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-- Kategóriák
CREATE TABLE `kategoriak` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`nev` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
INSERT INTO `kategoriak` (`id`, `nev`) VALUES
(1, 'Antik'),
(2, 'Limuzin'),
(3, 'Különleges'),
(4, 'Sport'),
(5, 'Szocialista'),
(6, 'Motorkerékpár');
ALTER TABLE `kategoriak`
-- Autók
CREATE TABLE `autok` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`rendszam` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`szin` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`nev` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`evjarat` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`ar` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`kategoriaId` int (11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1
INSERT INTO `autok` (`id`, `rendszam`, `szin`, `nev`, `evjarat`, `ar`, `kategoriaId`) VALUES
(1, 'OT42-99', 'Zöld','Trabant 601', 1972, 2500,5),
(2, 'OT43-00', 'Piros', 'Trabant 601', 1970, 2500, 5),
(3, 'OT43-01', 'Piros', 'Trabant 601', 1972, 2500, 5),
(4, 'OT43-02', 'Szürke', 'Trabant 601', 1971, 3000, 5),
(5, 'OT43-03', 'Kék', 'DeLorean DMC-12', 1981, 12000, 4),
(6, 'OT43-04', 'Kék', 'DeLorean DMC-12', 1982, 12000, 4),
(7, 'OT43-05', 'Szürke', 'DeLorean DMC-12', 1982, 12000, 4),
(8, 'OT43-06', 'Szürke', 'DeLorean DMC-12', 1982, 12000, 4),
(9, 'OT43-07', 'Zöld', 'DeLorean DMC-12 Vissza a jövőbe karosszériával', 1982, 140000, 3),
(10, 'OT43-08', 'Piros', 'Moszkvics 408', 1965, 5000, 5),
(11, 'OT43-09', 'Szürke', 'Moszkvics 408', 1970, 5000, 5),
(12, 'OT43-10', 'Kék', 'Moszkvics 408', 1972, 5000, 5),
(13, 'OT43-11', 'Kék', 'Moszkvics 408', 1971, 5000, 5),
(14, 'OT43-12', 'Piros', 'Moszkvics 408 cupé', 1966, 5500, 3),
(15, 'OT43-13', 'Zöld', 'Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham', 1972, 15000, 2),
(16, 'OT43-14', 'Zöld', 'Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham', 1973, 15000, 2),
(17, 'OT43-15', 'Ezüst', 'Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham', 1972, 15000, 2),
(18, 'OT43-16', 'Kék', 'Ferrari Spider 1992', 1992, 18000, 4),
(19, 'OT43-17', 'Kék', 'Ferrari Spider 1992', 1992, 18000, 4),
(20, 'OT43-18', 'Ezüst', 'Ferrari Spider 1992 200LE', 1993, 20000, 3),
(21, 'OT43-19', 'Arany', '1970 Ford Mustang Boss 302', 1970, 20000, 3), #ebből csak 1 van!
(22, 'OT43-20', 'Fekete', 'VAZ-2102 Zsiguli', 1966, 3000, 5),
(23, 'OT43-21', 'Piros', 'VAZ-2102 Zsiguli', 1968, 3000, 5),
(24, 'OT43-22', 'Piros', 'VAZ-2102 Zsiguli', 1970, 3000, 5),
(25, 'OT43-23', 'Zöld', 'VAZ-2102 Zsiguli', 1969, 3000, 5),
(26, 'OT43-24', 'Fekete', 'Aston Martin 1963 DB5', 1963, 12000, 4),
(27, 'OT43-25', 'Mauv', 'Aston Martin 1963 DB5', 1963, 12000, 4),
(28, 'OT43-26', 'Arany', 'Aston Martin 1963 DB5 James Bond Edition', 1964, 12000, 3),
(29, 'OT43-27', 'Szürke', ' Tatra 603', 1957, '9523.40', 6),
(30, 'OT43-28', 'Zöld', ' Tatra 603', 1957, 5000, 5),
(31, 'OT43-29', 'Piros', ' Tatra 603', 1958, 5000, 5),
(32, 'OT43-30', 'Piros', ' Tatra 603', 1960, 5000, 5),
(33, 'OT43-31', 'Arany', ' Tatra 603', 1960, 5000, 5),
(34, 'OT43-32', 'Zöld', 'Mercedes 230', 1940, 10000, 1),
(35, 'OT43-33', 'Zöld', 'Mercedes 230', 1938, 10000, 1),
(36, 'OT43-34', 'Zöld', 'Mercedes 230', 1940, 10000, 1),
(37, 'OT43-35', 'Ezüst', 'Lincoln Continental 1968', 1968, 8000, 2),
(38, 'OT43-36', 'Arany', 'Lincoln Continental 1968', 1968, 8000, 2),
(39, 'OT43-37', 'Szürke', 'Lincoln Continental 1968', 1968, 8000, 2),
(40, 'OT43-38', 'Szürke', 'Lincoln Continental 196 Ghost Busters Edition', 1968, 8000, 3),
(41, 'OT43-39', 'Piros', 'Jaguar XJ-6', 1983, 7000, 2),
(42, 'OT43-40', 'Ezüst', 'Jaguar XJ-6', 1990, 7000, 2),
(43, 'OT43-41', 'Red', 'Jaguar XJ-6', 1991, 7000, 2),
(44, 'OT43-42', 'Kék', 'Jaguar XJ-6', 1981, 7000, 2),
(45, 'OT43-43', 'Fekete', 'Chevrolet Camaro', 1966, 10000, 4),
(46, 'OT43-44', 'Piros', 'Chevrolet Camaro', 1966, 10000, 4),
(47, 'OT43-45', 'Kék', 'Lamborghini Diablo ', 1990, 12000, 4),
(48, 'OT43-46', 'Zöld', 'Lamborghini Diablo ', 1990, 12000, 4),
(49, 'OT43-47', 'Zöld', 'Pontiac Trans Firebird', 1970, 10000, 4),
(50, 'OT43-48', 'Piros', 'Pontiac Trans Firebird KITT Edition', 1978, 15000, 3);
ADD KEY `kategoriaId` (`kategoriaId`);
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_termekek_kategoriaId FOREIGN KEY (kategoriaId)
REFERENCES kategoriak (id);
-- Bérlések
CREATE TABLE `berlesek` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`autoId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`mennyiseg` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`biztositas` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`datum` datetime NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `berlesek`
ADD KEY `autoId` (`autoId`);
ALTER TABLE berlesek
REFERENCES autok (id);
INSERT INTO `berlesek` (`id`, `autoId`, `mennyiseg`, `biztositas`, `datum`) VALUES
(1, 36, 2, 96520, '2019-01-05 01:21:15'),
(2, 35, 9, 98369, '2019-01-13 03:10:34'),
(3, 21, 8, 87973, '2019-01-20 21:34:58'),
(4, 33, 9, 78999, '2019-01-08 17:42:47'),
(5, 24, 4, 45493, '2019-01-24 22:57:36'),
(6, 1, 7, 6655, '2019-01-07 15:08:17'),
(7, 40, 4, 60445, '2019-01-16 23:27:16'),
