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2023-01-27 10:54:37 +00:00
#ifndef SRC_NAPI_H_
#define SRC_NAPI_H_
#include <node_api.h>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// VS2015 RTM has bugs with constexpr, so require min of VS2015 Update 3 (known
// good version)
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_FULL_VER >= 190024210
// VS2013 does not support char16_t literal strings, so we'll work around it
// using wchar_t strings and casting them. This is safe as long as the character
// sizes are the same.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1800
static_assert(sizeof(char16_t) == sizeof(wchar_t),
"Size mismatch between char16_t and wchar_t");
#define NAPI_WIDE_TEXT(x) reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(L##x)
#define NAPI_WIDE_TEXT(x) u##x
// If C++ exceptions are not explicitly enabled or disabled, enable them
// if exceptions were enabled in the compiler settings.
#if defined(_CPPUNWIND) || defined(__EXCEPTIONS)
#error Exception support not detected. \
// not be set
#error NODE_ADDON_API_ENABLE_MAYBE should not be set when \
#ifdef _NOEXCEPT
#define NAPI_NOEXCEPT noexcept
// When C++ exceptions are enabled, Errors are thrown directly. There is no need
// to return anything after the throw statements. The variadic parameter is an
// optional return value that is ignored.
// We need _VOID versions of the macros to avoid warnings resulting from
// leaving the NAPI_THROW_* `...` argument empty.
#define NAPI_THROW(e, ...) throw e
#define NAPI_THROW_VOID(e) throw e
#define NAPI_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, ...) \
if ((status) != napi_ok) throw Napi::Error::New(env);
#define NAPI_THROW_IF_FAILED_VOID(env, status) \
if ((status) != napi_ok) throw Napi::Error::New(env);
// When C++ exceptions are disabled, Errors are thrown as JavaScript exceptions,
// which are pending until the callback returns to JS. The variadic parameter
// is an optional return value; usually it is an empty result.
// We need _VOID versions of the macros to avoid warnings resulting from
// leaving the NAPI_THROW_* `...` argument empty.
#define NAPI_THROW(e, ...) \
do { \
(e).ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); \
return __VA_ARGS__; \
} while (0)
#define NAPI_THROW_VOID(e) \
do { \
(e).ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); \
return; \
} while (0)
#define NAPI_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, ...) \
if ((status) != napi_ok) { \
Napi::Error::New(env).ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); \
return __VA_ARGS__; \
#define NAPI_THROW_IF_FAILED_VOID(env, status) \
if ((status) != napi_ok) { \
Napi::Error::New(env).ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); \
return; \
#define NAPI_MAYBE_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, type) \
NAPI_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, Napi::Nothing<type>())
#define NAPI_RETURN_OR_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, result, type) \
NAPI_MAYBE_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, type); \
return Napi::Just<type>(result);
#define NAPI_MAYBE_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, type) \
NAPI_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, type())
#define NAPI_RETURN_OR_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, result, type) \
NAPI_MAYBE_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, type); \
return result;
#define NAPI_DISALLOW_ASSIGN(CLASS) void operator=(const CLASS&) = delete;
#define NAPI_DISALLOW_COPY(CLASS) CLASS(const CLASS&) = delete;
#define NAPI_CHECK(condition, location, message) \
do { \
if (!(condition)) { \
Napi::Error::Fatal((location), (message)); \
} \
} while (0)
#define NAPI_FATAL_IF_FAILED(status, location, message) \
NAPI_CHECK((status) == napi_ok, location, message)
/// Node-API C++ Wrapper Classes
/// These classes wrap the "Node-API" ABI-stable C APIs for Node.js, providing a
/// C++ object model and C++ exception-handling semantics with low overhead.
/// The wrappers are all header-only so that they do not affect the ABI.
namespace Napi {
// NAPI_CPP_CUSTOM_NAMESPACE can be #define'd per-addon to avoid symbol
// conflicts between different instances of node-addon-api
// First dummy definition of the namespace to make sure that Napi::(name) still
// refers to the right things inside this file.
// Forward declarations
class Env;
class Value;
class Boolean;
class Number;
class BigInt;
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 5
#if (NAPI_VERSION > 4)
class Date;
class String;
class Object;
class Array;
class ArrayBuffer;
class Function;
class Error;
class PropertyDescriptor;
class CallbackInfo;
class TypedArray;
template <typename T>
class TypedArrayOf;
using Int8Array =
TypedArrayOf<int8_t>; ///< Typed-array of signed 8-bit integers
using Uint8Array =
TypedArrayOf<uint8_t>; ///< Typed-array of unsigned 8-bit integers
using Int16Array =
TypedArrayOf<int16_t>; ///< Typed-array of signed 16-bit integers
using Uint16Array =
TypedArrayOf<uint16_t>; ///< Typed-array of unsigned 16-bit integers
using Int32Array =
TypedArrayOf<int32_t>; ///< Typed-array of signed 32-bit integers
using Uint32Array =
TypedArrayOf<uint32_t>; ///< Typed-array of unsigned 32-bit integers
using Float32Array =
TypedArrayOf<float>; ///< Typed-array of 32-bit floating-point values
using Float64Array =
TypedArrayOf<double>; ///< Typed-array of 64-bit floating-point values
using BigInt64Array =
TypedArrayOf<int64_t>; ///< Typed array of signed 64-bit integers
using BigUint64Array =
TypedArrayOf<uint64_t>; ///< Typed array of unsigned 64-bit integers
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 5
/// Defines the signature of a Node-API C++ module's registration callback
/// (init) function.
using ModuleRegisterCallback = Object (*)(Env env, Object exports);
class MemoryManagement;
/// A simple Maybe type, representing an object which may or may not have a
/// value.
/// If an API method returns a Maybe<>, the API method can potentially fail
/// either because an exception is thrown, or because an exception is pending,
/// e.g. because a previous API call threw an exception that hasn't been
/// caught yet. In that case, a "Nothing" value is returned.
template <class T>
class Maybe {
bool IsNothing() const;
bool IsJust() const;
/// Short-hand for Unwrap(), which doesn't return a value. Could be used
/// where the actual value of the Maybe is not needed like Object::Set.
/// If this Maybe is nothing (empty), node-addon-api will crash the
/// process.
void Check() const;
/// Return the value of type T contained in the Maybe. If this Maybe is
/// nothing (empty), node-addon-api will crash the process.
T Unwrap() const;
/// Return the value of type T contained in the Maybe, or using a default
/// value if this Maybe is nothing (empty).
T UnwrapOr(const T& default_value) const;
/// Converts this Maybe to a value of type T in the out. If this Maybe is
/// nothing (empty), `false` is returned and `out` is left untouched.
bool UnwrapTo(T* out) const;
bool operator==(const Maybe& other) const;
bool operator!=(const Maybe& other) const;
explicit Maybe(const T& t);
bool _has_value;
T _value;
template <class U>
friend Maybe<U> Nothing();
template <class U>
friend Maybe<U> Just(const U& u);
template <class T>
inline Maybe<T> Nothing();
template <class T>
inline Maybe<T> Just(const T& t);
template <typename T>
using MaybeOrValue = Maybe<T>;
template <typename T>
using MaybeOrValue = T;
/// Environment for Node-API values and operations.
/// All Node-API values and operations must be associated with an environment.
/// An environment instance is always provided to callback functions; that
/// environment must then be used for any creation of Node-API values or other
/// Node-API operations within the callback. (Many methods infer the
/// environment from the `this` instance that the method is called on.)
/// In the future, multiple environments per process may be supported,
/// although current implementations only support one environment per process.
/// In the V8 JavaScript engine, a Node-API environment approximately
/// corresponds to an Isolate.
class Env {
napi_env _env;
template <typename T>
static void DefaultFini(Env, T* data);
template <typename DataType, typename HintType>
static void DefaultFiniWithHint(Env, DataType* data, HintType* hint);
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 5
Env(napi_env env);
operator napi_env() const;
Object Global() const;
Value Undefined() const;
Value Null() const;
bool IsExceptionPending() const;
Error GetAndClearPendingException() const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> RunScript(const char* utf8script) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> RunScript(const std::string& utf8script) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> RunScript(String script) const;
template <typename Hook, typename Arg = void>
class CleanupHook;
template <typename Hook>
CleanupHook<Hook> AddCleanupHook(Hook hook);
template <typename Hook, typename Arg>
CleanupHook<Hook, Arg> AddCleanupHook(Hook hook, Arg* arg);
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 2
template <typename T>
T* GetInstanceData() const;
template <typename T>
using Finalizer = void (*)(Env, T*);
template <typename T, Finalizer<T> fini = Env::DefaultFini<T>>
void SetInstanceData(T* data) const;
template <typename DataType, typename HintType>
using FinalizerWithHint = void (*)(Env, DataType*, HintType*);
template <typename DataType,
typename HintType,
FinalizerWithHint<DataType, HintType> fini =
Env::DefaultFiniWithHint<DataType, HintType>>
void SetInstanceData(DataType* data, HintType* hint) const;
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 5
template <typename Hook, typename Arg>
class CleanupHook {
CleanupHook(Env env, Hook hook, Arg* arg);
CleanupHook(Env env, Hook hook);
bool Remove(Env env);
bool IsEmpty() const;
static inline void Wrapper(void* data) NAPI_NOEXCEPT;
static inline void WrapperWithArg(void* data) NAPI_NOEXCEPT;
void (*wrapper)(void* arg);
struct CleanupData {
Hook hook;
Arg* arg;
} * data;
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 2
/// A JavaScript value of unknown type.
