reset': 'form',
'error': 'img', 'load': 'img', 'abort': 'img'
function isEventSupported( eventName, element ) {
element = element || document.createElement(TAGNAMES[eventName] || 'div');
eventName = 'on' + eventName;
// When using `setAttribute`, IE skips "unload", WebKit skips "unload" and "resize", whereas `in` "catches" those
var isSupported = eventName in element;
if ( !isSupported ) {
// If it has no `setAttribute` (i.e. doesn't implement Node interface), try generic element
if ( !element.setAttribute ) {
element = document.createElement('div');
if ( element.setAttribute && element.removeAttribute ) {
element.setAttribute(eventName, '');
isSupported = is(element[eventName], 'function');
// If property was created, "remove it" (by setting value to `undefined`)
if ( !is(element[eventName], 'undefined') ) {
element[eventName] = undefined;
element = null;
return isSupported;
return isEventSupported;
// TODO :: Add flag for hasownprop ? didn't last time
// hasOwnProperty shim by kangax needed for Safari 2.0 support
_hasOwnProperty = ({}).hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProp;
if ( !is(_hasOwnProperty, 'undefined') && !is(_hasOwnProperty.call, 'undefined') ) {
hasOwnProp = function (object, property) {
return _hasOwnProperty.call(object, property);
else {
hasOwnProp = function (object, property) { /* yes, this can give false positives/negatives, but most of the time we don't care about those */
return ((property in object) && is(object.constructor.prototype[property], 'undefined'));
// Adapted from ES5-shim https://github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim/blob/master/es5-shim.js
// es5.github.com/#x15.3.4.5
if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
Function.prototype.bind = function bind(that) {
var target = this;
if (typeof target != "function") {
throw new TypeError();
var args = slice.call(arguments, 1),
bound = function () {
if (this instanceof bound) {
var F = function(){};
F.prototype = target.prototype;
var self = new F();
var result = target.apply(
if (Object(result) === result) {
return result;
return self;
} else {
return target.apply(
return bound;
* setCss applies given styles to the Modernizr DOM node.
function setCss( str ) {
mStyle.cssText = str;
* setCssAll extrapolates all vendor-specific css strings.
function setCssAll( str1, str2 ) {
return setCss(prefixes.join(str1 + ';') + ( str2 || '' ));
* is returns a boolean for if typeof obj is exactly type.
function is( obj, type ) {
return typeof obj === type;
* contains returns a boolean for if substr is found within str.
function contains( str, substr ) {
return !!~('' + str).indexOf(substr);
// testProps is a generic CSS / DOM property test.
// In testing support for a given CSS property, it's legit to test:
// `elem.style[styleName] !== undefined`
// If the property is supported it will return an empty string,
// if unsupported it will return undefined.
// We'll take advantage of this quick test and skip setting a style
// on our modernizr element, but instead just testing undefined vs
// empty string.
// Because the testing of the CSS property names (with "-", as
// opposed to the camelCase DOM properties) is non-portable and
// non-standard but works in WebKit and IE (but not Gecko or Opera),
// we explicitly reject properties with dashes so that authors
// developing in WebKit or IE first don't end up with
// browser-specific content by accident.
function testProps( props, prefixed ) {
for ( var i in props ) {
var prop = props[i];
if ( !contains(prop, "-") && mStyle[prop] !== undefined ) {
return prefixed == 'pfx' ? prop : true;
return false;
// TODO :: add testDOMProps
* testDOMProps is a generic DOM property test; if a browser supports
* a certain property, it won't return undefined for it.
function testDOMProps( props, obj, elem ) {
for ( var i in props ) {
var item = obj[props[i]];
if ( item !== undefined) {
// return the property name as a string
if (elem === false) return props[i];
// let's bind a function
if (is(item, 'function')){
// default to autobind unless override
return item.bind(elem || obj);
// return the unbound function or obj or value
return item;
return false;
* testPropsAll tests a list of DOM properties we want to check against.