(8, 39, 3, 17677, '2019-01-03 21:45:00'),
(9, 18, 5, 78718, '2019-01-26 15:49:04'),
(10, 3, 3, 7715, '2019-01-29 23:48:40'),
(11, 14, 3, 85487, '2019-01-26 06:55:08'),
(12, 6, 2, 37761, '2019-01-25 21:38:24'),
(13, 39, 7, 50600, '2019-01-23 06:01:11'),
(14, 30, 1, 7459, '2019-01-16 15:52:02'),
(15, 9, 10, 58334, '2019-01-22 02:35:48'),
(16, 44, 10, 33742, '2019-01-19 23:12:52'),
(17, 38, 6, 93549, '2019-01-16 12:29:38'),
(18, 2, 7, 95347, '2019-01-29 14:44:05'),
(19, 3, 2, 40113, '2019-01-10 04:55:23'),
(20, 45, 4, 32648, '2019-01-11 10:45:26'),
(21, 44, 6, 88842, '2019-01-05 22:57:27'),
(22, 2, 6, 74556, '2019-01-20 23:32:13'),
(23, 22, 3, 92275, '2019-01-25 00:01:40'),
(24, 23, 9, 23614, '2019-01-08 22:15:32'),
(25, 46, 1, 27958, '2019-01-08 02:41:08'),
(26, 26, 1, 22691, '2019-01-01 20:49:44'),
(27, 20, 8, 71797, '2019-01-07 20:08:04'),
(28, 32, 8, 85062, '2019-01-04 20:40:28'),
(29, 42, 8, 60098, '2019-01-03 01:24:58'),
(30, 26, 3, 75344, '2019-01-19 18:51:23'),
(31, 43, 2, 93162, '2019-01-13 18:25:59'),
(32, 18, 2, 11846, '2019-01-04 04:27:50'),
(33, 1, 6, 51934, '2019-01-15 00:29:14'),
(34, 4, 10, 39904, '2019-01-21 06:20:23'),
(35, 21, 4, 7312, '2019-01-08 23:42:10'),
(36, 44, 3, 44296, '2019-01-16 15:27:33'),
(37, 47, 6, 45971, '2019-01-04 06:39:53'),
(38, 19, 3, 13516, '2019-01-25 12:39:58'),
(39, 22, 1, 24124, '2019-01-03 04:01:15'),
(40, 2, 2, 17790, '2019-01-05 12:51:48'),
(41, 31, 3, 37931, '2019-01-29 23:31:29'),
(42, 26, 7, 3795, '2019-01-09 22:45:07'),
(43, 37, 2, 51886, '2019-01-13 03:30:13'),
(44, 14, 4, 90732, '2019-01-03 19:21:44'),
(45, 12, 3, 17240, '2019-01-22 09:49:56'),
(46, 45, 4, 84210, '2019-01-18 08:58:26'),
(47, 24, 1, 2278, '2019-01-11 06:14:58'),
(48, 23, 3, 30374, '2019-01-29 11:33:52'),
(49, 39, 5, 65786, '2019-01-16 13:26:42'),
(50, 19, 7, 87049, '2019-01-10 13:33:48'),
(51, 12, 9, 94679, '2019-01-08 16:54:38'),
(52, 24, 9, 78849, '2019-01-01 18:01:59'),
(53, 32, 9, 65082, '2019-01-18 01:46:33'),
(54, 7, 6, 21316, '2019-01-12 16:14:42'),
(55, 39, 3, 37977, '2019-01-10 17:54:47'),
(56, 6, 2, 28045, '2019-01-17 00:32:24'),
(57, 9, 3, 36279, '2019-01-15 21:01:44'),
(58, 47, 5, 22611, '2019-01-25 23:08:49'),
(59, 49, 9, 4264, '2019-01-03 19:17:05'),
(60, 1, 1, 81620, '2019-01-01 13:21:27'),
(61, 12, 8, 35877, '2019-01-28 04:30:07'),
(62, 34, 2, 84644, '2019-01-14 16:38:56'),
(63, 25, 8, 49087, '2019-01-03 13:44:32'),
(64, 42, 3, 22990, '2019-01-28 08:08:23'),
(65, 48, 3, 59282, '2019-01-12 17:12:43'),
(66, 41, 10, 27656, '2019-01-18 15:27:44'),
(67, 33, 8, 12989, '2019-01-20 05:42:42'),
(68, 19, 9, 36566, '2019-01-29 06:18:51'),
(69, 16, 8, 56547, '2019-01-13 10:29:27'),
(70, 23, 4, 62823, '2019-01-24 04:59:40'),
(71, 24, 1, 91250, '2019-01-19 13:39:36'),
(72, 10, 6, 29709, '2019-01-02 14:56:57'),
(73, 27, 5, 45723, '2019-01-28 19:33:44'),
(74, 29, 2, 64236, '2019-01-03 14:37:49'),
(75, 46, 3, 74144, '2019-01-12 02:30:58'),
(76, 38, 7, 80726, '2019-01-08 13:02:40'),
(77, 7, 3, 15099, '2019-01-17 23:43:05'),
(78, 37, 10, 73256, '2019-01-29 17:27:28'),
(79, 14, 1, 83870, '2019-01-17 18:29:41'),
(80, 34, 6, 76706, '2019-01-05 09:38:57'),
(81, 20, 2, 79082, '2019-01-15 15:18:38'),
(82, 36, 9, 41221, '2019-01-30 06:22:51'),
(83, 49, 9, 90029, '2019-01-13 08:54:55'),
(84, 5, 10, 76625, '2019-01-19 08:41:20'),
(85, 4, 4, 51491, '2019-01-16 10:24:20'),
(86, 45, 5, 26557, '2019-01-21 23:42:38'),
(87, 15, 10, 93832, '2019-01-23 16:35:09'),
(88, 28, 6, 81140, '2019-01-05 23:41:06'),
(89, 43, 3, 99215, '2019-01-08 00:55:42'),
(90, 14, 6, 78764, '2019-01-30 20:40:09'),
(91, 48, 1, 75587, '2019-01-05 18:12:03'),
(92, 37, 6, 6397, '2019-01-06 12:14:13'),
(93, 22, 3, 43227, '2019-01-13 00:28:45'),
(94, 29, 7, 21715, '2019-01-29 06:56:08'),
(95, 21, 3, 97403, '2019-01-06 21:22:35'),
(96, 8, 10, 75768, '2019-01-02 13:38:41'),
(97, 46, 4, 92304, '2019-01-24 04:10:48'),
(98, 15, 8, 66300, '2019-01-09 14:18:11'),
(99, 35, 4, 89245, '2019-01-30 18:18:09'),
(100, 22, 1, 47876, '2019-01-30 19:53:46'),
(101, 40, 9, 66827, '2019-01-07 15:37:53'),
(102, 17, 8, 98763, '2019-01-24 15:07:39'),
(103, 18, 7, 3402, '2019-01-16 20:30:06'),
(104, 33, 1, 41746, '2019-01-04 09:54:09'),
(105, 25, 4, 4984, '2019-01-29 19:00:08'),
(106, 32, 10, 97210, '2019-01-28 13:13:57'),
(107, 36, 8, 8683, '2019-01-19 01:10:40'),
(108, 43, 2, 9556, '2019-01-30 07:30:10'),
(109, 40, 1, 21830, '2019-01-04 08:11:53'),
(110, 42, 6, 67910, '2019-01-14 01:54:09'),
(111, 9, 6, 74276, '2019-01-04 21:04:19'),
(112, 8, 8, 84601, '2019-01-13 18:28:43'),
(113, 4, 3, 54867, '2019-01-13 08:00:20'),
(114, 41, 8, 48908, '2019-01-09 00:48:54'),
(115, 13, 2, 16797, '2019-01-19 10:35:00'),
(116, 20, 2, 70937, '2019-01-01 22:49:51'),
(117, 17, 3, 49744, '2019-01-02 21:26:17'),
(118, 11, 10, 62943, '2019-01-10 06:08:19'),
(119, 7, 9, 13603, '2019-01-23 18:34:42'),
(120, 3, 6, 65507, '2019-01-17 19:58:20'),
(121, 28, 7, 11700, '2019-01-30 03:08:18'),
(122, 26, 5, 33739, '2019-01-23 04:03:48'),
(123, 26, 4, 72698, '2019-01-29 01:46:24'),
(124, 46, 6, 91081, '2019-01-28 05:25:10'),
(125, 41, 5, 60261, '2019-01-01 01:55:22'),
(126, 8, 4, 33798, '2019-01-23 22:29:38'),
(127, 30, 5, 17115, '2019-01-20 17:01:18'),
(128, 30, 4, 60058, '2019-01-29 00:32:45'),