/// For type-specific operations, convert to one of the Value subclasses using a
/// `To*` or `As()` method. The `To*` methods do type coercion; the `As()`
/// method does not.
/// Napi::Value value = ...
/// if (!value.IsString()) throw Napi::TypeError::New(env, "Invalid
/// arg..."); Napi::String str = value.As<Napi::String>(); // Cast to a
/// string value
/// Napi::Value anotherValue = ...
/// bool isTruthy = anotherValue.ToBoolean(); // Coerce to a boolean value
class Value {
Value(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ Value instance.
Value(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
/// Creates a JS value from a C++ primitive.
/// `value` may be any of:
/// - bool
/// - Any integer type
/// - Any floating point type
/// - const char* (encoded using UTF-8, null-terminated)
/// - const char16_t* (encoded using UTF-16-LE, null-terminated)
/// - std::string (encoded using UTF-8)
/// - std::u16string
/// - napi::Value
/// - napi_value
template <typename T>
static Value From(napi_env env, const T& value);
/// Converts to a Node-API value primitive.
/// If the instance is _empty_, this returns `nullptr`.
operator napi_value() const;
/// Tests if this value strictly equals another value.
bool operator==(const Value& other) const;
/// Tests if this value does not strictly equal another value.
bool operator!=(const Value& other) const;
/// Tests if this value strictly equals another value.
bool StrictEquals(const Value& other) const;
/// Gets the environment the value is associated with.
Napi::Env Env() const;
/// Checks if the value is empty (uninitialized).
/// An empty value is invalid, and most attempts to perform an operation on an
/// empty value will result in an exception. Note an empty value is distinct
/// from JavaScript `null` or `undefined`, which are valid values.
/// When C++ exceptions are disabled at compile time, a method with a `Value`
/// return type may return an empty value to indicate a pending exception. So
/// when not using C++ exceptions, callers should check whether the value is
/// empty before attempting to use it.
bool IsEmpty() const;
napi_valuetype Type() const; ///< Gets the type of the value.
bool IsUndefined()
const; ///< Tests if a value is an undefined JavaScript value.
bool IsNull() const; ///< Tests if a value is a null JavaScript value.
bool IsBoolean() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript boolean.
bool IsNumber() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript number.
bool IsBigInt() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript bigint.
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 5
#if (NAPI_VERSION > 4)
bool IsDate() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript date.
bool IsString() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript string.
bool IsSymbol() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript symbol.
bool IsArray() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript array.
bool IsArrayBuffer()
const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript array buffer.
bool IsTypedArray() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript typed array.
bool IsObject() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript object.
bool IsFunction() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript function.
bool IsPromise() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript promise.
bool IsDataView() const; ///< Tests if a value is a JavaScript data view.
bool IsBuffer() const; ///< Tests if a value is a Node buffer.
bool IsExternal() const; ///< Tests if a value is a pointer to external data.
/// Casts to another type of `Napi::Value`, when the actual type is known or
/// assumed.
/// This conversion does NOT coerce the type. Calling any methods
/// inappropriate for the actual value type will throw `Napi::Error`.
template <typename T>
T As() const;
MaybeOrValue<Boolean> ToBoolean()
const; ///< Coerces a value to a JavaScript boolean.
MaybeOrValue<Number> ToNumber()
const; ///< Coerces a value to a JavaScript number.
MaybeOrValue<String> ToString()
const; ///< Coerces a value to a JavaScript string.
MaybeOrValue<Object> ToObject()
const; ///< Coerces a value to a JavaScript object.
/// !cond INTERNAL
napi_env _env;
napi_value _value;
/// !endcond
/// A JavaScript boolean value.
class Boolean : public Value {
static Boolean New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
bool value ///< Boolean value
Boolean(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ Boolean instance.
Boolean(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
operator bool() const; ///< Converts a Boolean value to a boolean primitive.
bool Value() const; ///< Converts a Boolean value to a boolean primitive.
/// A JavaScript number value.
class Number : public Value {
static Number New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
double value ///< Number value
Number(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ Number instance.
Number(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
operator int32_t()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 32-bit signed integer value.
operator uint32_t()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 32-bit unsigned integer value.
operator int64_t()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 64-bit signed integer value.
operator float()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 32-bit floating-point value.
operator double()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 64-bit floating-point value.
int32_t Int32Value()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 32-bit signed integer value.
uint32_t Uint32Value()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 32-bit unsigned integer value.
int64_t Int64Value()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 64-bit signed integer value.
float FloatValue()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 32-bit floating-point value.
double DoubleValue()
const; ///< Converts a Number value to a 64-bit floating-point value.
/// A JavaScript bigint value.
class BigInt : public Value {
static BigInt New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
int64_t value ///< Number value
static BigInt New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
uint64_t value ///< Number value
/// Creates a new BigInt object using a specified sign bit and a
/// specified list of digits/words.
/// The resulting number is calculated as:
/// (-1)^sign_bit * (words[0] * (2^64)^0 + words[1] * (2^64)^1 + ...)
static BigInt New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
int sign_bit, ///< Sign bit. 1 if negative.
size_t word_count, ///< Number of words in array
const uint64_t* words ///< Array of words
BigInt(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ BigInt instance.
BigInt(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
int64_t Int64Value(bool* lossless)
const; ///< Converts a BigInt value to a 64-bit signed integer value.
uint64_t Uint64Value(bool* lossless)
const; ///< Converts a BigInt value to a 64-bit unsigned integer value.
size_t WordCount() const; ///< The number of 64-bit words needed to store
///< the result of ToWords().
/// Writes the contents of this BigInt to a specified memory location.
/// `sign_bit` must be provided and will be set to 1 if this BigInt is
/// negative.
/// `*word_count` has to be initialized to the length of the `words` array.
/// Upon return, it will be set to the actual number of words that would
/// be needed to store this BigInt (i.e. the return value of `WordCount()`).
void ToWords(int* sign_bit, size_t* word_count, uint64_t* words);
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 5
#if (NAPI_VERSION > 4)
/// A JavaScript date value.
class Date : public Value {
/// Creates a new Date value from a double primitive.
static Date New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
double value ///< Number value
Date(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ Date instance.
Date(napi_env env, napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
operator double() const; ///< Converts a Date value to double primitive
double ValueOf() const; ///< Converts a Date value to a double primitive.
/// A JavaScript string or symbol value (that can be used as a property name).
class Name : public Value {
Name(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ Name instance.
Name(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
/// A JavaScript string value.
class String : public Name {
/// Creates a new String value from a UTF-8 encoded C++ string.
static String New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
const std::string& value ///< UTF-8 encoded C++ string
/// Creates a new String value from a UTF-16 encoded C++ string.
static String New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
const std::u16string& value ///< UTF-16 encoded C++ string
/// Creates a new String value from a UTF-8 encoded C string.
static String New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
const char* value ///< UTF-8 encoded null-terminated C string
/// Creates a new String value from a UTF-16 encoded C string.
static String New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
const char16_t* value ///< UTF-16 encoded null-terminated C string
/// Creates a new String value from a UTF-8 encoded C string with specified
/// length.
static String New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
const char* value, ///< UTF-8 encoded C string (not
///< necessarily null-terminated)
size_t length ///< length of the string in bytes
/// Creates a new String value from a UTF-16 encoded C string with specified
/// length.
static String New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
const char16_t* value, ///< UTF-16 encoded C string (not necessarily
///< null-terminated)
size_t length ///< Length of the string in 2-byte code units
/// Creates a new String based on the original object's type.
/// `value` may be any of:
/// - const char* (encoded using UTF-8, null-terminated)
/// - const char16_t* (encoded using UTF-16-LE, null-terminated)
/// - std::string (encoded using UTF-8)
/// - std::u16string
template <typename T>
static String From(napi_env env, const T& value);
String(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ String instance.
String(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
operator std::string()
const; ///< Converts a String value to a UTF-8 encoded C++ string.
operator std::u16string()
const; ///< Converts a String value to a UTF-16 encoded C++ string.
std::string Utf8Value()
const; ///< Converts a String value to a UTF-8 encoded C++ string.
std::u16string Utf16Value()
const; ///< Converts a String value to a UTF-16 encoded C++ string.