* We specify literally ALL possible (known and/or likely) properties on
* the element including the non-vendor prefixed one, for forward-
* compatibility.
function testPropsAll( prop, prefixed, elem ) {
var ucProp = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1),
props = (prop + ' ' + cssomPrefixes.join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' ');
// did they call .prefixed('boxSizing') or are we just testing a prop?
if(is(prefixed, "string") || is(prefixed, "undefined")) {
return testProps(props, prefixed);
// otherwise, they called .prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window[, elem])
} else {
props = (prop + ' ' + (domPrefixes).join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' ');
return testDOMProps(props, prefixed, elem);
* Tests
* -----
// The *new* flexbox
// dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-flexbox
tests['flexbox'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('flexWrap');
// The *old* flexbox
// www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-css3-flexbox-20090723/
tests['flexboxlegacy'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('boxDirection');
// On the S60 and BB Storm, getContext exists, but always returns undefined
// so we actually have to call getContext() to verify
// github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/issue/97/
tests['canvas'] = function() {
var elem = document.createElement('canvas');
return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext('2d'));
tests['canvastext'] = function() {
return !!(Modernizr['canvas'] && is(document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText, 'function'));
// webk.it/70117 is tracking a legit WebGL feature detect proposal
// We do a soft detect which may false positive in order to avoid
// an expensive context creation: bugzil.la/732441
tests['webgl'] = function() {
return !!window.WebGLRenderingContext;
* The Modernizr.touch test only indicates if the browser supports
* touch events, which does not necessarily reflect a touchscreen
* device, as evidenced by tablets running Windows 7 or, alas,
* the Palm Pre / WebOS (touch) phones.
* Additionally, Chrome (desktop) used to lie about its support on this,
* but that has since been rectified: crbug.com/36415
* We also test for Firefox 4 Multitouch Support.
* For more info, see: modernizr.github.com/Modernizr/touch.html
tests['touch'] = function() {
var bool;
if(('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) {
bool = true;
} else {
injectElementWithStyles(['@media (',prefixes.join('touch-enabled),('),mod,')','{#modernizr{top:9px;position:absolute}}'].join(''), function( node ) {
bool = node.offsetTop === 9;
return bool;
// geolocation is often considered a trivial feature detect...
// Turns out, it's quite tricky to get right:
// Using !!navigator.geolocation does two things we don't want. It:
// 1. Leaks memory in IE9: github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/513
// 2. Disables page caching in WebKit: webk.it/43956
// Meanwhile, in Firefox < 8, an about:config setting could expose
// a false positive that would throw an exception: bugzil.la/688158
tests['geolocation'] = function() {
return 'geolocation' in navigator;
tests['postmessage'] = function() {
return !!window.postMessage;
// Chrome incognito mode used to throw an exception when using openDatabase
// It doesn't anymore.
tests['websqldatabase'] = function() {
return !!window.openDatabase;
// Vendors had inconsistent prefixing with the experimental Indexed DB:
// - Webkit's implementation is accessible through webkitIndexedDB
// - Firefox shipped moz_indexedDB before FF4b9, but since then has been mozIndexedDB
// For speed, we don't test the legacy (and beta-only) indexedDB
tests['indexedDB'] = function() {
return !!testPropsAll("indexedDB", window);
// documentMode logic from YUI to filter out IE8 Compat Mode
// which false positives.
tests['hashchange'] = function() {
return isEventSupported('hashchange', window) && (document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode > 7);
// Per 1.6:
// This used to be Modernizr.historymanagement but the longer
// name has been deprecated in favor of a shorter and property-matching one.
// The old API is still available in 1.6, but as of 2.0 will throw a warning,
// and in the first release thereafter disappear entirely.
tests['history'] = function() {
return !!(window.history && history.pushState);
tests['draganddrop'] = function() {
var div = document.createElement('div');
return ('draggable' in div) || ('ondragstart' in div && 'ondrop' in div);
// FF3.6 was EOL'ed on 4/24/12, but the ESR version of FF10
// will be supported until FF19 (2/12/13), at which time, ESR becomes FF17.