(129, 7, 7, 21694, '2019-01-04 06:38:04'),
(130, 43, 9, 97641, '2019-01-18 22:09:03'),
(131, 31, 8, 34122, '2019-01-06 01:46:13'),
(132, 40, 1, 83602, '2019-01-03 14:37:00'),
(133, 25, 2, 29082, '2019-01-16 22:06:24'),
(134, 18, 2, 53220, '2019-01-06 02:31:08'),
(135, 28, 1, 16996, '2019-01-03 17:10:52'),
(136, 12, 1, 91202, '2019-01-02 19:46:41'),
(137, 9, 3, 24637, '2019-01-11 18:35:10'),
(138, 13, 1, 51586, '2019-01-17 00:33:12'),
(139, 37, 8, 254, '2019-01-20 02:47:39'),
(140, 5, 4, 20007, '2019-01-09 12:04:12'),
(141, 19, 2, 36641, '2019-01-17 07:52:21'),
(142, 6, 2, 91878, '2019-01-28 14:22:36'),
(143, 30, 1, 56314, '2019-01-14 11:40:38'),
(144, 34, 7, 81905, '2019-01-17 07:46:31'),
(145, 3, 2, 53560, '2019-01-24 23:52:12'),
(146, 28, 1, 8535, '2019-01-27 01:58:02'),
(147, 20, 9, 72125, '2019-01-18 02:20:18'),
(148, 10, 4, 47682, '2019-01-12 23:56:58'),
(149, 8, 4, 63659, '2019-01-29 15:17:40'),
(150, 11, 1, 50168, '2019-01-26 04:19:50'),
(151, 22, 6, 97229, '2019-01-16 09:53:15'),
(152, 6, 10, 21296, '2019-01-01 19:11:03'),
(153, 13, 2, 80019, '2019-01-02 10:54:47'),
(154, 29, 1, 17302, '2019-01-27 01:35:03'),
(155, 31, 1, 36771, '2019-01-18 10:04:15'),
(156, 4, 3, 23067, '2019-01-09 06:40:00'),
(157, 16, 9, 72844, '2019-01-24 12:32:29'),
(158, 40, 3, 37027, '2019-01-24 20:26:02'),
(159, 45, 2, 87828, '2019-01-05 13:28:07'),
(160, 27, 3, 507, '2019-01-01 04:12:56'),
(161, 48, 5, 65378, '2019-01-25 20:36:02'),
(162, 49, 1, 97047, '2019-01-30 18:15:32'),
(163, 17, 1, 10056, '2019-01-12 11:39:00'),
(164, 35, 2, 1698, '2019-01-10 01:00:54'),
(165, 8, 2, 98254, '2019-01-27 01:48:44'),
(166, 28, 5, 25805, '2019-01-12 03:54:13'),
(167, 33, 8, 88559, '2019-01-29 00:17:33'),
(168, 47, 1, 50786, '2019-01-03 08:19:43'),
(169, 48, 9, 35977, '2019-01-15 08:04:31'),
(170, 13, 5, 3329, '2019-01-06 19:08:59'),
(171, 29, 3, 51647, '2019-01-23 21:03:23'),
(172, 38, 2, 84900, '2019-01-04 06:25:53'),
(173, 19, 2, 88294, '2019-01-06 19:45:16'),
(174, 28, 7, 93987, '2019-01-20 20:54:58'),
(175, 21, 4, 6746, '2019-01-29 09:58:04'),
(176, 16, 2, 12690, '2019-01-07 07:33:02'),
(177, 45, 5, 79155, '2019-01-27 07:23:36'),
(178, 6, 4, 8381, '2019-01-19 02:12:40'),
(179, 25, 4, 49692, '2019-01-22 16:52:01'),
(180, 29, 8, 8349, '2019-01-08 18:39:18'),
(181, 44, 2, 42723, '2019-01-11 12:03:20'),
(182, 10, 10, 6861, '2019-01-30 22:13:35'),
(183, 36, 6, 66024, '2019-01-11 00:43:24'),
(184, 38, 9, 483, '2019-01-22 11:43:41'),
(185, 9, 1, 21886, '2019-01-21 21:27:54'),
(186, 10, 4, 97360, '2019-01-25 22:09:35'),
(187, 27, 8, 96664, '2019-01-14 02:54:19'),
(188, 24, 8, 78248, '2019-01-29 09:01:45'),
(189, 11, 3, 40424, '2019-01-07 14:58:42'),
(190, 45, 1, 78197, '2019-01-07 00:47:32'),
(191, 28, 1, 73619, '2019-01-17 00:28:45'),
(192, 22, 7, 55974, '2019-01-04 21:56:07'),
(193, 35, 2, 56934, '2019-01-26 16:16:43'),
(194, 30, 3, 4159, '2019-01-26 03:19:38'),
(195, 22, 3, 25739, '2019-01-22 19:37:08'),
(196, 26, 4, 18358, '2019-01-02 08:04:40'),
(197, 1, 10, 50466, '2019-01-21 07:25:42'),
(198, 13, 5, 20473, '2019-01-30 16:29:19'),
(199, 19, 1, 47433, '2019-01-03 12:15:15'),
(200, 37, 2, 75326, '2019-01-02 23:31:56'),
(201, 43, 2, 43089, '2019-01-11 13:42:55'),
(202, 43, 1, 29210, '2019-01-06 12:00:14'),
(203, 2, 5, 93074, '2019-01-14 21:31:39'),
(204, 30, 3, 13690, '2019-01-02 19:19:53'),
(205, 6, 1, 50938, '2019-01-22 23:06:59'),
(206, 10, 2, 39260, '2019-01-09 14:14:54'),
(207, 3, 3, 72719, '2019-01-27 02:02:24'),
(208, 47, 1, 66459, '2019-01-21 23:58:06'),
(209, 31, 1, 97779, '2019-01-22 18:16:38'),
(210, 25, 2, 11419, '2019-01-12 00:05:52'),
(211, 47, 3, 26063, '2019-01-12 16:56:13'),
(212, 17, 7, 32209, '2019-01-05 18:23:29'),
(213, 21, 2, 51814, '2019-01-01 14:58:12'),
(214, 43, 2, 90091, '2019-01-28 19:56:27'),
(215, 11, 5, 22812, '2019-01-01 17:06:08'),
(216, 31, 1, 7821, '2019-01-20 05:26:42'),
(217, 42, 2, 31092, '2019-01-11 23:13:21'),
(218, 19, 4, 13064, '2019-01-19 17:35:26'),
(219, 31, 1, 58396, '2019-01-17 13:09:12'),
(220, 27, 1, 7063, '2019-01-10 07:41:41'),
(221, 41, 2, 81804, '2019-01-28 16:34:58'),
(222, 17, 8, 36073, '2019-01-15 09:50:35'),
(223, 2, 2, 12223, '2019-01-02 18:06:06'),
(224, 39, 7, 95780, '2019-01-30 15:39:33'),
(225, 40, 6, 35940, '2019-01-30 20:52:02'),
(226, 42, 1, 71119, '2019-01-26 00:51:14'),
(227, 23, 4, 28947, '2019-01-19 06:18:57'),
(228, 45, 1, 33936, '2019-01-04 11:05:39'),
(229, 13, 4, 9539, '2019-01-23 21:54:41'),
(230, 31, 2, 62729, '2019-01-02 16:42:06'),
(231, 3, 3, 77326, '2019-01-03 09:27:51'),
(232, 27, 3, 9644, '2019-01-11 22:35:56'),
(233, 20, 2, 33000, '2019-01-29 22:25:00'),
(234, 44, 2, 23345, '2019-01-14 11:23:43'),
(235, 33, 2, 10252, '2019-01-02 12:19:15'),
(236, 14, 4, 15113, '2019-01-19 17:52:57'),
(237, 24, 1, 59003, '2019-01-12 11:44:06'),
(238, 13, 1, 29560, '2019-01-04 23:26:23'),
(239, 13, 1, 43096, '2019-01-21 20:29:00'),
(240, 36, 4, 48890, '2019-01-01 19:49:03'),
(241, 12, 2, 79773, '2019-01-19 02:10:54'),
(242, 35, 9, 94138, '2019-01-01 22:07:54'),
(243, 18, 6, 4195, '2019-01-08 02:27:32'),
(244, 4, 3, 2967, '2019-01-01 17:01:04'),
(245, 49, 1, 54071, '2019-01-02 20:07:13'),
(246, 43, 2, 94188, '2019-01-03 21:20:49'),