/// A JavaScript symbol value.
class Symbol : public Name {
/// Creates a new Symbol value with an optional description.
static Symbol New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
const char* description =
nullptr ///< Optional UTF-8 encoded null-terminated C string
/// describing the symbol
/// Creates a new Symbol value with a description.
static Symbol New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
const std::string&
description ///< UTF-8 encoded C++ string describing the symbol
/// Creates a new Symbol value with a description.
static Symbol New(napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
String description ///< String value describing the symbol
/// Creates a new Symbol value with a description.
static Symbol New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
napi_value description ///< String value describing the symbol
/// Get a public Symbol (e.g. Symbol.iterator).
static MaybeOrValue<Symbol> WellKnown(napi_env, const std::string& name);
// Create a symbol in the global registry, UTF-8 Encoded cpp string
static MaybeOrValue<Symbol> For(napi_env env, const std::string& description);
// Create a symbol in the global registry, C style string (null terminated)
static MaybeOrValue<Symbol> For(napi_env env, const char* description);
// Create a symbol in the global registry, String value describing the symbol
static MaybeOrValue<Symbol> For(napi_env env, String description);
// Create a symbol in the global registry, napi_value describing the symbol
static MaybeOrValue<Symbol> For(napi_env env, napi_value description);
Symbol(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ Symbol instance.
Symbol(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
/// A JavaScript object value.
class Object : public Value {
/// Enables property and element assignments using indexing syntax.
/// This is a convenient helper to get and set object properties. As
/// getting and setting object properties may throw with JavaScript
/// exceptions, it is notable that these operations may fail.
/// When NODE_ADDON_API_ENABLE_MAYBE is defined, the process will abort
/// on JavaScript exceptions.
/// Example:
/// Napi::Value propertyValue = object1['A'];
/// object2['A'] = propertyValue;
/// Napi::Value elementValue = array[0];
/// array[1] = elementValue;
template <typename Key>
class PropertyLValue {
/// Converts an L-value to a value.
operator Value() const;
/// Assigns a value to the property. The type of value can be
/// anything supported by `Object::Set`.
template <typename ValueType>
PropertyLValue& operator=(ValueType value);
PropertyLValue() = delete;
PropertyLValue(Object object, Key key);
napi_env _env;
napi_value _object;
Key _key;
friend class Napi::Object;
/// Creates a new Object value.
static Object New(napi_env env ///< Node-API environment
Object(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ Object instance.
Object(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
/// Gets or sets a named property.
PropertyLValue<std::string> operator[](
const char* utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded null-terminated property name
/// Gets or sets a named property.
PropertyLValue<std::string> operator[](
const std::string& utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded property name
/// Gets or sets an indexed property or array element.
PropertyLValue<uint32_t> operator[](
uint32_t index /// Property / element index
/// Gets or sets an indexed property or array element.
PropertyLValue<Value> operator[](Value index /// Property / element index
) const;
/// Gets a named property.
MaybeOrValue<Value> operator[](
const char* utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded null-terminated property name
) const;
/// Gets a named property.
MaybeOrValue<Value> operator[](
const std::string& utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded property name
) const;
/// Gets an indexed property or array element.
MaybeOrValue<Value> operator[](uint32_t index ///< Property / element index
) const;
/// Checks whether a property is present.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Has(napi_value key ///< Property key primitive
) const;
/// Checks whether a property is present.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Has(Value key ///< Property key
) const;
/// Checks whether a named property is present.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Has(
const char* utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded null-terminated property name
) const;
/// Checks whether a named property is present.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Has(
const std::string& utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded property name
) const;
/// Checks whether a own property is present.
MaybeOrValue<bool> HasOwnProperty(napi_value key ///< Property key primitive
) const;
/// Checks whether a own property is present.
MaybeOrValue<bool> HasOwnProperty(Value key ///< Property key
) const;
/// Checks whether a own property is present.
MaybeOrValue<bool> HasOwnProperty(
const char* utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded null-terminated property name
) const;
/// Checks whether a own property is present.
MaybeOrValue<bool> HasOwnProperty(
const std::string& utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded property name
) const;
/// Gets a property.
MaybeOrValue<Value> Get(napi_value key ///< Property key primitive
) const;
/// Gets a property.
MaybeOrValue<Value> Get(Value key ///< Property key
) const;
/// Gets a named property.
MaybeOrValue<Value> Get(
const char* utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded null-terminated property name
) const;
/// Gets a named property.
MaybeOrValue<Value> Get(
const std::string& utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded property name
) const;
/// Sets a property.
template <typename ValueType>
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(napi_value key, ///< Property key primitive
const ValueType& value ///< Property value primitive
) const;
/// Sets a property.
template <typename ValueType>
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(Value key, ///< Property key
const ValueType& value ///< Property value
) const;
/// Sets a named property.
template <typename ValueType>
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(
const char* utf8name, ///< UTF-8 encoded null-terminated property name
const ValueType& value) const;
/// Sets a named property.
template <typename ValueType>
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(
const std::string& utf8name, ///< UTF-8 encoded property name
const ValueType& value ///< Property value primitive
) const;
/// Delete property.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Delete(napi_value key ///< Property key primitive
) const;
/// Delete property.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Delete(Value key ///< Property key
) const;
/// Delete property.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Delete(
const char* utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded null-terminated property name
) const;
/// Delete property.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Delete(
const std::string& utf8name ///< UTF-8 encoded property name
) const;
/// Checks whether an indexed property is present.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Has(uint32_t index ///< Property / element index
) const;
/// Gets an indexed property or array element.
MaybeOrValue<Value> Get(uint32_t index ///< Property / element index
) const;
/// Sets an indexed property or array element.
template <typename ValueType>
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(uint32_t index, ///< Property / element index
const ValueType& value ///< Property value primitive
) const;
/// Deletes an indexed property or array element.
MaybeOrValue<bool> Delete(uint32_t index ///< Property / element index
) const;
/// This operation can fail in case of Proxy.[[OwnPropertyKeys]] and
/// Proxy.[[GetOwnProperty]] calling into JavaScript. See:
/// -
/// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-ownpropertykeys
/// -
/// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-getownproperty-p
MaybeOrValue<Array> GetPropertyNames() const; ///< Get all property names
/// Defines a property on the object.
/// This operation can fail in case of Proxy.[[DefineOwnProperty]] calling
/// into JavaScript. See
/// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-defineownproperty-p-desc
MaybeOrValue<bool> DefineProperty(
const PropertyDescriptor&
property ///< Descriptor for the property to be defined
) const;
/// Defines properties on the object.
/// This operation can fail in case of Proxy.[[DefineOwnProperty]] calling
/// into JavaScript. See
/// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-defineownproperty-p-desc
MaybeOrValue<bool> DefineProperties(
const std::initializer_list<PropertyDescriptor>& properties
///< List of descriptors for the properties to be defined
) const;
/// Defines properties on the object.
/// This operation can fail in case of Proxy.[[DefineOwnProperty]] calling
/// into JavaScript. See
/// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-defineownproperty-p-desc
MaybeOrValue<bool> DefineProperties(
const std::vector<PropertyDescriptor>& properties
///< Vector of descriptors for the properties to be defined
) const;
/// Checks if an object is an instance created by a constructor function.
/// This is equivalent to the JavaScript `instanceof` operator.
/// This operation can fail in case of Proxy.[[GetPrototypeOf]] calling into
/// JavaScript.
/// See
/// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-getprototypeof
MaybeOrValue<bool> InstanceOf(
const Function& constructor ///< Constructor function
) const;
template <typename Finalizer, typename T>
inline void AddFinalizer(Finalizer finalizeCallback, T* data) const;
template <typename Finalizer, typename T, typename Hint>
inline void AddFinalizer(Finalizer finalizeCallback,
T* data,
Hint* finalizeHint) const;
class const_iterator;
inline const_iterator begin() const;
inline const_iterator end() const;
class iterator;
inline iterator begin();
inline iterator end();
/// This operation can fail in case of Proxy.[[GetPrototypeOf]] calling into
/// JavaScript.
/// See
/// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-getprototypeof
MaybeOrValue<bool> Freeze() const;
/// This operation can fail in case of Proxy.[[GetPrototypeOf]] calling into
/// JavaScript.
/// See
/// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-getprototypeof
MaybeOrValue<bool> Seal() const;
#endif // NAPI_VERSION >= 8
template <typename T>
class External : public Value {
static External New(napi_env env, T* data);
// Finalizer must implement `void operator()(Env env, T* data)`.
template <typename Finalizer>
static External New(napi_env env, T* data, Finalizer finalizeCallback);
// Finalizer must implement `void operator()(Env env, T* data, Hint* hint)`.
template <typename Finalizer, typename Hint>
static External New(napi_env env,
T* data,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
Hint* finalizeHint);
External(napi_env env, napi_value value);
T* Data() const;
class Array : public Object {
static Array New(napi_env env);
static Array New(napi_env env, size_t length);
Array(napi_env env, napi_value value);
uint32_t Length() const;
class Object::const_iterator {
enum class Type { BEGIN, END };
inline const_iterator(const Object* object, const Type type);
inline const_iterator& operator++();
inline bool operator==(const const_iterator& other) const;
inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator& other) const;
inline const std::pair<Value, Object::PropertyLValue<Value>> operator*()
const Napi::Object* _object;
Array _keys;
uint32_t _index;
friend class Object;
class Object::iterator {
enum class Type { BEGIN, END };
inline iterator(Object* object, const Type type);
inline iterator& operator++();
inline bool operator==(const iterator& other) const;
inline bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const;
inline std::pair<Value, Object::PropertyLValue<Value>> operator*();
Napi::Object* _object;
Array _keys;
uint32_t _index;
friend class Object;
/// A JavaScript array buffer value.