// FF10 still uses prefixes, so check for it until then.
// for more ESR info, see: mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/faq/
tests['websockets'] = function() {
return 'WebSocket' in window || 'MozWebSocket' in window;
// css-tricks.com/rgba-browser-support/
tests['rgba'] = function() {
// Set an rgba() color and check the returned value
return contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'rgba');
tests['hsla'] = function() {
// Same as rgba(), in fact, browsers re-map hsla() to rgba() internally,
// except IE9 who retains it as hsla
return contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'rgba') || contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'hsla');
tests['multiplebgs'] = function() {
// Setting multiple images AND a color on the background shorthand property
// and then querying the style.background property value for the number of
// occurrences of "url(" is a reliable method for detecting ACTUAL support for this!
setCss('background:url(https://),url(https://),red url(https://)');
// If the UA supports multiple backgrounds, there should be three occurrences
// of the string "url(" in the return value for elemStyle.background
return (/(url\s*\(.*?){3}/).test(mStyle.background);
// this will false positive in Opera Mini
// github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/396
tests['backgroundsize'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('backgroundSize');
tests['borderimage'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('borderImage');
// Super comprehensive table about all the unique implementations of
// border-radius: muddledramblings.com/table-of-css3-border-radius-compliance
tests['borderradius'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('borderRadius');
// WebOS unfortunately false positives on this test.
tests['boxshadow'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('boxShadow');
// FF3.0 will false positive on this test
tests['textshadow'] = function() {
return document.createElement('div').style.textShadow === '';
tests['opacity'] = function() {
// Browsers that actually have CSS Opacity implemented have done so
// according to spec, which means their return values are within the
// range of [0.0,1.0] - including the leading zero.
// The non-literal . in this regex is intentional:
// German Chrome returns this value as 0,55
// github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/#issue/59/comment/516632
return (/^0.55$/).test(mStyle.opacity);
// Note, Android < 4 will pass this test, but can only animate
// a single property at a time
// daneden.me/2011/12/putting-up-with-androids-bullshit/
tests['cssanimations'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('animationName');
tests['csscolumns'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('columnCount');
tests['cssgradients'] = function() {
* For CSS Gradients syntax, please see:
* webkit.org/blog/175/introducing-css-gradients/
* developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-linear-gradient
* developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-radial-gradient
* dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-images/#gradients-
var str1 = 'background-image:',
str2 = 'gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#9f9),to(white));',
str3 = 'linear-gradient(left top,#9f9, white);';
// legacy webkit syntax (FIXME: remove when syntax not in use anymore)
(str1 + '-webkit- '.split(' ').join(str2 + str1) +
// standard syntax // trailing 'background-image:'
prefixes.join(str3 + str1)).slice(0, -str1.length)
return contains(mStyle.backgroundImage, 'gradient');
tests['cssreflections'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('boxReflect');
tests['csstransforms'] = function() {
return !!testPropsAll('transform');
tests['csstransforms3d'] = function() {
var ret = !!testPropsAll('perspective');
// Webkit's 3D transforms are passed off to the browser's own graphics renderer.
// It works fine in Safari on Leopard and Snow Leopard, but not in Chrome in
// some conditions. As a result, Webkit typically recognizes the syntax but
// will sometimes throw a false positive, thus we must do a more thorough check:
if ( ret && 'webkitPerspective' in docElement.style ) {
// Webkit allows this media query to succeed only if the feature is enabled.