(247, 49, 4, 89996, '2019-01-26 05:49:32'),
(248, 5, 8, 77158, '2019-01-29 14:30:54'),
(249, 28, 2, 7470, '2019-01-01 03:21:15'),
(250, 5, 2, 892, '2019-01-07 15:16:11'),
(251, 30, 7, 77945, '2019-01-05 15:30:03'),
(252, 30, 2, 61360, '2019-01-12 02:26:02'),
(253, 24, 4, 96372, '2019-01-13 01:48:10'),
(254, 3, 1, 21880, '2019-01-12 21:47:11'),
(255, 14, 1, 27452, '2019-01-11 02:47:33'),
(256, 30, 1, 46581, '2019-01-15 15:28:06'),
(257, 3, 3, 65422, '2019-01-13 02:14:59'),
(258, 38, 2, 29707, '2019-01-01 22:19:36'),
(259, 5, 2, 47078, '2019-01-13 20:25:54'),
(260, 6, 1, 87455, '2019-01-16 16:25:28'),
(261, 7, 2, 73305, '2019-01-01 16:53:33'),
(262, 27, 1, 5031, '2019-01-26 14:33:11'),
(263, 11, 4, 62543, '2019-01-28 00:16:56'),
(264, 34, 10, 97174, '2019-01-28 05:44:13'),
(265, 6, 5, 42534, '2019-01-11 13:12:56'),
(266, 41, 9, 53519, '2019-01-30 09:46:39'),
(267, 16, 1, 92115, '2019-01-10 19:24:10'),
(268, 31, 1, 41992, '2019-01-21 03:10:37'),
(269, 1, 1, 7009, '2019-01-05 18:54:36'),
(270, 48, 1, 93493, '2019-01-24 06:23:50'),
(271, 16, 2, 17133, '2019-01-03 17:47:33'),
(272, 12, 1, 5991, '2019-01-07 12:12:44'),
(273, 15, 3, 7963, '2019-01-02 03:43:52'),
(274, 15, 3, 3048, '2019-01-19 02:21:16'),
(275, 19, 1, 75815, '2019-01-09 02:46:59'),
(276, 34, 1, 85836, '2019-01-25 09:50:58'),
(277, 46, 5, 94972, '2019-01-19 17:17:05'),
(278, 39, 1, 21246, '2019-01-15 09:15:39'),
(279, 49, 3, 95766, '2019-01-23 12:49:06'),
(280, 47, 1, 85315, '2019-01-18 00:26:43'),
(281, 47, 1, 19814, '2019-01-20 14:13:48'),
(282, 13, 1, 76110, '2019-01-11 22:02:04'),
(283, 17, 1, 23982, '2019-01-14 21:02:59'),
(284, 42, 5, 36787, '2019-01-21 15:47:43'),
(285, 31, 3, 28516, '2019-01-27 20:32:52'),
(286, 43, 1, 8261, '2019-01-15 17:27:42'),
(287, 46, 1, 73444, '2019-01-17 20:08:11'),
(288, 46, 1, 80396, '2019-01-07 16:33:41'),
(289, 25, 2, 72237, '2019-01-14 06:11:48'),
(290, 39, 2, 46161, '2019-01-21 12:50:04'),
(291, 23, 5, 35050, '2019-01-02 12:10:40'),
(292, 21, 6, 14340, '2019-01-13 21:14:56'),
(293, 2, 3, 58364, '2019-01-09 09:53:34'),
(294, 37, 2, 56275, '2019-01-01 00:30:52'),
(295, 48, 1, 62088, '2019-01-07 18:24:29'),
(296, 34, 4, 40802, '2019-01-01 03:04:11'),
(297, 1, 2, 28992, '2019-01-03 03:56:19'),
(298, 40, 1, 1899, '2019-01-22 10:28:21'),
(299, 5, 2, 51480, '2019-01-01 09:12:53'),
(300, 45, 2, 51796, '2019-01-15 21:28:41'),
(301, 34, 1, 20601, '2019-01-13 19:35:07'),
(302, 30, 2, 48871, '2019-01-18 19:02:29'),
(303, 19, 1, 9260, '2019-01-08 02:12:34'),
(304, 41, 2, 99622, '2019-01-06 10:32:57'),
(305, 14, 1, 70464, '2019-01-09 16:41:03'),
(306, 40, 2, 16104, '2019-01-01 01:57:50'),
(307, 18, 2, 87349, '2019-01-24 19:53:22'),
(308, 35, 4, 14438, '2019-01-22 07:48:29'),
(309, 31, 2, 14375, '2019-01-15 14:48:28'),
(310, 27, 6, 63165, '2019-01-04 07:58:34'),
(311, 12, 1, 17586, '2019-01-06 17:00:36'),
(312, 39, 1, 37153, '2019-01-08 13:37:21'),
(313, 3, 1, 43061, '2019-01-01 22:12:32'),
(314, 18, 1, 95353, '2019-01-01 14:59:55'),
(315, 22, 2, 57906, '2019-01-01 04:47:30'),
(316, 42, 1, 47758, '2019-01-02 05:43:06'),
(317, 10, 4, 3784, '2019-01-18 19:01:56'),
(318, 14, 1, 49712, '2019-01-13 07:12:58'),
(319, 32, 5, 74547, '2019-01-12 15:11:00'),
(320, 18, 1, 98985, '2019-01-02 17:43:18'),
(321, 11, 1, 13808, '2019-01-24 06:35:00'),
(322, 5, 1, 54991, '2019-01-16 04:46:27'),
(323, 46, 3, 49753, '2019-01-01 19:33:24'),
(324, 28, 1, 8642, '2019-01-18 19:49:45'),
(325, 2, 1, 54078, '2019-01-08 12:15:36'),
(326, 48, 2, 27665, '2019-01-02 09:42:57'),
(327, 37, 3, 26874, '2019-01-15 23:20:57'),
(328, 33, 2, 65964, '2019-01-05 19:07:17'),
(329, 24, 3, 49127, '2019-01-20 14:10:06'),
(330, 31, 2, 16933, '2019-01-04 20:05:51'),
(331, 19, 1, 30057, '2019-01-24 08:33:39'),
(332, 31, 2, 93728, '2019-01-23 14:58:34'),
(333, 33, 1, 20932, '2018-12-31 23:43:41'),
(334, 14, 2, 33604, '2019-01-24 18:39:21'),
(335, 46, 2, 8453, '2019-01-08 23:07:59'),
(336, 10, 1, 91066, '2019-01-01 12:52:27'),
(337, 3, 2, 85195, '2019-01-07 19:34:24'),
(338, 5, 3, 99117, '2019-01-04 13:07:55'),
(339, 44, 8, 30865, '2019-01-29 23:26:08'),
(340, 48, 3, 53906, '2019-01-08 04:28:36'),
(341, 35, 1, 16329, '2019-01-12 01:55:19'),
(342, 28, 2, 78698, '2019-01-28 12:32:57'),
(343, 40, 1, 44202, '2019-01-21 04:54:42'),
(344, 33, 2, 45033, '2019-01-18 10:52:18'),
(345, 25, 1, 52731, '2019-01-27 02:17:55'),
(346, 9, 1, 42898, '2019-01-20 19:59:25'),
(347, 48, 1, 14356, '2019-01-01 11:07:28'),
(348, 29, 1, 61282, '2019-01-26 12:20:15'),
(349, 26, 2, 71969, '2019-01-07 18:55:06'),
(350, 34, 2, 3275, '2019-01-11 11:45:21'),
(351, 25, 2, 60759, '2019-01-20 20:20:19'),
(352, 46, 1, 11111, '2019-01-04 21:31:18'),
(353, 31, 1, 89077, '2019-01-25 04:02:24'),
(354, 26, 1, 47192, '2019-01-16 09:25:59'),
(355, 11, 3, 79666, '2019-01-21 12:39:27'),
(356, 47, 1, 282, '2019-01-25 12:22:09'),
(357, 43, 1, 24682, '2019-01-05 13:59:31'),
(358, 29, 3, 79779, '2019-01-16 09:53:52'),
(359, 16, 1, 15832, '2019-01-02 04:39:28'),
(360, 6, 9, 69536, '2019-01-30 14:53:23'),
(361, 25, 2, 67002, '2019-01-18 22:51:44'),
(362, 13, 1, 82414, '2019-01-14 07:52:26'),
(363, 4, 4, 50710, '2019-01-04 05:14:12'),
(364, 40, 1, 76630, '2019-01-16 12:40:51'),
(365, 16, 1, 47034, '2019-01-12 10:51:41'),