class ArrayBuffer : public Object {
/// Creates a new ArrayBuffer instance over a new automatically-allocated
/// buffer.
static ArrayBuffer New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
size_t byteLength ///< Length of the buffer to be allocated, in bytes
/// Creates a new ArrayBuffer instance, using an external buffer with
/// specified byte length.
static ArrayBuffer New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
void* externalData, ///< Pointer to the external buffer to be used by
///< the array
size_t byteLength ///< Length of the external buffer to be used by the
///< array, in bytes
/// Creates a new ArrayBuffer instance, using an external buffer with
/// specified byte length.
template <typename Finalizer>
static ArrayBuffer New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
void* externalData, ///< Pointer to the external buffer to be used by
///< the array
size_t byteLength, ///< Length of the external buffer to be used by the
///< array,
/// in bytes
Finalizer finalizeCallback ///< Function to be called when the array
///< buffer is destroyed;
/// must implement `void operator()(Env env,
/// void* externalData)`
/// Creates a new ArrayBuffer instance, using an external buffer with
/// specified byte length.
template <typename Finalizer, typename Hint>
static ArrayBuffer New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
void* externalData, ///< Pointer to the external buffer to be used by
///< the array
size_t byteLength, ///< Length of the external buffer to be used by the
///< array,
/// in bytes
Finalizer finalizeCallback, ///< Function to be called when the array
///< buffer is destroyed;
/// must implement `void operator()(Env
/// env, void* externalData, Hint* hint)`
Hint* finalizeHint ///< Hint (second parameter) to be passed to the
///< finalize callback
ArrayBuffer(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ ArrayBuffer instance.
ArrayBuffer(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
void* Data(); ///< Gets a pointer to the data buffer.
size_t ByteLength(); ///< Gets the length of the array buffer in bytes.
bool IsDetached() const;
void Detach();
#endif // NAPI_VERSION >= 7
/// A JavaScript typed-array value with unknown array type.
/// For type-specific operations, cast to a `TypedArrayOf<T>` instance using the
/// `As()` method:
/// Napi::TypedArray array = ...
/// if (t.TypedArrayType() == napi_int32_array) {
/// Napi::Int32Array int32Array = t.As<Napi::Int32Array>();
/// }
class TypedArray : public Object {
TypedArray(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ TypedArray instance.
TypedArray(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
napi_typedarray_type TypedArrayType()
const; ///< Gets the type of this typed-array.
Napi::ArrayBuffer ArrayBuffer() const; ///< Gets the backing array buffer.
uint8_t ElementSize()
const; ///< Gets the size in bytes of one element in the array.
size_t ElementLength() const; ///< Gets the number of elements in the array.
size_t ByteOffset()
const; ///< Gets the offset into the buffer where the array starts.
size_t ByteLength() const; ///< Gets the length of the array in bytes.
/// !cond INTERNAL
napi_typedarray_type _type;
size_t _length;
TypedArray(napi_env env,
napi_value value,
napi_typedarray_type type,
size_t length);
template <typename T>
TypedArrayTypeForPrimitiveType() {
return std::is_same<T, int8_t>::value ? napi_int8_array
: std::is_same<T, uint8_t>::value ? napi_uint8_array
: std::is_same<T, int16_t>::value ? napi_int16_array
: std::is_same<T, uint16_t>::value ? napi_uint16_array
: std::is_same<T, int32_t>::value ? napi_int32_array
: std::is_same<T, uint32_t>::value ? napi_uint32_array
: std::is_same<T, float>::value ? napi_float32_array
: std::is_same<T, double>::value ? napi_float64_array
: std::is_same<T, int64_t>::value ? napi_bigint64_array
: std::is_same<T, uint64_t>::value ? napi_biguint64_array
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 5
: napi_int8_array;
/// !endcond
/// A JavaScript typed-array value with known array type.
/// Note while it is possible to create and access Uint8 "clamped" arrays using
/// this class, the _clamping_ behavior is only applied in JavaScript.
template <typename T>
class TypedArrayOf : public TypedArray {
/// Creates a new TypedArray instance over a new automatically-allocated array
/// buffer.
/// The array type parameter can normally be omitted (because it is inferred
/// from the template parameter T), except when creating a "clamped" array:
/// Uint8Array::New(env, length, napi_uint8_clamped_array)
static TypedArrayOf New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
size_t elementLength, ///< Length of the created array, as a number of
///< elements
napi_typedarray_type type =
napi_typedarray_type type
///< Type of array, if different from the default array type for the
///< template parameter T.
/// Creates a new TypedArray instance over a provided array buffer.
/// The array type parameter can normally be omitted (because it is inferred
/// from the template parameter T), except when creating a "clamped" array:
/// Uint8Array::New(env, length, buffer, 0, napi_uint8_clamped_array)
static TypedArrayOf New(
napi_env env, ///< Node-API environment
size_t elementLength, ///< Length of the created array, as a number of
///< elements
Napi::ArrayBuffer arrayBuffer, ///< Backing array buffer instance to use
size_t bufferOffset, ///< Offset into the array buffer where the
///< typed-array starts
napi_typedarray_type type =
napi_typedarray_type type
///< Type of array, if different from the default array type for the
///< template parameter T.
TypedArrayOf(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ TypedArrayOf instance.
TypedArrayOf(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
T& operator[](size_t index); ///< Gets or sets an element in the array.
const T& operator[](size_t index) const; ///< Gets an element in the array.
/// Gets a pointer to the array's backing buffer.
/// This is not necessarily the same as the `ArrayBuffer::Data()` pointer,
/// because the typed-array may have a non-zero `ByteOffset()` into the
/// `ArrayBuffer`.
T* Data();
/// Gets a pointer to the array's backing buffer.
/// This is not necessarily the same as the `ArrayBuffer::Data()` pointer,
/// because the typed-array may have a non-zero `ByteOffset()` into the
/// `ArrayBuffer`.
const T* Data() const;
T* _data;
TypedArrayOf(napi_env env,
napi_value value,
napi_typedarray_type type,
size_t length,
T* data);
/// The DataView provides a low-level interface for reading/writing multiple
/// number types in an ArrayBuffer irrespective of the platform's endianness.
class DataView : public Object {
static DataView New(napi_env env, Napi::ArrayBuffer arrayBuffer);
static DataView New(napi_env env,
Napi::ArrayBuffer arrayBuffer,
size_t byteOffset);
static DataView New(napi_env env,
Napi::ArrayBuffer arrayBuffer,
size_t byteOffset,
size_t byteLength);
DataView(); ///< Creates a new _empty_ DataView instance.
DataView(napi_env env,
napi_value value); ///< Wraps a Node-API value primitive.
Napi::ArrayBuffer ArrayBuffer() const; ///< Gets the backing array buffer.
size_t ByteOffset()
const; ///< Gets the offset into the buffer where the array starts.
size_t ByteLength() const; ///< Gets the length of the array in bytes.
void* Data() const;
float GetFloat32(size_t byteOffset) const;
double GetFloat64(size_t byteOffset) const;
int8_t GetInt8(size_t byteOffset) const;
int16_t GetInt16(size_t byteOffset) const;
int32_t GetInt32(size_t byteOffset) const;
uint8_t GetUint8(size_t byteOffset) const;
uint16_t GetUint16(size_t byteOffset) const;
uint32_t GetUint32(size_t byteOffset) const;
void SetFloat32(size_t byteOffset, float value) const;
void SetFloat64(size_t byteOffset, double value) const;
void SetInt8(size_t byteOffset, int8_t value) const;
void SetInt16(size_t byteOffset, int16_t value) const;
void SetInt32(size_t byteOffset, int32_t value) const;
void SetUint8(size_t byteOffset, uint8_t value) const;
void SetUint16(size_t byteOffset, uint16_t value) const;
void SetUint32(size_t byteOffset, uint32_t value) const;
template <typename T>
T ReadData(size_t byteOffset) const;
template <typename T>
void WriteData(size_t byteOffset, T value) const;
void* _data;
size_t _length;
class Function : public Object {
using VoidCallback = void (*)(const CallbackInfo& info);
using Callback = Value (*)(const CallbackInfo& info);
template <VoidCallback cb>
static Function New(napi_env env,
const char* utf8name = nullptr,
void* data = nullptr);
template <Callback cb>
static Function New(napi_env env,
const char* utf8name = nullptr,
void* data = nullptr);
template <VoidCallback cb>
static Function New(napi_env env,
const std::string& utf8name,
void* data = nullptr);
template <Callback cb>
static Function New(napi_env env,
const std::string& utf8name,
void* data = nullptr);
/// Callable must implement operator() accepting a const CallbackInfo&
/// and return either void or Value.
template <typename Callable>
static Function New(napi_env env,
Callable cb,
const char* utf8name = nullptr,
void* data = nullptr);
/// Callable must implement operator() accepting a const CallbackInfo&
/// and return either void or Value.