// `@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){ ... }`
injectElementWithStyles('@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){#modernizr{left:9px;position:absolute;height:3px;}}', function( node, rule ) {
ret = node.offsetLeft === 9 && node.offsetHeight === 3;
return ret;
tests['csstransitions'] = function() {
return testPropsAll('transition');
// @font-face detection routine by Diego Perini
// javascript.nwbox.com/CSSSupport/
// false positives:
// WebOS github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/342
// WP7 github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/538
tests['fontface'] = function() {
var bool;
injectElementWithStyles('@font-face {font-family:"font";src:url("https://")}', function( node, rule ) {
var style = document.getElementById('smodernizr'),
sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet,
cssText = sheet ? (sheet.cssRules && sheet.cssRules[0] ? sheet.cssRules[0].cssText : sheet.cssText || '') : '';
bool = /src/i.test(cssText) && cssText.indexOf(rule.split(' ')[0]) === 0;
return bool;
// CSS generated content detection
tests['generatedcontent'] = function() {
var bool;
injectElementWithStyles(['#',mod,'{font:0/0 a}#',mod,':after{content:"',smile,'";visibility:hidden;font:3px/1 a}'].join(''), function( node ) {
bool = node.offsetHeight >= 3;
return bool;
// These tests evaluate support of the video/audio elements, as well as
// testing what types of content they support.
// We're using the Boolean constructor here, so that we can extend the value
// e.g. Modernizr.video // true
// Modernizr.video.ogg // 'probably'
// Codec values from : github.com/NielsLeenheer/html5test/blob/9106a8/index.html#L845
// thx to NielsLeenheer and zcorpan
// Note: in some older browsers, "no" was a return value instead of empty string.
// It was live in FF3.5.0 and 3.5.1, but fixed in 3.5.2
// It was also live in Safari 4.0.0 - 4.0.4, but fixed in 4.0.5
tests['video'] = function() {
var elem = document.createElement('video'),
bool = false;
// IE9 Running on Windows Server SKU can cause an exception to be thrown, bug #224
try {
if ( bool = !!elem.canPlayType ) {
bool = new Boolean(bool);
bool.ogg = elem.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"') .replace(/^no$/,'');
// Without QuickTime, this value will be `undefined`. github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/546
bool.h264 = elem.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"') .replace(/^no$/,'');
bool.webm = elem.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"').replace(/^no$/,'');
} catch(e) { }
return bool;
tests['audio'] = function() {
var elem = document.createElement('audio'),
bool = false;
try {
if ( bool = !!elem.canPlayType ) {
bool = new Boolean(bool);
bool.ogg = elem.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/,'');
bool.mp3 = elem.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;') .replace(/^no$/,'');
// Mimetypes accepted:
// developer.mozilla.org/En/Media_formats_supported_by_the_audio_and_video_elements
// bit.ly/iphoneoscodecs
bool.wav = elem.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"') .replace(/^no$/,'');
bool.m4a = ( elem.canPlayType('audio/x-m4a;') ||
elem.canPlayType('audio/aac;')) .replace(/^no$/,'');
} catch(e) { }
return bool;
// In FF4, if disabled, window.localStorage should === null.
// Normally, we could not test that directly and need to do a
// `('localStorage' in window) && ` test first because otherwise Firefox will
// throw bugzil.la/365772 if cookies are disabled
// Also in iOS5 Private Browsing mode, attempting to use localStorage.setItem
// will throw the exception:
// Peculiarly, getItem and removeItem calls do not throw.
// Because we are forced to try/catch this, we'll go aggressive.
// Just FWIW: IE8 Compat mode supports these features completely:
// www.quirksmode.org/dom/html5.html
// But IE8 doesn't support either with local files
tests['localstorage'] = function() {
try {
localStorage.setItem(mod, mod);
return true;
} catch(e) {
return false;
tests['sessionstorage'] = function() {
try {
sessionStorage.setItem(mod, mod);
return true;
} catch(e) {
return false;
tests['webworkers'] = function() {
return !!window.Worker;
tests['applicationcache'] = function() {
return !!window.applicationCache;
// Thanks to Erik Dahlstrom
tests['svg'] = function() {
return !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'svg').createSVGRect;
// specifically for SVG inline in HTML, not within XHTML
// test page: paulirish.com/demo/inline-svg
tests['inlinesvg'] = function() {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<svg/>';
return (div.firstChild && div.firstChild.namespaceURI) == ns.svg;
// SVG SMIL animation
tests['smil'] = function() {
return !!document.createElementNS && /SVGAnimate/.test(toString.call(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'animate')));
// This test is only for clip paths in SVG proper, not clip paths on HTML content
// demo: srufaculty.sru.edu/david.dailey/svg/newstuff/clipPath4.svg
// However read the comments to dig into applying SVG clippaths to HTML content here:
// github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/213#issuecomment-1149491
tests['svgclippaths'] = function() {
return !!document.createElementNS && /SVGClipPath/.test(toString.call(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'clipPath')));
// input features and input types go directly onto the ret object, bypassing the tests loop.