(366, 15, 1, 24449, '2019-01-07 14:46:39'),
(367, 42, 1, 51878, '2019-01-11 09:55:19'),
(368, 27, 3, 85664, '2019-01-22 10:55:25'),
(369, 10, 1, 97078, '2019-01-22 21:47:08'),
(371, 30, 1, 28474, '2019-01-25 00:26:10'),
(372, 3, 1, 19302, '2019-01-16 22:27:57'),
(373, 22, 1, 51090, '2019-01-29 06:48:04'),
(374, 48, 5, 60021, '2019-01-30 06:26:43'),
(376, 32, 1, 19887, '2019-01-02 02:19:59'),
(377, 23, 1, 35668, '2019-01-07 11:40:38'),
(378, 16, 1, 78526, '2019-01-06 06:56:36'),
(379, 38, 1, 61953, '2019-01-15 03:48:28'),
(380, 40, 2, 70031, '2019-01-27 03:58:34'),
(381, 12, 1, 8838, '2019-01-05 18:09:19'),
(382, 25, 1, 85575, '2019-01-11 17:20:10'),
(383, 12, 1, 10232, '2019-01-27 18:51:12'),
(384, 2, 1, 31162, '2019-01-28 16:08:35'),
(385, 4, 1, 88769, '2019-01-08 05:09:19'),
(386, 43, 1, 26376, '2019-01-02 16:38:58'),
(387, 24, 1, 6454, '2019-01-10 04:36:59'),
(389, 43, 1, 86543, '2019-01-07 17:28:17'),
(390, 2, 1, 89349, '2019-01-07 08:53:20'),
(391, 23, 1, 77073, '2019-01-01 10:01:51'),
(392, 15, 1, 6771, '2019-01-22 17:05:52'),
(393, 45, 1, 68606, '2019-01-08 22:19:34'),
(394, 36, 1, 14828, '2019-01-28 14:49:25'),
(395, 29, 1, 3924, '2019-01-01 15:30:44'),
(396, 20, 2, 33389, '2019-01-27 06:20:44'),
(397, 46, 1, 71612, '2019-01-05 18:54:56'),
(398, 46, 1, 47366, '2019-01-16 19:47:14'),
(400, 20, 4, 38598, '2019-01-03 18:14:49'),
(401, 47, 1, 6018, '2019-01-02 04:42:23'),
(402, 5, 2, 73091, '2019-01-17 02:22:12'),
(403, 36, 2, 17442, '2019-01-07 22:36:41'),
(404, 45, 2, 26405, '2019-01-09 19:30:19'),
(406, 12, 1, 97387, '2019-01-21 00:45:49'),
(407, 38, 1, 22477, '2019-01-03 19:04:36'),
(408, 12, 1, 95594, '2019-01-18 11:54:53'),
(410, 23, 1, 44235, '2019-01-23 21:36:43'),
(411, 2, 1, 37146, '2019-01-20 11:48:15'),
(412, 13, 1, 45570, '2019-01-22 05:15:33'),
(413, 12, 1, 26546, '2019-01-04 07:56:57'),
(414, 9, 1, 74890, '2019-01-19 03:35:01'),
(415, 40, 2, 59434, '2019-01-05 19:54:49'),
(416, 29, 1, 37794, '2019-01-07 01:57:05'),
(417, 9, 2, 16301, '2019-01-02 04:47:07'),
(418, 29, 1, 59147, '2019-01-06 02:48:28'),
(419, 14, 1, 9787, '2019-01-12 05:27:03'),
(421, 16, 1, 1402, '2019-01-23 06:29:53'),
(423, 44, 1, 7536, '2019-01-01 07:31:31'),
(424, 18, 1, 92428, '2019-01-03 06:10:09'),
(426, 10, 2, 88060, '2019-01-11 00:41:05'),
(428, 2, 1, 71608, '2019-01-13 08:33:33'),
(429, 41, 1, 42526, '2019-01-08 03:56:58'),
(430, 14, 1, 61840, '2019-01-29 07:49:43'),
(431, 26, 2, 53337, '2019-01-17 05:05:00'),
(432, 45, 3, 26843, '2019-01-01 03:52:40'),
(433, 13, 1, 72669, '2019-01-04 00:10:20'),
(435, 35, 2, 65401, '2019-01-28 17:02:37'),
(436, 9, 1, 77957, '2019-01-10 10:34:17'),
(437, 10, 1, 31942, '2019-01-08 22:36:01'),
(438, 19, 2, 63816, '2019-01-04 10:46:47'),
(440, 29, 1, 74133, '2019-01-05 17:45:55'),
(441, 18, 2, 18170, '2019-01-14 02:00:51'),
(442, 33, 1, 28534, '2019-01-17 14:38:17'),
(443, 17, 1, 47960, '2019-01-13 05:38:43'),
(444, 22, 1, 70097, '2019-01-12 07:37:10'),
(445, 14, 1, 63264, '2019-01-10 20:49:57'),
(446, 29, 1, 80596, '2019-01-22 09:17:33'),
(447, 29, 1, 93082, '2019-01-19 10:00:19'),
(448, 47, 1, 37413, '2019-01-21 10:12:51'),
(449, 14, 2, 82477, '2019-01-01 05:41:33'),
(450, 31, 1, 61399, '2019-01-14 18:24:20'),
(451, 41, 1, 95678, '2019-01-17 08:59:13'),
(452, 29, 1, 85606, '2019-01-02 15:37:52'),
(453, 12, 1, 69997, '2019-01-03 19:57:35'),
(455, 10, 1, 76019, '2019-01-24 14:58:48'),
(456, 44, 2, 10109, '2019-01-02 16:25:52'),
(457, 29, 2, 68313, '2019-01-20 00:17:43'),
(458, 19, 1, 65153, '2019-01-28 20:46:07'),
(460, 36, 1, 85857, '2019-01-10 02:49:34'),
(461, 39, 1, 63584, '2019-01-14 22:12:15'),
(463, 39, 1, 13994, '2019-01-06 00:00:06'),
(464, 47, 2, 12920, '2019-01-10 02:19:33'),
(465, 29, 1, 95715, '2019-01-28 19:51:46'),
(466, 13, 1, 94017, '2019-01-28 17:24:56'),
(467, 13, 1, 20819, '2019-01-27 17:52:28'),
(468, 42, 1, 72718, '2019-01-27 11:40:52'),
(469, 36, 1, 85270, '2019-01-29 09:19:08'),
(470, 25, 1, 67917, '2019-01-02 07:42:24'),
(471, 21, 2, 76308, '2019-01-04 11:12:09'),
(473, 44, 1, 13549, '2019-01-13 01:26:45'),
(475, 43, 1, 71626, '2019-01-01 14:03:20'),
(476, 7, 1, 60818, '2019-01-22 04:02:58'),
(479, 14, 1, 59272, '2019-01-15 18:16:33'),
(480, 36, 1, 60504, '2019-01-27 20:52:17'),
(481, 34, 1, 83684, '2019-01-24 11:46:01'),
(482, 15, 2, 50663, '2019-01-17 15:20:26'),
(483, 31, 1, 25485, '2019-01-01 12:43:00'),
(484, 34, 1, 52099, '2019-01-26 03:36:26'),
(485, 3, 1, 73014, '2019-01-02 11:27:26'),
(486, 24, 1, 74553, '2019-01-23 19:30:28'),
(488, 10, 1, 6381, '2019-01-23 00:48:35'),
(489, 5, 1, 3177, '2019-01-03 12:52:23'),
(492, 23, 1, 35969, '2019-01-18 02:20:54'),
(493, 46, 1, 4039, '2019-01-18 21:24:25'),
(494, 42, 1, 4792, '2019-01-01 15:59:54'),
(496, 12, 2, 47099, '2019-01-25 10:31:23'),
(497, 32, 1, 82982, '2019-01-16 23:23:43'),
(498, 11, 1, 98037, '2019-01-25 03:26:45'),
(502, 14, 1, 66684, '2019-01-07 16:40:56'),
(504, 49, 1, 80144, '2019-01-12 06:00:38'),
(505, 39, 1, 34031, '2019-01-13 03:11:51'),
(506, 27, 1, 69548, '2019-01-25 01:19:25'),
(508, 14, 1, 43379, '2019-01-16 14:28:25'),
(509, 26, 1, 187, '2019-01-22 00:56:17'),
(510, 28, 1, 78056, '2019-01-05 07:40:24'),
(511, 37, 1, 45023, '2019-01-05 02:57:23'),