template <typename Callable>
static Function New(napi_env env,
Callable cb,
const std::string& utf8name,
void* data = nullptr);
Function(napi_env env, napi_value value);
MaybeOrValue<Value> operator()(
const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> Call(const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> Call(const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> Call(const std::vector<Value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> Call(size_t argc, const napi_value* args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> Call(napi_value recv,
const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> Call(napi_value recv,
const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> Call(napi_value recv,
const std::vector<Value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> Call(napi_value recv,
size_t argc,
const napi_value* args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> MakeCallback(
napi_value recv,
const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args,
napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> MakeCallback(napi_value recv,
const std::vector<napi_value>& args,
napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
MaybeOrValue<Value> MakeCallback(napi_value recv,
size_t argc,
const napi_value* args,
napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
MaybeOrValue<Object> New(const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Object> New(const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Object> New(size_t argc, const napi_value* args) const;
class Promise : public Object {
class Deferred {
static Deferred New(napi_env env);
Deferred(napi_env env);
Napi::Promise Promise() const;
Napi::Env Env() const;
void Resolve(napi_value value) const;
void Reject(napi_value value) const;
napi_env _env;
napi_deferred _deferred;
napi_value _promise;
Promise(napi_env env, napi_value value);
template <typename T>
class Buffer : public Uint8Array {
static Buffer<T> New(napi_env env, size_t length);
static Buffer<T> New(napi_env env, T* data, size_t length);
// Finalizer must implement `void operator()(Env env, T* data)`.
template <typename Finalizer>
static Buffer<T> New(napi_env env,
T* data,
size_t length,
Finalizer finalizeCallback);
// Finalizer must implement `void operator()(Env env, T* data, Hint* hint)`.
template <typename Finalizer, typename Hint>
static Buffer<T> New(napi_env env,
T* data,
size_t length,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
Hint* finalizeHint);
static Buffer<T> Copy(napi_env env, const T* data, size_t length);
Buffer(napi_env env, napi_value value);
size_t Length() const;
T* Data() const;
mutable size_t _length;
mutable T* _data;
Buffer(napi_env env, napi_value value, size_t length, T* data);
void EnsureInfo() const;
/// Holds a counted reference to a value; initially a weak reference unless
/// otherwise specified, may be changed to/from a strong reference by adjusting
/// the refcount.
/// The referenced value is not immediately destroyed when the reference count
/// is zero; it is merely then eligible for garbage-collection if there are no
/// other references to the value.
template <typename T>
class Reference {
static Reference<T> New(const T& value, uint32_t initialRefcount = 0);
Reference(napi_env env, napi_ref ref);
// A reference can be moved but cannot be copied.
Reference(Reference<T>&& other);
Reference<T>& operator=(Reference<T>&& other);
operator napi_ref() const;
bool operator==(const Reference<T>& other) const;
bool operator!=(const Reference<T>& other) const;
Napi::Env Env() const;
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Note when getting the value of a Reference it is usually correct to do so
// within a HandleScope so that the value handle gets cleaned up efficiently.
T Value() const;
uint32_t Ref() const;
uint32_t Unref() const;
void Reset();
void Reset(const T& value, uint32_t refcount = 0);
// Call this on a reference that is declared as static data, to prevent its
// destructor from running at program shutdown time, which would attempt to
// reset the reference when the environment is no longer valid. Avoid using
// this if at all possible. If you do need to use static data, MAKE SURE to
// warn your users that your addon is NOT threadsafe.
void SuppressDestruct();
Reference(const Reference<T>&);
/// !cond INTERNAL
napi_env _env;
napi_ref _ref;
/// !endcond
bool _suppressDestruct;
class ObjectReference : public Reference<Object> {
ObjectReference(napi_env env, napi_ref ref);
// A reference can be moved but cannot be copied.
ObjectReference(Reference<Object>&& other);
ObjectReference& operator=(Reference<Object>&& other);
ObjectReference(ObjectReference&& other);
ObjectReference& operator=(ObjectReference&& other);
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> Get(const char* utf8name) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> Get(const std::string& utf8name) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const char* utf8name, napi_value value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const char* utf8name, Napi::Value value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const char* utf8name, const char* utf8value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const char* utf8name, bool boolValue) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const char* utf8name, double numberValue) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const std::string& utf8name, napi_value value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const std::string& utf8name, Napi::Value value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const std::string& utf8name,
std::string& utf8value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const std::string& utf8name, bool boolValue) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(const std::string& utf8name, double numberValue) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> Get(uint32_t index) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(uint32_t index, const napi_value value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(uint32_t index, const Napi::Value value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(uint32_t index, const char* utf8value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(uint32_t index, const std::string& utf8value) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(uint32_t index, bool boolValue) const;
MaybeOrValue<bool> Set(uint32_t index, double numberValue) const;
ObjectReference(const ObjectReference&);
class FunctionReference : public Reference<Function> {
FunctionReference(napi_env env, napi_ref ref);
// A reference can be moved but cannot be copied.
FunctionReference(Reference<Function>&& other);
FunctionReference& operator=(Reference<Function>&& other);
FunctionReference(FunctionReference&& other);
FunctionReference& operator=(FunctionReference&& other);
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> operator()(
const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> Call(
const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> Call(const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> Call(
napi_value recv, const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> Call(napi_value recv,
const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> Call(napi_value recv,
size_t argc,
const napi_value* args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> MakeCallback(
napi_value recv,
const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args,
napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> MakeCallback(
napi_value recv,
const std::vector<napi_value>& args,
napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
MaybeOrValue<Napi::Value> MakeCallback(
napi_value recv,
size_t argc,
const napi_value* args,
napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
MaybeOrValue<Object> New(const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
MaybeOrValue<Object> New(const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
// Shortcuts to creating a new reference with inferred type and refcount = 0.
template <typename T>
Reference<T> Weak(T value);
ObjectReference Weak(Object value);
FunctionReference Weak(Function value);
// Shortcuts to creating a new reference with inferred type and refcount = 1.
template <typename T>
Reference<T> Persistent(T value);
ObjectReference Persistent(Object value);
FunctionReference Persistent(Function value);
/// A persistent reference to a JavaScript error object. Use of this class
/// depends somewhat on whether C++ exceptions are enabled at compile time.
/// ### Handling Errors With C++ Exceptions
/// If C++ exceptions are enabled, then the `Error` class extends
/// `std::exception` and enables integrated error-handling for C++ exceptions
/// and JavaScript exceptions.
/// If a Node-API call fails without executing any JavaScript code (for
/// example due to an invalid argument), then the Node-API wrapper
/// automatically converts and throws the error as a C++ exception of type
/// `Napi::Error`. Or if a JavaScript function called by C++ code via Node-API
/// throws a JavaScript exception, then the Node-API wrapper automatically
/// converts and throws it as a C++ exception of type `Napi::Error`.
/// If a C++ exception of type `Napi::Error` escapes from a Node-API C++
/// callback, then the Node-API wrapper automatically converts and throws it
/// as a JavaScript exception. Therefore, catching a C++ exception of type
/// `Napi::Error` prevents a JavaScript exception from being thrown.
/// #### Example 1A - Throwing a C++ exception:
/// Napi::Env env = ...
/// throw Napi::Error::New(env, "Example exception");
/// Following C++ statements will not be executed. The exception will bubble
/// up as a C++ exception of type `Napi::Error`, until it is either caught
/// while still in C++, or else automatically propataged as a JavaScript
/// exception when the callback returns to JavaScript.
/// #### Example 2A - Propagating a Node-API C++ exception:
/// Napi::Function jsFunctionThatThrows = someObj.As<Napi::Function>();
/// Napi::Value result = jsFunctionThatThrows({ arg1, arg2 });
/// Following C++ statements will not be executed. The exception will bubble
/// up as a C++ exception of type `Napi::Error`, until it is either caught
/// while still in C++, or else automatically propagated as a JavaScript
/// exception when the callback returns to JavaScript.
/// #### Example 3A - Handling a Node-API C++ exception:
/// Napi::Function jsFunctionThatThrows = someObj.As<Napi::Function>();
/// Napi::Value result;
/// try {
/// result = jsFunctionThatThrows({ arg1, arg2 });
/// } catch (const Napi::Error& e) {
/// cerr << "Caught JavaScript exception: " + e.what();
/// }
/// Since the exception was caught here, it will not be propagated as a
/// JavaScript exception.
/// ### Handling Errors Without C++ Exceptions
/// If C++ exceptions are disabled (by defining `NAPI_DISABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS`)
/// then this class does not extend `std::exception`, and APIs in the `Napi`
/// namespace do not throw C++ exceptions when they fail. Instead, they raise
/// _pending_ JavaScript exceptions and return _empty_ `Value`s. Calling code
/// should check `Value::IsEmpty()` before attempting to use a returned value,
/// and may use methods on the `Env` class to check for, get, and clear a
/// pending JavaScript exception. If the pending exception is not cleared, it
/// will be thrown when the native callback returns to JavaScript.
/// #### Example 1B - Throwing a JS exception
/// Napi::Env env = ...
/// Napi::Error::New(env, "Example
/// exception").ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); return;
/// After throwing a JS exception, the code should generally return
/// immediately from the native callback, after performing any necessary
/// cleanup.