// Hold this guy to execute in a moment.
function webforms() {
// Run through HTML5's new input attributes to see if the UA understands any.
// We're using f which is the <input> element created early on
// Mike Taylr has created a comprehensive resource for testing these attributes
// when applied to all input types:
// miketaylr.com/code/input-type-attr.html
// spec: www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-input-element.html#input-type-attr-summary
// Only input placeholder is tested while textarea's placeholder is not.
// Currently Safari 4 and Opera 11 have support only for the input placeholder
// Both tests are available in feature-detects/forms-placeholder.js
Modernizr['input'] = (function( props ) {
for ( var i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; i++ ) {
attrs[ props[i] ] = !!(props[i] in inputElem);
if (attrs.list){
// safari false positive's on datalist: webk.it/74252
// see also github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/146
attrs.list = !!(document.createElement('datalist') && window.HTMLDataListElement);
return attrs;
})('autocomplete autofocus list placeholder max min multiple pattern required step'.split(' '));
// Run through HTML5's new input types to see if the UA understands any.
// This is put behind the tests runloop because it doesn't return a
// true/false like all the other tests; instead, it returns an object
// containing each input type with its corresponding true/false value
// Big thanks to @miketaylr for the html5 forms expertise. miketaylr.com/
Modernizr['inputtypes'] = (function(props) {
for ( var i = 0, bool, inputElemType, defaultView, len = props.length; i < len; i++ ) {
inputElem.setAttribute('type', inputElemType = props[i]);
bool = inputElem.type !== 'text';
// We first check to see if the type we give it sticks..
// If the type does, we feed it a textual value, which shouldn't be valid.
// If the value doesn't stick, we know there's input sanitization which infers a custom UI
if ( bool ) {
inputElem.value = smile;
inputElem.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;visibility:hidden;';
if ( /^range$/.test(inputElemType) && inputElem.style.WebkitAppearance !== undefined ) {
defaultView = document.defaultView;
// Safari 2-4 allows the smiley as a value, despite making a slider
bool = defaultView.getComputedStyle &&
defaultView.getComputedStyle(inputElem, null).WebkitAppearance !== 'textfield' &&
// Mobile android web browser has false positive, so must
// check the height to see if the widget is actually there.
(inputElem.offsetHeight !== 0);
} else if ( /^(search|tel)$/.test(inputElemType) ){
// Spec doesn't define any special parsing or detectable UI
// behaviors so we pass these through as true
// Interestingly, opera fails the earlier test, so it doesn't
// even make it here.
} else if ( /^(url|email)$/.test(inputElemType) ) {
// Real url and email support comes with prebaked validation.
bool = inputElem.checkValidity && inputElem.checkValidity() === false;
} else {
// If the upgraded input compontent rejects the :) text, we got a winner
bool = inputElem.value != smile;
inputs[ props[i] ] = !!bool;
return inputs;
})('search tel url email datetime date month week time datetime-local number range color'.split(' '));
// End of test definitions
// -----------------------
// Run through all tests and detect their support in the current UA.
// todo: hypothetically we could be doing an array of tests and use a basic loop here.
for ( var feature in tests ) {
if ( hasOwnProp(tests, feature) ) {
// run the test, throw the return value into the Modernizr,
// then based on that boolean, define an appropriate className
// and push it into an array of classes we'll join later.
featureName = feature.toLowerCase();
Modernizr[featureName] = tests[feature]();
classes.push((Modernizr[featureName] ? '' : 'no-') + featureName);
// input tests need to run.