(514, 22, 1, 65308, '2019-01-11 15:10:49'),
(517, 20, 1, 21844, '2019-01-17 02:56:34'),
(519, 8, 2, 62221, '2019-01-21 18:10:06'),
(522, 13, 1, 42032, '2019-01-29 22:44:13'),
(523, 7, 1, 69166, '2019-01-03 06:45:26'),
(524, 6, 1, 98828, '2019-01-26 23:10:10'),
(526, 48, 1, 14929, '2019-01-06 18:49:24'),
(527, 47, 2, 8373, '2019-01-23 15:32:20'),
(530, 30, 1, 31089, '2019-01-17 17:04:32'),
(531, 39, 1, 32864, '2019-01-07 21:24:56'),
(532, 34, 1, 26784, '2019-01-16 18:13:10'),
(535, 3, 1, 65968, '2019-01-24 04:14:55'),
(538, 43, 1, 36375, '2019-01-16 08:46:46'),
(540, 47, 1, 91565, '2019-01-17 07:36:01'),
(541, 14, 1, 12782, '2019-01-08 10:02:29'),
(542, 15, 1, 44560, '2019-01-01 00:58:49'),
(545, 38, 1, 63868, '2019-01-06 16:32:47'),
(546, 2, 1, 6482, '2019-01-19 02:42:28'),
(547, 37, 1, 98513, '2019-01-19 15:20:41'),
(548, 21, 1, 13583, '2019-01-28 16:21:07'),
(550, 39, 1, 78178, '2019-01-01 19:38:40'),
(551, 13, 1, 72797, '2019-01-12 07:57:59'),
(552, 17, 1, 4644, '2019-01-23 07:00:31'),
(554, 1, 1, 40651, '2019-01-06 02:04:18'),
(556, 12, 1, 48845, '2019-01-01 22:36:04'),
(563, 49, 1, 98470, '2019-01-22 15:02:41'),
(566, 13, 2, 5496, '2019-01-15 04:44:40'),
(567, 25, 1, 54670, '2019-01-26 22:42:52'),
(568, 16, 1, 21928, '2019-01-05 02:28:43'),
(570, 8, 1, 68237, '2019-01-12 15:45:26'),
(574, 15, 1, 58195, '2019-01-08 20:59:49'),
(575, 44, 1, 51219, '2019-01-04 21:08:46'),
(578, 9, 1, 39884, '2019-01-01 22:41:31'),
(580, 43, 1, 51168, '2019-01-27 05:58:21'),
(582, 18, 1, 37527, '2019-01-23 13:42:36'),
(584, 12, 1, 45301, '2019-01-17 10:12:17'),
(586, 30, 1, 94974, '2019-01-01 02:56:54'),
(588, 9, 1, 60602, '2019-01-14 00:58:08'),
(590, 1, 1, 88428, '2019-01-02 06:16:15'),
(592, 11, 1, 81326, '2019-01-20 01:50:08'),
(597, 21, 1, 41077, '2019-01-19 02:57:25'),
(599, 1, 1, 31387, '2019-01-14 02:26:03'),
(600, 40, 1, 83779, '2019-01-29 15:09:39'),
(602, 33, 1, 18959, '2019-01-28 09:36:17'),
(605, 14, 1, 39088, '2019-01-14 22:54:11'),
(607, 45, 1, 27372, '2019-01-17 06:14:09'),
(611, 19, 1, 4649, '2019-01-02 14:02:19'),
(616, 22, 1, 92395, '2019-01-28 13:42:13'),
(621, 37, 1, 56479, '2019-01-15 13:20:17'),
(624, 36, 2, 97169, '2019-01-17 11:42:42'),
(625, 4, 1, 84420, '2019-01-12 09:55:52'),
(627, 2, 1, 5719, '2019-01-01 01:56:45'),
(628, 37, 1, 80054, '2019-01-28 15:48:37'),
(632, 10, 1, 60802, '2019-01-29 17:02:44'),
(636, 24, 1, 12258, '2019-01-28 12:49:05'),
(637, 47, 1, 82877, '2019-01-16 18:07:05'),
(638, 3, 1, 8969, '2019-01-23 19:38:29'),
(639, 47, 1, 93441, '2019-01-19 04:46:45'),
(640, 46, 1, 61550, '2019-01-06 08:30:43'),
(643, 32, 1, 73589, '2019-01-03 19:13:20'),
(646, 15, 2, 11458, '2019-01-05 02:13:45'),
(655, 34, 1, 46608, '2019-01-27 15:18:52'),
(656, 43, 1, 60702, '2019-01-16 23:47:20'),
(657, 27, 1, 38469, '2019-01-27 06:36:47'),
(658, 31, 1, 30721, '2019-01-19 20:58:54'),
(659, 16, 1, 67337, '2019-01-09 08:03:19'),
(661, 8, 1, 85689, '2019-01-01 18:58:03'),
(662, 42, 1, 4137, '2019-01-20 14:46:04'),
(666, 13, 1, 20787, '2019-01-13 18:55:53'),
(668, 14, 1, 96338, '2019-01-18 19:16:45'),
(682, 13, 1, 76, '2019-01-18 00:50:46'),
(687, 49, 1, 70436, '2019-01-01 02:53:20'),
(688, 32, 1, 38740, '2019-01-26 23:39:17'),
(691, 25, 1, 64194, '2019-01-28 02:21:18'),
(692, 44, 1, 70755, '2019-01-19 15:19:24'),
(694, 24, 1, 35239, '2019-01-18 16:15:47'),
(698, 11, 1, 97155, '2019-01-06 16:38:10'),
(700, 4, 1, 9391, '2019-01-20 12:49:45'),
(704, 21, 1, 5628, '2019-01-03 14:45:28'),
(707, 31, 1, 87296, '2019-01-26 05:06:31'),
(708, 23, 1, 18888, '2019-01-17 10:55:40'),
(709, 5, 1, 3214, '2019-01-15 13:42:03'),
(710, 13, 1, 20111, '2019-01-01 16:25:22'),
(711, 9, 1, 14474, '2019-01-18 06:41:57'),
(712, 14, 1, 15865, '2019-01-23 01:35:57'),
(732, 32, 1, 62515, '2019-01-01 02:50:37'),
(737, 28, 1, 62826, '2019-01-04 14:19:31'),
(738, 48, 1, 73250, '2019-01-11 05:36:00'),
(739, 25, 1, 26025, '2019-01-01 20:47:10'),
(752, 39, 1, 60982, '2019-01-09 02:17:03'),
(756, 19, 1, 66388, '2019-01-01 11:55:06'),
(757, 11, 1, 2464, '2019-01-27 08:36:07'),
(763, 36, 1, 8375, '2019-01-09 11:58:02'),
(766, 6, 1, 52250, '2019-01-24 09:56:05'),
(769, 3, 1, 44934, '2019-01-08 23:42:42'),
(774, 26, 1, 58690, '2019-01-06 09:02:55'),
(777, 2, 1, 24856, '2019-01-04 16:11:59'),
(781, 46, 1, 30848, '2019-01-15 03:18:10'),
(782, 33, 1, 6625, '2019-01-07 14:49:20'),
(783, 23, 1, 87412, '2019-01-28 18:57:32'),
(790, 40, 1, 7988, '2019-01-23 03:24:53'),
(793, 16, 1, 80355, '2019-01-21 17:41:47'),
(801, 19, 1, 58940, '2019-01-23 09:17:10'),
(811, 48, 1, 92125, '2019-01-04 07:49:15'),
(813, 37, 1, 37025, '2019-01-12 09:56:36'),
(824, 2, 1, 94835, '2019-01-12 06:54:10'),
(849, 17, 1, 10352, '2019-01-01 02:02:18'),
(850, 46, 1, 20520, '2019-01-11 19:38:25'),
(862, 16, 1, 34188, '2019-01-22 14:58:31'),
(868, 39, 1, 55430, '2019-01-02 20:31:41'),
(879, 26, 1, 58158, '2019-01-28 09:13:45'),
(883, 16, 1, 50727, '2019-01-01 22:45:39'),
(889, 38, 1, 28811, '2019-01-07 02:38:56'),
(891, 2, 1, 47172, '2019-01-27 13:10:15'),
(924, 16, 1, 18714, '2019-01-11 16:55:30'),
(955, 28, 1, 2756, '2019-01-19 11:13:43'),
(962, 47, 1, 38280, '2019-01-15 10:35:10'),
(976, 24, 1, 83197, '2019-01-17 22:18:02'),
(1013, 3, 1, 25893, '2019-01-06 05:00:40'),