/// #### Example 2B - Propagating a Node-API JS exception:
/// Napi::Function jsFunctionThatThrows = someObj.As<Napi::Function>();
/// Napi::Value result = jsFunctionThatThrows({ arg1, arg2 });
/// if (result.IsEmpty()) return;
/// An empty value result from a Node-API call indicates an error occurred,
/// and a JavaScript exception is pending. To let the exception propagate, the
/// code should generally return immediately from the native callback, after
/// performing any necessary cleanup.
/// #### Example 3B - Handling a Node-API JS exception:
/// Napi::Function jsFunctionThatThrows = someObj.As<Napi::Function>();
/// Napi::Value result = jsFunctionThatThrows({ arg1, arg2 });
/// if (result.IsEmpty()) {
/// Napi::Error e = env.GetAndClearPendingException();
/// cerr << "Caught JavaScript exception: " + e.Message();
/// }
/// Since the exception was cleared here, it will not be propagated as a
/// JavaScript exception after the native callback returns.
class Error : public ObjectReference
public std::exception
static Error New(napi_env env);
static Error New(napi_env env, const char* message);
static Error New(napi_env env, const std::string& message);
static NAPI_NO_RETURN void Fatal(const char* location, const char* message);
Error(napi_env env, napi_value value);
// An error can be moved or copied.
Error(Error&& other);
Error& operator=(Error&& other);
Error(const Error&);
Error& operator=(const Error&);
const std::string& Message() const NAPI_NOEXCEPT;
void ThrowAsJavaScriptException() const;
Object Value() const;
const char* what() const NAPI_NOEXCEPT override;
/// !cond INTERNAL
using create_error_fn = napi_status (*)(napi_env envb,
napi_value code,
napi_value msg,
napi_value* result);
template <typename TError>
static TError New(napi_env env,
const char* message,
size_t length,
create_error_fn create_error);
/// !endcond
static inline const char* ERROR_WRAP_VALUE() NAPI_NOEXCEPT;
mutable std::string _message;
class TypeError : public Error {
static TypeError New(napi_env env, const char* message);
static TypeError New(napi_env env, const std::string& message);
TypeError(napi_env env, napi_value value);
class RangeError : public Error {
static RangeError New(napi_env env, const char* message);
static RangeError New(napi_env env, const std::string& message);
RangeError(napi_env env, napi_value value);
class CallbackInfo {
CallbackInfo(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
// Disallow copying to prevent multiple free of _dynamicArgs
Napi::Env Env() const;
Value NewTarget() const;
bool IsConstructCall() const;
size_t Length() const;
const Value operator[](size_t index) const;
Value This() const;
void* Data() const;
void SetData(void* data);
operator napi_callback_info() const;
const size_t _staticArgCount = 6;
napi_env _env;
napi_callback_info _info;
napi_value _this;
size_t _argc;
napi_value* _argv;
napi_value _staticArgs[6];
napi_value* _dynamicArgs;
void* _data;
class PropertyDescriptor {
using GetterCallback = Napi::Value (*)(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info);
using SetterCallback = void (*)(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info);
template <typename Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
const char* utf8name,
Getter getter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
const std::string& utf8name,
Getter getter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
napi_value name,
Getter getter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Name name,
Getter getter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
const char* utf8name,
Getter getter,
Setter setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
const std::string& utf8name,
Getter getter,
Setter setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
napi_value name,
Getter getter,
Setter setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Name name,
Getter getter,
Setter setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Callable>
static PropertyDescriptor Function(
const char* utf8name,
Callable cb,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Callable>
static PropertyDescriptor Function(
const std::string& utf8name,
Callable cb,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Callable>
static PropertyDescriptor Function(
napi_value name,
Callable cb,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Callable>
static PropertyDescriptor Function(
Name name,
Callable cb,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <GetterCallback Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
const char* utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <GetterCallback Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
const std::string& utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <GetterCallback Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Name name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <GetterCallback Getter, SetterCallback Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
const char* utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <GetterCallback Getter, SetterCallback Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
const std::string& utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <GetterCallback Getter, SetterCallback Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Name name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Napi::Env env,
Napi::Object object,
const char* utf8name,
Getter getter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Napi::Env env,
Napi::Object object,
const std::string& utf8name,
Getter getter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Napi::Env env,
Napi::Object object,
Name name,
Getter getter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Napi::Env env,
Napi::Object object,
const char* utf8name,
Getter getter,
Setter setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Napi::Env env,
Napi::Object object,
const std::string& utf8name,
Getter getter,
Setter setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
static PropertyDescriptor Accessor(
Napi::Env env,
Napi::Object object,
Name name,
Getter getter,
Setter setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Callable>
static PropertyDescriptor Function(
Napi::Env env,
Napi::Object object,
const char* utf8name,
Callable cb,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Callable>
static PropertyDescriptor Function(
Napi::Env env,
Napi::Object object,
const std::string& utf8name,
Callable cb,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <typename Callable>
static PropertyDescriptor Function(
Napi::Env env,
Napi::Object object,
Name name,
Callable cb,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor Value(
const char* utf8name,
napi_value value,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
static PropertyDescriptor Value(
const std::string& utf8name,
napi_value value,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
static PropertyDescriptor Value(
napi_value name,
napi_value value,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
static PropertyDescriptor Value(
Name name,
Napi::Value value,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
PropertyDescriptor(napi_property_descriptor desc);
operator napi_property_descriptor&();
operator const napi_property_descriptor&() const;
napi_property_descriptor _desc;
/// Property descriptor for use with `ObjectWrap::DefineClass()`.
/// This is different from the standalone `PropertyDescriptor` because it is
/// specific to each `ObjectWrap<T>` subclass. This prevents using descriptors
/// from a different class when defining a new class (preventing the callbacks
/// from having incorrect `this` pointers).
template <typename T>
class ClassPropertyDescriptor {
ClassPropertyDescriptor(napi_property_descriptor desc) : _desc(desc) {}
operator napi_property_descriptor&() { return _desc; }
operator const napi_property_descriptor&() const { return _desc; }
napi_property_descriptor _desc;
template <typename T, typename TCallback>
struct MethodCallbackData {
TCallback callback;
void* data;
template <typename T, typename TGetterCallback, typename TSetterCallback>
struct AccessorCallbackData {
TGetterCallback getterCallback;
TSetterCallback setterCallback;
void* data;
template <typename T>
class InstanceWrap {
using InstanceVoidMethodCallback = void (T::*)(const CallbackInfo& info);
using InstanceMethodCallback = Napi::Value (T::*)(const CallbackInfo& info);
using InstanceGetterCallback = Napi::Value (T::*)(const CallbackInfo& info);
using InstanceSetterCallback = void (T::*)(const CallbackInfo& info,
const Napi::Value& value);
using PropertyDescriptor = ClassPropertyDescriptor<T>;
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceMethod(
const char* utf8name,
InstanceVoidMethodCallback method,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceMethod(
const char* utf8name,
InstanceMethodCallback method,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceMethod(
Symbol name,
InstanceVoidMethodCallback method,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceMethod(
Symbol name,
InstanceMethodCallback method,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <InstanceVoidMethodCallback method>
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceMethod(
const char* utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <InstanceMethodCallback method>
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceMethod(
const char* utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <InstanceVoidMethodCallback method>
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceMethod(
Symbol name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <InstanceMethodCallback method>
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceMethod(
Symbol name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceAccessor(
const char* utf8name,
InstanceGetterCallback getter,
InstanceSetterCallback setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceAccessor(
Symbol name,
InstanceGetterCallback getter,
InstanceSetterCallback setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <InstanceGetterCallback getter,
InstanceSetterCallback setter = nullptr>
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceAccessor(
const char* utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <InstanceGetterCallback getter,
InstanceSetterCallback setter = nullptr>
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceAccessor(
Symbol name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceValue(
const char* utf8name,
Napi::Value value,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
static PropertyDescriptor InstanceValue(
Symbol name,
Napi::Value value,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
static void AttachPropData(napi_env env,
napi_value value,
const napi_property_descriptor* prop);
using This = InstanceWrap<T>;
using InstanceVoidMethodCallbackData =
MethodCallbackData<T, InstanceVoidMethodCallback>;
using InstanceMethodCallbackData =
MethodCallbackData<T, InstanceMethodCallback>;
using InstanceAccessorCallbackData =
AccessorCallbackData<T, InstanceGetterCallback, InstanceSetterCallback>;
static napi_value InstanceVoidMethodCallbackWrapper(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value InstanceMethodCallbackWrapper(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value InstanceGetterCallbackWrapper(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value InstanceSetterCallbackWrapper(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
template <InstanceSetterCallback method>
static napi_value WrappedMethod(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info) NAPI_NOEXCEPT;
template <InstanceSetterCallback setter>
struct SetterTag {};
template <InstanceSetterCallback setter>
static napi_callback WrapSetter(SetterTag<setter>) NAPI_NOEXCEPT {
return &This::WrappedMethod<setter>;
static napi_callback WrapSetter(SetterTag<nullptr>) NAPI_NOEXCEPT {
return nullptr;
/// Base class to be extended by C++ classes exposed to JavaScript; each C++
/// class instance gets "wrapped" by a JavaScript object that is managed by this
/// class.