Modernizr.input || webforms();
* addTest allows the user to define their own feature tests
* the result will be added onto the Modernizr object,
* as well as an appropriate className set on the html element
* @param feature - String naming the feature
* @param test - Function returning true if feature is supported, false if not
Modernizr.addTest = function ( feature, test ) {
if ( typeof feature == 'object' ) {
for ( var key in feature ) {
if ( hasOwnProp( feature, key ) ) {
Modernizr.addTest( key, feature[ key ] );
} else {
feature = feature.toLowerCase();
if ( Modernizr[feature] !== undefined ) {
// we're going to quit if you're trying to overwrite an existing test
// if we were to allow it, we'd do this:
// var re = new RegExp("\\b(no-)?" + feature + "\\b");
// docElement.className = docElement.className.replace( re, '' );
// but, no rly, stuff 'em.
return Modernizr;
test = typeof test == 'function' ? test() : test;
if (typeof enableClasses !== "undefined" && enableClasses) {
docElement.className += ' ' + (test ? '' : 'no-') + feature;
Modernizr[feature] = test;
return Modernizr; // allow chaining.
// Reset modElem.cssText to nothing to reduce memory footprint.
modElem = inputElem = null;
* @preserve HTML5 Shiv prev3.7.1 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed
;(function(window, document) {
/*jshint evil:true */
/** version */
var version = '3.7.0';
/** Preset options */
var options = window.html5 || {};
/** Used to skip problem elements */
var reSkip = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i;
/** Not all elements can be cloned in IE **/
var saveClones = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i;
/** Detect whether the browser supports default html5 styles */
var supportsHtml5Styles;
/** Name of the expando, to work with multiple documents or to re-shiv one document */
var expando = '_html5shiv';
/** The id for the the documents expando */
var expanID = 0;
/** Cached data for each document */
var expandoData = {};
/** Detect whether the browser supports unknown elements */
var supportsUnknownElements;
(function() {
try {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML = '<xyz></xyz>';
//if the hidden property is implemented we can assume, that the browser supports basic HTML5 Styles
supportsHtml5Styles = ('hidden' in a);
supportsUnknownElements = a.childNodes.length == 1 || (function() {
// assign a false positive if unable to shiv
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
return (
typeof frag.cloneNode == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createDocumentFragment == 'undefined' ||
typeof frag.createElement == 'undefined'
} catch(e) {
// assign a false positive if detection fails => unable to shiv
supportsHtml5Styles = true;
supportsUnknownElements = true;
* Creates a style sheet with the given CSS text and adds it to the document.
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {String} cssText The CSS text.
* @returns {StyleSheet} The style element.
function addStyleSheet(ownerDocument, cssText) {
var p = ownerDocument.createElement('p'),
parent = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || ownerDocument.documentElement;
p.innerHTML = 'x<style>' + cssText + '</style>';
return parent.insertBefore(p.lastChild, parent.firstChild);
* Returns the value of `html5.elements` as an array.
* @private
* @returns {Array} An array of shived element node names.
function getElements() {
var elements = html5.elements;
return typeof elements == 'string' ? elements.split(' ') : elements;
* Returns the data associated to the given document
* @private
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document.
* @returns {Object} An object of data.
function getExpandoData(ownerDocument) {
var data = expandoData[ownerDocument[expando]];
if (!data) {
data = {};
ownerDocument[expando] = expanID;
expandoData[expanID] = data;
return data;
* returns a shived element for the given nodeName and document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {String} nodeName name of the element
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived element.
function createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
if (!data) {
data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var node;
if (data.cache[nodeName]) {
node = data.cache[nodeName].cloneNode();
} else if (saveClones.test(nodeName)) {
node = (data.cache[nodeName] = data.createElem(nodeName)).cloneNode();
} else {
node = data.createElem(nodeName);
// Avoid adding some elements to fragments in IE < 9 because
// * Attributes like `name` or `type` cannot be set/changed once an element
// is inserted into a document/fragment
// * Link elements with `src` attributes that are inaccessible, as with
// a 403 response, will cause the tab/window to crash
// * Script elements appended to fragments will execute when their `src`
// or `text` property is set
return node.canHaveChildren && !reSkip.test(nodeName) && !node.tagUrn ? data.frag.appendChild(node) : node;
* returns a shived DocumentFragment for the given document
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document.