(1137, 7, 1, 66787, '2019-01-21 09:43:22'),
(1167, 47, 1, 47776, '2019-01-01 22:19:51'),
(1322, 7, 1, 37561, '2019-01-11 08:33:47'),
(1771, 10, 1, 11004, '2019-01-17 19:02:57');
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
var logger = require('morgan');
var apiRouter = require('./routes/api');
var app = express();
// view engine setup
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
// app.use(logger('dev'));
app.use(express.urlencoded({extended: false}));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'web')));
// enable CORS
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, PUT, POST, DELETE");
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept');
app.use('/api', apiRouter);
module.exports = app;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
let sqlTasks = require('./sqlTasks.json');
const os = require('os');
const getSqlTasks = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "../lekerdezesek/lekerdezesek.sql"), 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
let sqlQueriesFromFile = data.split("***").splice(1);
sqlQueriesFromFile.forEach(sqlQuery => {
let lines = sqlQuery.split(os.EOL);
const id = lines[1].split(".")[0];
lines = lines.splice(2);
if (lines.length > 0) {
const sqlQueryText = lines.reduce((sql, line) => sql + " " + line).trim();
let sqlTask = sqlTasks.filter(task => === Number.parseInt(id))[0];
if (sqlTask) {
sqlTask.sql = sqlQueryText
} else {
console.error("Nem található ilyen ID-jű lekérdezés: ", id);
module.exports = getSqlTasks;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"id": 15,
"description": "Adatbázis létrehozása",
"adminPage": false
"id": 16,
"description": "Sportautók száma a flottában",
"adminPage": true
"id": 17,
"description": "Limuzinok",
"adminPage": true
"id": 18,
"description": "Új autó hozzáadása",
"adminPage": false
"id": 19,
"description": "Az öt legnépszerűbb autó",
"adminPage": true
"id": 20,
"description": "Teljes bevétel és a legnagyobb biztosítási arány",
"adminPage": true
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
[{"date":"2023. 10. 10. 9:11:13"},{"velemeny":"asd","date":"2023. 10. 10. 9:11:55"},{"velemeny":"asd","date":"2023. 10. 10. 9:12:24"}]
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
* Module dependencies.
var app = require('../app');
var debug = require('debug')('oldtimer:server');
var http = require('http');
* Get port from environment and store in Express.
var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '8000');
app.set('port', port);
console.log("Az autókölcsönző weboldal a http://localhost:"+port+" címen érhető el.");
console.log("Az autókölcsönző Adminisztrációs oldala a http://localhost:"+port+"/admin címen érhető el.");
* Create HTTP server.
var server = http.createServer(app);
* Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.
server.on('error', onError);
server.on('listening', onListening);
* Normalize a port into a number, string, or false.
function normalizePort(val) {
var port = parseInt(val, 10);
if (isNaN(port)) {
// named pipe
return val;
if (port >= 0) {
// port number
return port;
return false;
* Event listener for HTTP server "error" event.
function onError(error) {
if (error.syscall !== 'listen') {
throw error;
var bind = typeof port === 'string'
? 'Pipe ' + port
: 'Port ' + port;
// handle specific listen errors with friendly messages
switch (error.code) {
case 'EACCES':
console.error(bind + ' requires elevated privileges');
console.error(bind + ' is already in use');
throw error;
* Event listener for HTTP server "listening" event.
function onListening() {
var addr = server.address();
var bind = typeof addr === 'string'
? 'pipe ' + addr
: 'port ' + addr.port;
debug('Listening on ' + bind);
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
A feladatok megoldására elkészített SQL parancsokat illessze be a feladat sorszáma után!
15. feladat
16. feladat
17. feladat
18. feladat
19. feladat
20. feladat
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Kép forrása: kepek/mustang_700_400.jpg,
Név: „1970 Ford Mustang Boss 302”,
Ár felirat: „Ár: 20.000 Ft / óra."
Szöveg: „Eredetileg 1969 és 1970 között készült, módosított Ford Mustang Boss 302, mely nem összekeverendő a 2012-ben újraélesztett, hasonló nevű modellel. Ez volt az a széria, ami igazán népszerűvé tette a márkát
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"name": "oldtimer",
"version": "0.0.0",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www"
"dependencies": {
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"mysql": "^2.16.0"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
/* GET nem elérhető autók listája. */
router.get('/nemelerheto', function (req, res, next) {
console.log("Api hívás érkezett: /nemelerheto api kérés érkezett a Frontendtől");
nemElerhetoAutok: 'Ferrari Spider 1992, Moszkvics 408'
/* Vélemény bejegyzések kezelése */
let velemenyekJsonPath = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/velemenyek.json');
var velemenyek = [];
function initializeVelemenyek(path) {
try {
velemenyek = require(path);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Még nincs érvényes véleményeket tartalmazó fájl.")