/// At initialization time, the `DefineClass()` method must be used to
/// hook up the accessor and method callbacks. It takes a list of
/// property descriptors, which can be constructed via the various
/// static methods on the base class.
/// #### Example:
/// class Example: public Napi::ObjectWrap<Example> {
/// public:
/// static void Initialize(Napi::Env& env, Napi::Object& target) {
/// Napi::Function constructor = DefineClass(env, "Example", {
/// InstanceAccessor<&Example::GetSomething,
/// &Example::SetSomething>("value"),
/// InstanceMethod<&Example::DoSomething>("doSomething"),
/// });
/// target.Set("Example", constructor);
/// }
/// Example(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info); // Constructor
/// Napi::Value GetSomething(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info);
/// void SetSomething(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info, const Napi::Value&
/// value); Napi::Value DoSomething(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info);
/// }
template <typename T>
class ObjectWrap : public InstanceWrap<T>, public Reference<Object> {
ObjectWrap(const CallbackInfo& callbackInfo);
virtual ~ObjectWrap();
static T* Unwrap(Object wrapper);
// Methods exposed to JavaScript must conform to one of these callback
// signatures.
using StaticVoidMethodCallback = void (*)(const CallbackInfo& info);
using StaticMethodCallback = Napi::Value (*)(const CallbackInfo& info);
using StaticGetterCallback = Napi::Value (*)(const CallbackInfo& info);
using StaticSetterCallback = void (*)(const CallbackInfo& info,
const Napi::Value& value);
using PropertyDescriptor = ClassPropertyDescriptor<T>;
static Function DefineClass(
Napi::Env env,
const char* utf8name,
const std::initializer_list<PropertyDescriptor>& properties,
void* data = nullptr);
static Function DefineClass(Napi::Env env,
const char* utf8name,
const std::vector<PropertyDescriptor>& properties,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor StaticMethod(
const char* utf8name,
StaticVoidMethodCallback method,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor StaticMethod(
const char* utf8name,
StaticMethodCallback method,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor StaticMethod(
Symbol name,
StaticVoidMethodCallback method,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor StaticMethod(
Symbol name,
StaticMethodCallback method,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <StaticVoidMethodCallback method>
static PropertyDescriptor StaticMethod(
const char* utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <StaticVoidMethodCallback method>
static PropertyDescriptor StaticMethod(
Symbol name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <StaticMethodCallback method>
static PropertyDescriptor StaticMethod(
const char* utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <StaticMethodCallback method>
static PropertyDescriptor StaticMethod(
Symbol name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor StaticAccessor(
const char* utf8name,
StaticGetterCallback getter,
StaticSetterCallback setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor StaticAccessor(
Symbol name,
StaticGetterCallback getter,
StaticSetterCallback setter,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <StaticGetterCallback getter, StaticSetterCallback setter = nullptr>
static PropertyDescriptor StaticAccessor(
const char* utf8name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
template <StaticGetterCallback getter, StaticSetterCallback setter = nullptr>
static PropertyDescriptor StaticAccessor(
Symbol name,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
void* data = nullptr);
static PropertyDescriptor StaticValue(
const char* utf8name,
Napi::Value value,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
static PropertyDescriptor StaticValue(
Symbol name,
Napi::Value value,
napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
static Napi::Value OnCalledAsFunction(const Napi::CallbackInfo& callbackInfo);
virtual void Finalize(Napi::Env env);
using This = ObjectWrap<T>;
static napi_value ConstructorCallbackWrapper(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value StaticVoidMethodCallbackWrapper(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value StaticMethodCallbackWrapper(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value StaticGetterCallbackWrapper(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value StaticSetterCallbackWrapper(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info);
static void FinalizeCallback(napi_env env, void* data, void* hint);
static Function DefineClass(Napi::Env env,
const char* utf8name,
const size_t props_count,
const napi_property_descriptor* props,
void* data = nullptr);
using StaticVoidMethodCallbackData =
MethodCallbackData<T, StaticVoidMethodCallback>;
using StaticMethodCallbackData = MethodCallbackData<T, StaticMethodCallback>;
using StaticAccessorCallbackData =
AccessorCallbackData<T, StaticGetterCallback, StaticSetterCallback>;
template <StaticSetterCallback method>
static napi_value WrappedMethod(napi_env env,
napi_callback_info info) NAPI_NOEXCEPT;
template <StaticSetterCallback setter>
struct StaticSetterTag {};
template <StaticSetterCallback setter>
static napi_callback WrapStaticSetter(StaticSetterTag<setter>) NAPI_NOEXCEPT {
return &This::WrappedMethod<setter>;
static napi_callback WrapStaticSetter(StaticSetterTag<nullptr>)
return nullptr;
bool _construction_failed = true;
class HandleScope {
HandleScope(napi_env env, napi_handle_scope scope);
explicit HandleScope(Napi::Env env);
// Disallow copying to prevent double close of napi_handle_scope
operator napi_handle_scope() const;
Napi::Env Env() const;
napi_env _env;
napi_handle_scope _scope;
class EscapableHandleScope {
EscapableHandleScope(napi_env env, napi_escapable_handle_scope scope);
explicit EscapableHandleScope(Napi::Env env);
// Disallow copying to prevent double close of napi_escapable_handle_scope
operator napi_escapable_handle_scope() const;
Napi::Env Env() const;
Value Escape(napi_value escapee);
napi_env _env;
napi_escapable_handle_scope _scope;
#if (NAPI_VERSION > 2)
class CallbackScope {
CallbackScope(napi_env env, napi_callback_scope scope);
CallbackScope(napi_env env, napi_async_context context);
virtual ~CallbackScope();
// Disallow copying to prevent double close of napi_callback_scope
operator napi_callback_scope() const;
Napi::Env Env() const;
napi_env _env;
napi_callback_scope _scope;
class AsyncContext {
explicit AsyncContext(napi_env env, const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncContext(napi_env env,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
virtual ~AsyncContext();
AsyncContext(AsyncContext&& other);
AsyncContext& operator=(AsyncContext&& other);
operator napi_async_context() const;
Napi::Env Env() const;
napi_env _env;
napi_async_context _context;
class AsyncWorker {
virtual ~AsyncWorker();
// An async worker can be moved but cannot be copied.
AsyncWorker(AsyncWorker&& other);
AsyncWorker& operator=(AsyncWorker&& other);
operator napi_async_work() const;
Napi::Env Env() const;
void Queue();
void Cancel();
void SuppressDestruct();
ObjectReference& Receiver();
FunctionReference& Callback();
virtual void OnExecute(Napi::Env env);
virtual void OnWorkComplete(Napi::Env env, napi_status status);
explicit AsyncWorker(const Function& callback);
explicit AsyncWorker(const Function& callback, const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncWorker(const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
explicit AsyncWorker(const Object& receiver, const Function& callback);
explicit AsyncWorker(const Object& receiver,
const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncWorker(const Object& receiver,
const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
explicit AsyncWorker(Napi::Env env);
explicit AsyncWorker(Napi::Env env, const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncWorker(Napi::Env env,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
virtual void Execute() = 0;
virtual void OnOK();
virtual void OnError(const Error& e);
virtual void Destroy();
virtual std::vector<napi_value> GetResult(Napi::Env env);
void SetError(const std::string& error);
static inline void OnAsyncWorkExecute(napi_env env, void* asyncworker);
static inline void OnAsyncWorkComplete(napi_env env,
napi_status status,
void* asyncworker);
napi_env _env;
napi_async_work _work;
ObjectReference _receiver;
FunctionReference _callback;
std::string _error;
bool _suppress_destruct;
#if (NAPI_VERSION > 3 && !defined(__wasm32__))
class ThreadSafeFunction {
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString, typename ContextType>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString, typename Finalizer>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
Finalizer finalizeCallback);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString, typename ContextType, typename Finalizer>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString,
typename ContextType,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString, typename ContextType>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString, typename Finalizer>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
Finalizer finalizeCallback);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString, typename ContextType, typename Finalizer>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
template <typename ResourceString,
typename ContextType,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data);
ThreadSafeFunction(napi_threadsafe_function tsFunctionValue);
operator napi_threadsafe_function() const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status BlockingCall() const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
template <typename Callback>
napi_status BlockingCall(Callback callback) const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
template <typename DataType, typename Callback>
napi_status BlockingCall(DataType* data, Callback callback) const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status NonBlockingCall() const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
template <typename Callback>
napi_status NonBlockingCall(Callback callback) const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
template <typename DataType, typename Callback>
napi_status NonBlockingCall(DataType* data, Callback callback) const;
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
void Ref(napi_env env) const;
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
void Unref(napi_env env) const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status Acquire() const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status Release() const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status Abort() const;
struct ConvertibleContext {
template <class T>
operator T*() {
return static_cast<T*>(context);
void* context;
// This API may be called from any thread.