* @returns {Object} The shived DocumentFragment.
function createDocumentFragment(ownerDocument, data){
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
return ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
data = data || getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
var clone = data.frag.cloneNode(),
i = 0,
elems = getElements(),
l = elems.length;
return clone;
* Shivs the `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment` methods of the document.
* @private
* @param {Document|DocumentFragment} ownerDocument The document.
* @param {Object} data of the document.
function shivMethods(ownerDocument, data) {
if (!data.cache) {
data.cache = {};
data.createElem = ownerDocument.createElement;
data.createFrag = ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment;
data.frag = data.createFrag();
ownerDocument.createElement = function(nodeName) {
//abort shiv
if (!html5.shivMethods) {
return data.createElem(nodeName);
return createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data);
ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment = Function('h,f', 'return function(){' +
'var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;' +
'h.shivMethods&&(' +
// unroll the `createElement` calls
getElements().join().replace(/[\w\-]+/g, function(nodeName) {
return 'c("' + nodeName + '")';
}) +
');return n}'
)(html5, data.frag);
* Shivs the given document.
* @memberOf html5
* @param {Document} ownerDocument The document to shiv.
* @returns {Document} The shived document.
function shivDocument(ownerDocument) {
if (!ownerDocument) {
ownerDocument = document;
var data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument);
if (html5.shivCSS && !supportsHtml5Styles && !data.hasCSS) {
data.hasCSS = !!addStyleSheet(ownerDocument,
// corrects block display not defined in IE6/7/8/9
'article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}' +
// adds styling not present in IE6/7/8/9
'mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}' +
// hides non-rendered elements
if (!supportsUnknownElements) {
shivMethods(ownerDocument, data);
return ownerDocument;
* The `html5` object is exposed so that more elements can be shived and
* existing shiving can be detected on iframes.
* @type Object
* @example
* // options can be changed before the script is included
* html5 = { 'elements': 'mark section', 'shivCSS': false, 'shivMethods': false };
var html5 = {
* An array or space separated string of node names of the elements to shiv.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Array|String
'elements': options.elements || 'abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output progress section summary template time video',
* current version of html5shiv
'version': version,
* A flag to indicate that the HTML5 style sheet should be inserted.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivCSS': (options.shivCSS !== false),
* Is equal to true if a browser supports creating unknown/HTML5 elements
* @memberOf html5
* @type boolean
'supportsUnknownElements': supportsUnknownElements,
* A flag to indicate that the document's `createElement` and `createDocumentFragment`
* methods should be overwritten.
* @memberOf html5
* @type Boolean
'shivMethods': (options.shivMethods !== false),
* A string to describe the type of `html5` object ("default" or "default print").
* @memberOf html5
* @type String
'type': 'default',
// shivs the document according to the specified `html5` object options
'shivDocument': shivDocument,
//creates a shived element
createElement: createElement,
//creates a shived documentFragment
createDocumentFragment: createDocumentFragment
// expose html5
window.html5 = html5;
// shiv the document
}(this, document));
// Assign private properties to the return object with prefix
Modernizr._version = version;
// expose these for the plugin API. Look in the source for how to join() them against your input
Modernizr._prefixes = prefixes;
Modernizr._domPrefixes = domPrefixes;
Modernizr._cssomPrefixes = cssomPrefixes;
// Modernizr.mq tests a given media query, live against the current state of the window
// A few important notes:
// * If a browser does not support media queries at all (eg. oldIE) the mq() will always return false
// * A max-width or orientation query will be evaluated against the current state, which may change later.