/* POST velemeny */
|'/velemeny', function (req, res, next) {
console.log("Api hívás érkezett: vásárlói vélemény rögzítése: ", req.body);
"velemeny": req.body.velemeny,
"date": new Date().toLocaleString()
fs.writeFileSync(velemenyekJsonPath, JSON.stringify(velemenyek));
/* GET velemeny */
router.get('/velemeny', function (req, res, next) {
console.log("Api hívás érkezett: vásárlói vélemény lekérdezése.");
if (velemenyek.length === 0) {
"velemeny": "Még nem érkezett felhasználói bejegyzés.",
"date": null
} else {
router.delete('/velemeny', function (req, res, next) {
console.log("Api hívás érkezett: vásárlói vélemények törlése.");
velemenyek = [];
fs.unlinkSync(velemenyekJsonPath, JSON.stringify(velemenyek));
res.send(JSON.stringify({'message':'Törlés sikeres'}));
} catch (e) {
res.send(JSON.stringify({'message':'Nem történt törlés, mert a fájl nem létezik (még).'}));
// Admin eszközök
var mysql = require('mysql');
var sqlTasks = require('../assets/sqlTasks.json');
var db = {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
password: '',
database: 'oldtimer'
const getSqlTasks = require('../assets/sqlTasks');
const databaseQuery = sqlQuery => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const connection = mysql.createConnection(db);
if (sqlQuery !== 'select version();') {
console.log('sqlQuery futtatása:', sqlQuery);
connection.query(sqlQuery, (error, lines, fields) => {
if (error) reject(error);
/* GET sqlTasks */
router.get('/sqltasks', function (req, res, next) {
/* fech data from database */
router.get('/lekerdezes/:id', function (req, res, next) {
getSqlTasks().then(result => {
console.log("API hívás érkezett: lekérdezés futtatása:", req.params['id'], ' sorszámmal.');
const sqlTasks = result;
const sqlTaskById = sqlTasks.filter(task => ==;
if (sqlTaskById) {
sqlTask = sqlTaskById[0];
if (sqlTask.sql) {
.then(result => {
.catch(error => {
console.error("Hiba történt az SQL parancs végrehajtása során:", error.sqlMessage ? error.sqlMessage : error.code);
res.status(error.status || 500);
if (error.code && error.code === "ER_BAD_DB_ERROR") {
console.error("Még nincsen létrehozva a feladathoz szükséges adatbázis!");
res.send(JSON.stringify({error: error.code}))
} else if (error.code && error.code === "ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE") {
console.error("Még nincsen létrehozva a feladathoz tartozó tábla!");
res.send(JSON.stringify({error: error.code}))
} else if (error.code && error.code === "ECONNREFUSED") {
console.error("Nem sikerült a MySQL adatbázis szerverhez kapcsolódni.");
res.send(JSON.stringify({error: error.code}))
} else if (error.sqlMessage) {
res.send(JSON.stringify({error: error.sqlMessage}))
} else {
res.send(JSON.stringify({error: 'Ismeretlen eredetű hiba!'}))
} else {
console.log("Ehhez a feladathoz még nem szerepel SQL lekérdezés a beadandó fájlban.");
res.send(JSON.stringify({empty: true}))
/* GET server status monitoring */
router.get('/serverStatus', function (req, res, next) {
res.send(JSON.stringify({alive: true}))
/* GET SQL status monitoring */
router.get('/mysqlStatus', function (req, res, next) {
databaseQuery('select version();')
.then(result => {
res.send({alive: true})
.catch(error => {
res.send({alive: false})
module.exports = router;
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.3 KiB |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
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<html lang="en">
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<title>Oldtimer Veteránautó-kölcsönző - Adminisztrációs oldal</title>
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Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
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/******/ if(, moduleId)) {
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/******/ if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
/******/ while(resolves.length) {
/******/ resolves.shift()();
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/******/ // run deferred modules when all chunks ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
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/******/ function checkDeferredModules() {
/******/ var result;
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < deferredModules.length; i++) {
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/******/ if(installedChunks[depId] !== 0) fulfilled = false;
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/******/ return result;
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/******/ // Promise = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded
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/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
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/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
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/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
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/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });
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/******/ // create a fake namespace object
/******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
/******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
/******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object
/******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require
/******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {
/******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
/******/ if(mode & 8) return value;
/******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;
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/******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });
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/******/ return ns;
/******/ };
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/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
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/******/ ([]);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
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/******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) {
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/******/ var executeModules = data[2];
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/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [];
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/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
/******/ resolves.push(installedChunks[chunkId][0]);
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
/******/ }
/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
/******/ if(, moduleId)) {
/******/ modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data);
/******/ while(resolves.length) {
/******/ resolves.shift()();
/******/ }
/******/ // add entry modules from loaded chunk to deferred list
/******/ deferredModules.push.apply(deferredModules, executeModules || []);
/******/ // run deferred modules when all chunks ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules();
/******/ };
/******/ function checkDeferredModules() {
/******/ var result;
/******/ for(var i = 0; i < deferredModules.length; i++) {
/******/ var deferredModule = deferredModules[i];
/******/ var fulfilled = true;
/******/ for(var j = 1; j < deferredModule.length; j++) {
/******/ var depId = deferredModule[j];
/******/ if(installedChunks[depId] !== 0) fulfilled = false;
/******/ }
/******/ if(fulfilled) {
/******/ deferredModules.splice(i--, 1);
/******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = deferredModule[0]);
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ return result;
/******/ }
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ // undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched
/******/ // Promise = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ "runtime": 0
/******/ };
/******/ var deferredModules = [];
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });
/******/ }
/******/ };
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ }
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ };
/******/ // create a fake namespace object
/******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
/******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
/******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object
/******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require
/******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {
/******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
/******/ if(mode & 8) return value;
/******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;
/******/ var ns = Object.create(null);
/******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns);
/******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });
/******/ if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));
/******/ return ns;
/******/ };
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
/******/ };
/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
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/******/ // run deferred modules from other chunks
/******/ checkDeferredModules();
/******/ })
/******/ ([]);
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<h1>Béreljen Klasszikust!</h1>
<p>Nálunk minden régi óriást megtalál.</p>
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<h1>A Keleti blokktól Hollywoodig</h1>
<p>1960 és 1990 közötti autógyártás remekművei közül válogathat</p>
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<h1 class="my-4">Veteránautó kölcsönzés</h1>
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Az <b>Oldtimer Veteránautó-kölcsönző</b> cég küldetése, hogy ügyfelei számára visszahozza a múlt
egy igen jellemző szeletét. Autóinkat a lehető legkülönbözőbb korokból válogattuk össze,
kifejezetten azzal a céllal, hogy visszarepíthessük Önt az elmúlt évszázad autóiapri csodáinak
birodalmába!<br />
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<a href="#"><img class="card-img-top" src="../kepek/trabant_700_400.jpg" alt="Trabant 601"></a>
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<h4 class="card-title">
<a href="#">Trabant 601</a>
<h5>Ár: 2.500 Ft. / óra</h5>
<p class="card-text">A Trabant keletnémet gépkocsitípus, melyet a német VEB Sachsenring
gyártott. a legelterjedtebb autó volt Kelet-Németországban.
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<a href="#"><img class="card-img-top" src="../kepek/moszkvics_700_400.jpg" alt="Moszkvics 408"></a>
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<h4 class="card-title">
<a href="#">Moszkvics 408</a>
<p class="card-text">
A Moszkvics egy Moszkvában 1947 és 1968 között gyártott szovjet autómárka. A
Zavod Maliolitrazsnih Avtomobilej (MZMA) készítette, akár a 130 km/h-s sebességre is
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<a href="#"><img class="card-img-top" src="../kepek/delorean_700_400.jpg" alt="DeLorean DMC-12"></a>
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<h4 class="card-title">
<a href="#">DeLorean DMC-12</a>
<h5>Ár: 12.000 huf / óra</h5>
<p class="card-text">
Ezt a világhírű sportautót a John DeLorean által alapított DeLorean Motor Company
gyártotta 1981-ben.
A DeLorean egy módosított változata a Vissza a jövőbe filmtrilógiában szerepelt mint
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<a href="#"><img class="card-img-top" src="../kepek/cadillac_700_400.jpg"
alt="Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham"></a>
<div class="card-body">
<h4 class="card-title">
<a href="#">Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham</a>
<h5>Ár: 15.000 Ft. / óra</h5>
<p class="card-text">Ezt a luxusautó az amerikai Cadillac gyár kapuján gurult ki 1977 és
1986 között.
A Fleetwood jelzővel az összes lehetséges extrával felszerelt modellt illették.</p>
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<a href="#"><img class="card-img-top" src="../kepek/ferrari_700_400.jpg" alt="Ferrari Spider 1992"></a>
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<h4 class="card-title">
<a href="#">Ferrari 348</a>
<h5>Ár: 18.000 huf / óra</h5>
<p class="card-text">
A Ferrari 348-as 1989 és 1995 között készült, egyedi V8-as motorral ellátott
Ez volt a legutolsó modell, amit még maga Enzo Ferrari tervezett.
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<h4 class="card-title">
<a href="#">1970 Ford Mustang Boss 302</a>
<h5>Ár: 20.000 Ft / óra.</h5>
<p class="card-text">
Eredetileg 1969 és 1970 között készült, módosított Ford Mustang Boss 302,
mely nem összekeverendő a 2012-ben újraélesztett, hasonló nevű modellel.
Ez volt az a széria, ami igazán népszerűvé tette a márkát
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Oldtimer Veteránautó-kölcsönző <br />
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Fő út 1. <br />
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document.getElementById('nem-elerheto').textContent = 'Jelenleg minden autó elérhet ő!'
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document.getElementById('nem-elerheto').textContent = json.nemElerhetoAutok.toString()
function velemenyKuldes() {
const val = document.getElementById('velemenyInput').value
fetch('api/velemeny', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
velemeny: val,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(res => {
.then(json => {
document.getElementById('velemenyInput').value = ''
alert('Véleménye fontos számunkra!')