ConvertibleContext GetContext() const;
using CallbackWrapper = std::function<void(Napi::Env, Napi::Function)>;
template <typename ResourceString,
typename ContextType,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType>
static ThreadSafeFunction New(napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data,
napi_finalize wrapper);
napi_status CallInternal(CallbackWrapper* callbackWrapper,
napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode mode) const;
static void CallJS(napi_env env,
napi_value jsCallback,
void* context,
void* data);
napi_threadsafe_function _tsfn;
// A TypedThreadSafeFunction by default has no context (nullptr) and can
// accept any type (void) to its CallJs.
template <typename ContextType = std::nullptr_t,
typename DataType = void,
void (*CallJs)(Napi::Env, Napi::Function, ContextType*, DataType*) =
class TypedThreadSafeFunction {
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
// Helper function that returns nullptr if running Node-API 5+, otherwise a
// non-empty, no-op Function. This provides the ability to specify at
// compile-time a callback parameter to `New` that safely does no action
// when targeting _any_ Node-API version.
static std::nullptr_t EmptyFunctionFactory(Napi::Env env);
static Napi::Function EmptyFunctionFactory(Napi::Env env);
static Napi::Function FunctionOrEmpty(Napi::Env env,
Napi::Function& callback);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
// Creates a new threadsafe function with:
// Callback [missing] Resource [missing] Finalizer [missing]
template <typename ResourceString>
static TypedThreadSafeFunction<ContextType, DataType, CallJs> New(
napi_env env,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context = nullptr);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
// Creates a new threadsafe function with:
// Callback [missing] Resource [passed] Finalizer [missing]
template <typename ResourceString>
static TypedThreadSafeFunction<ContextType, DataType, CallJs> New(
napi_env env,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context = nullptr);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
// Creates a new threadsafe function with:
// Callback [missing] Resource [missing] Finalizer [passed]
template <typename ResourceString,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType = void>
static TypedThreadSafeFunction<ContextType, DataType, CallJs> New(
napi_env env,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data = nullptr);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
// Creates a new threadsafe function with:
// Callback [missing] Resource [passed] Finalizer [passed]
template <typename ResourceString,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType = void>
static TypedThreadSafeFunction<ContextType, DataType, CallJs> New(
napi_env env,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data = nullptr);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
// Creates a new threadsafe function with:
// Callback [passed] Resource [missing] Finalizer [missing]
template <typename ResourceString>
static TypedThreadSafeFunction<ContextType, DataType, CallJs> New(
napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context = nullptr);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
// Creates a new threadsafe function with:
// Callback [passed] Resource [passed] Finalizer [missing]
template <typename ResourceString>
static TypedThreadSafeFunction<ContextType, DataType, CallJs> New(
napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context = nullptr);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
// Creates a new threadsafe function with:
// Callback [passed] Resource [missing] Finalizer [passed]
template <typename ResourceString,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType = void>
static TypedThreadSafeFunction<ContextType, DataType, CallJs> New(
napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data = nullptr);
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
// Creates a new threadsafe function with:
// Callback [passed] Resource [passed] Finalizer [passed]
template <typename CallbackType,
typename ResourceString,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType>
static TypedThreadSafeFunction<ContextType, DataType, CallJs> New(
napi_env env,
CallbackType callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data = nullptr);
TypedThreadSafeFunction(napi_threadsafe_function tsFunctionValue);
operator napi_threadsafe_function() const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status BlockingCall(DataType* data = nullptr) const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status NonBlockingCall(DataType* data = nullptr) const;
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
void Ref(napi_env env) const;
// This API may only be called from the main thread.
void Unref(napi_env env) const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status Acquire() const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status Release() const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
napi_status Abort() const;
// This API may be called from any thread.
ContextType* GetContext() const;
template <typename ResourceString,
typename Finalizer,
typename FinalizerDataType>
static TypedThreadSafeFunction<ContextType, DataType, CallJs> New(
napi_env env,
const Function& callback,
const Object& resource,
ResourceString resourceName,
size_t maxQueueSize,
size_t initialThreadCount,
ContextType* context,
Finalizer finalizeCallback,
FinalizerDataType* data,
napi_finalize wrapper);
static void CallJsInternal(napi_env env,
napi_value jsCallback,
void* context,
void* data);
napi_threadsafe_function _tsfn;
template <typename DataType>
class AsyncProgressWorkerBase : public AsyncWorker {
virtual void OnWorkProgress(DataType* data) = 0;
class ThreadSafeData {
ThreadSafeData(AsyncProgressWorkerBase* asyncprogressworker, DataType* data)
: _asyncprogressworker(asyncprogressworker), _data(data) {}
AsyncProgressWorkerBase* asyncprogressworker() {
return _asyncprogressworker;
DataType* data() { return _data; };
AsyncProgressWorkerBase* _asyncprogressworker;
DataType* _data;
void OnWorkComplete(Napi::Env env, napi_status status) override;
explicit AsyncProgressWorkerBase(const Object& receiver,
const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource,
size_t queue_size = 1);
virtual ~AsyncProgressWorkerBase();
// Optional callback of Napi::ThreadSafeFunction only available after
// NAPI_VERSION 4. Refs: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27791
explicit AsyncProgressWorkerBase(Napi::Env env,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource,
size_t queue_size = 1);
static inline void OnAsyncWorkProgress(Napi::Env env,
Napi::Function jsCallback,
void* data);
napi_status NonBlockingCall(DataType* data);
ThreadSafeFunction _tsfn;
bool _work_completed = false;
napi_status _complete_status;
static inline void OnThreadSafeFunctionFinalize(
Napi::Env env, void* data, AsyncProgressWorkerBase* context);
template <class T>
class AsyncProgressWorker : public AsyncProgressWorkerBase<void> {
virtual ~AsyncProgressWorker();
class ExecutionProgress {
friend class AsyncProgressWorker;
void Signal() const;
void Send(const T* data, size_t count) const;
explicit ExecutionProgress(AsyncProgressWorker* worker) : _worker(worker) {}
AsyncProgressWorker* const _worker;
void OnWorkProgress(void*) override;
explicit AsyncProgressWorker(const Function& callback);
explicit AsyncProgressWorker(const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncProgressWorker(const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
explicit AsyncProgressWorker(const Object& receiver,
const Function& callback);
explicit AsyncProgressWorker(const Object& receiver,
const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncProgressWorker(const Object& receiver,
const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
// Optional callback of Napi::ThreadSafeFunction only available after
// NAPI_VERSION 4. Refs: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27791
explicit AsyncProgressWorker(Napi::Env env);
explicit AsyncProgressWorker(Napi::Env env, const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncProgressWorker(Napi::Env env,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
virtual void Execute(const ExecutionProgress& progress) = 0;
virtual void OnProgress(const T* data, size_t count) = 0;
void Execute() override;
void Signal();
void SendProgress_(const T* data, size_t count);
std::mutex _mutex;
T* _asyncdata;
size_t _asyncsize;
bool _signaled;
template <class T>
class AsyncProgressQueueWorker
: public AsyncProgressWorkerBase<std::pair<T*, size_t>> {
virtual ~AsyncProgressQueueWorker(){};
class ExecutionProgress {
friend class AsyncProgressQueueWorker;
void Signal() const;
void Send(const T* data, size_t count) const;
explicit ExecutionProgress(AsyncProgressQueueWorker* worker)
: _worker(worker) {}
AsyncProgressQueueWorker* const _worker;
void OnWorkComplete(Napi::Env env, napi_status status) override;
void OnWorkProgress(std::pair<T*, size_t>*) override;
explicit AsyncProgressQueueWorker(const Function& callback);
explicit AsyncProgressQueueWorker(const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncProgressQueueWorker(const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
explicit AsyncProgressQueueWorker(const Object& receiver,
const Function& callback);
explicit AsyncProgressQueueWorker(const Object& receiver,
const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncProgressQueueWorker(const Object& receiver,
const Function& callback,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
// Optional callback of Napi::ThreadSafeFunction only available after
// NAPI_VERSION 4. Refs: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27791
explicit AsyncProgressQueueWorker(Napi::Env env);
explicit AsyncProgressQueueWorker(Napi::Env env, const char* resource_name);
explicit AsyncProgressQueueWorker(Napi::Env env,
const char* resource_name,
const Object& resource);
virtual void Execute(const ExecutionProgress& progress) = 0;
virtual void OnProgress(const T* data, size_t count) = 0;
void Execute() override;
void Signal() const;
void SendProgress_(const T* data, size_t count);
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 3 && !defined(__wasm32__)
// Memory management.
class MemoryManagement {
static int64_t AdjustExternalMemory(Env env, int64_t change_in_bytes);
// Version management
class VersionManagement {
static uint32_t GetNapiVersion(Env env);
static const napi_node_version* GetNodeVersion(Env env);
template <typename T>
class Addon : public InstanceWrap<T> {
static inline Object Init(Env env, Object exports);
static T* Unwrap(Object wrapper);
using AddonProp = ClassPropertyDescriptor<T>;
void DefineAddon(Object exports,
const std::initializer_list<AddonProp>& props);
Napi::Object DefineProperties(Object object,
const std::initializer_list<AddonProp>& props);
Object entry_point_;
#endif // NAPI_VERSION > 5
} // namespace Napi
// Inline implementations of all the above class methods are included here.
#include "napi-inl.h"
#endif // SRC_NAPI_H_