// * You must specify values. Eg. If you are testing support for the min-width media query use:
// Modernizr.mq('(min-width:0)')
// usage:
// Modernizr.mq('only screen and (max-width:768)')
Modernizr.mq = testMediaQuery;
// Modernizr.hasEvent() detects support for a given event, with an optional element to test on
// Modernizr.hasEvent('gesturestart', elem)
Modernizr.hasEvent = isEventSupported;
// Modernizr.testProp() investigates whether a given style property is recognized
// Note that the property names must be provided in the camelCase variant.
// Modernizr.testProp('pointerEvents')
Modernizr.testProp = function(prop){
return testProps([prop]);
// Modernizr.testAllProps() investigates whether a given style property,
// or any of its vendor-prefixed variants, is recognized
// Note that the property names must be provided in the camelCase variant.
// Modernizr.testAllProps('boxSizing')
Modernizr.testAllProps = testPropsAll;
// Modernizr.testStyles() allows you to add custom styles to the document and test an element afterwards
// Modernizr.testStyles('#modernizr { position:absolute }', function(elem, rule){ ... })
Modernizr.testStyles = injectElementWithStyles;
// Modernizr.prefixed() returns the prefixed or nonprefixed property name variant of your input
// Modernizr.prefixed('boxSizing') // 'MozBoxSizing'
// Properties must be passed as dom-style camelcase, rather than `box-sizing` hypentated style.
// Return values will also be the camelCase variant, if you need to translate that to hypenated style use:
// str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(str,m1){ return '-' + m1.toLowerCase(); }).replace(/^ms-/,'-ms-');
// If you're trying to ascertain which transition end event to bind to, you might do something like...
// var transEndEventNames = {
// 'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
// 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend',
// 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd',
// 'msTransition' : 'MSTransitionEnd',
// 'transition' : 'transitionend'
// },
// transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed('transition') ];
Modernizr.prefixed = function(prop, obj, elem){
if(!obj) {
return testPropsAll(prop, 'pfx');
} else {
// Testing DOM property e.g. Modernizr.prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window) // 'mozRequestAnimationFrame'
return testPropsAll(prop, obj, elem);
// Remove "no-js" class from <html> element, if it exists:
docElement.className = docElement.className.replace(/(^|\s)no-js(\s|$)/, '$1$2') +
// Add the new classes to the <html> element.
(enableClasses ? ' js ' + classes.join(' ') : '');
return Modernizr;
})(this, this.document);
// tweet it form
$('form#tweet').submit(function(event) {
window.open($(this).attr('action') + '?' + $(this).serialize(), '_blank', 'scrollbars=no,menubar=no,height=400,width=500,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,status=no');
// substitute @2x images where available
if (window.isRetina()) {
console.log("loading retina images..");
var replacement;
$('img[data-2x]').each(function(i, img) {
replacement = $(img).clone().attr('src', $(img).data('2x')) || img;
// only replace once the replacement is loaded
replacement.load(function() {
if (window.isLinux64) {
$('a[data-x64-href]').each(function(i) {
$(this).attr('href', $(this).data('x64-href'));
$('a[data-delayed-href]').click(function(event) {
window.open($(this).data('delayed-href'), '_blank');
window.location = $(this).attr('href');
// FAQ accordions
var panels = $('dl.accordion > dd').hide();
var draws = $('dl.accordion > dt').css('cursor', 'pointer');
draws.click(function() {
var next = $(this).next()
if (next.is(':hidden'))
return false;
// Show section if anchor provided
var anchor = window.location.hash;
if(anchor !== ''){
$('dl.accordion > dd' + anchor).show();
function truncate(text, length) {
length = length || 100;
return $.trim(strip(text)).substring(0, length).trim(this) + "...";
function strip(html) {
var tmp = document.createElement("DIV");
tmp.innerHTML = html;
return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || "";
// Retina detection
window.isRetina = function() {
var mediaQuery = "(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),\
(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),\
(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),\
(min-resolution: 1.5dppx)";
return window.devicePixelRatio > 1 || (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia(mediaQuery).matches)
// Linux x64 detection
window.isLinux64 = function() {
return window.navigator.platform.substr(0, 5) == "Linux" && window.navigator.platform.substr(-2,2) == "64";