Kántor Dániel 0881028595 feltoltes
2023-01-27 11:54:37 +01:00

553 lines
15 KiB

// info about each config option.
var debug = process.env.DEBUG_NOPT || process.env.NOPT_DEBUG
? function () { console.error.apply(console, arguments) }
: function () {}
var url = require("url")
, path = require("path")
, Stream = require("stream").Stream
, abbrev = require("abbrev")
module.exports = exports = nopt
exports.clean = clean
exports.typeDefs =
{ String : { type: String, validate: validateString }
, Boolean : { type: Boolean, validate: validateBoolean }
, url : { type: url, validate: validateUrl }
, Number : { type: Number, validate: validateNumber }
, path : { type: path, validate: validatePath }
, Stream : { type: Stream, validate: validateStream }
, Date : { type: Date, validate: validateDate }
function nopt (types, shorthands, args, slice) {
args = args || process.argv
types = types || {}
shorthands = shorthands || {}
if (typeof slice !== "number") slice = 2
debug(types, shorthands, args, slice)
args = args.slice(slice)
var data = {}
, key
, remain = []
, cooked = args
, original = args.slice(0)
parse(args, data, remain, types, shorthands)
// now data is full
clean(data, types, exports.typeDefs)
data.argv = {remain:remain,cooked:cooked,original:original}
data.argv.toString = function () {
return this.original.map(JSON.stringify).join(" ")
return data
function clean (data, types, typeDefs) {
typeDefs = typeDefs || exports.typeDefs
var remove = {}
, typeDefault = [false, true, null, String, Number]
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k) {
if (k === "argv") return
var val = data[k]
, isArray = Array.isArray(val)
, type = types[k]
if (!isArray) val = [val]
if (!type) type = typeDefault
if (type === Array) type = typeDefault.concat(Array)
if (!Array.isArray(type)) type = [type]
debug("val=%j", val)
debug("types=", type)
val = val.map(function (val) {
// if it's an unknown value, then parse false/true/null/numbers/dates
if (typeof val === "string") {
debug("string %j", val)
val = val.trim()
if ((val === "null" && ~type.indexOf(null))
|| (val === "true" &&
(~type.indexOf(true) || ~type.indexOf(Boolean)))
|| (val === "false" &&
(~type.indexOf(false) || ~type.indexOf(Boolean)))) {
val = JSON.parse(val)
debug("jsonable %j", val)
} else if (~type.indexOf(Number) && !isNaN(val)) {
debug("convert to number", val)
val = +val
} else if (~type.indexOf(Date) && !isNaN(Date.parse(val))) {
debug("convert to date", val)
val = new Date(val)
if (!types.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
return val
// allow `--no-blah` to set 'blah' to null if null is allowed
if (val === false && ~type.indexOf(null) &&
!(~type.indexOf(false) || ~type.indexOf(Boolean))) {
val = null
var d = {}
d[k] = val
debug("prevalidated val", d, val, types[k])
if (!validate(d, k, val, types[k], typeDefs)) {
if (exports.invalidHandler) {
exports.invalidHandler(k, val, types[k], data)
} else if (exports.invalidHandler !== false) {
debug("invalid: "+k+"="+val, types[k])
return remove
debug("validated val", d, val, types[k])
return d[k]
}).filter(function (val) { return val !== remove })
if (!val.length) delete data[k]
else if (isArray) {
debug(isArray, data[k], val)
data[k] = val
} else data[k] = val[0]
debug("k=%s val=%j", k, val, data[k])
function validateString (data, k, val) {
data[k] = String(val)
function validatePath (data, k, val) {
data[k] = path.resolve(String(val))
return true
function validateNumber (data, k, val) {
debug("validate Number %j %j %j", k, val, isNaN(val))
if (isNaN(val)) return false
data[k] = +val
function validateDate (data, k, val) {
debug("validate Date %j %j %j", k, val, Date.parse(val))
var s = Date.parse(val)
if (isNaN(s)) return false
data[k] = new Date(val)
function validateBoolean (data, k, val) {
if (val instanceof Boolean) val = val.valueOf()
else if (typeof val === "string") {
if (!isNaN(val)) val = !!(+val)
else if (val === "null" || val === "false") val = false
else val = true
} else val = !!val
data[k] = val
function validateUrl (data, k, val) {
val = url.parse(String(val))
if (!val.host) return false
data[k] = val.href
function validateStream (data, k, val) {
if (!(val instanceof Stream)) return false
data[k] = val
function validate (data, k, val, type, typeDefs) {
// arrays are lists of types.
if (Array.isArray(type)) {
for (var i = 0, l = type.length; i < l; i ++) {
if (type[i] === Array) continue
if (validate(data, k, val, type[i], typeDefs)) return true
delete data[k]
return false
// an array of anything?
if (type === Array) return true
// NaN is poisonous. Means that something is not allowed.
if (type !== type) {
debug("Poison NaN", k, val, type)
delete data[k]
return false
// explicit list of values
if (val === type) {
debug("Explicitly allowed %j", val)
// if (isArray) (data[k] = data[k] || []).push(val)
// else data[k] = val
data[k] = val
return true
// now go through the list of typeDefs, validate against each one.
var ok = false
, types = Object.keys(typeDefs)
for (var i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i ++) {
debug("test type %j %j %j", k, val, types[i])
var t = typeDefs[types[i]]
if (t && type === t.type) {
var d = {}
ok = false !== t.validate(d, k, val)
val = d[k]
if (ok) {
// if (isArray) (data[k] = data[k] || []).push(val)
// else data[k] = val
data[k] = val
debug("OK? %j (%j %j %j)", ok, k, val, types[i])
if (!ok) delete data[k]
return ok
function parse (args, data, remain, types, shorthands) {
debug("parse", args, data, remain)
var key = null
, abbrevs = abbrev(Object.keys(types))
, shortAbbr = abbrev(Object.keys(shorthands))
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i ++) {
var arg = args[i]
debug("arg", arg)
if (arg.match(/^-{2,}$/)) {
// done with keys.
// the rest are args.
remain.push.apply(remain, args.slice(i + 1))
args[i] = "--"
if (arg.charAt(0) === "-") {
if (arg.indexOf("=") !== -1) {
var v = arg.split("=")
arg = v.shift()
v = v.join("=")
args.splice.apply(args, [i, 1].concat([arg, v]))
// see if it's a shorthand
// if so, splice and back up to re-parse it.
var shRes = resolveShort(arg, shorthands, shortAbbr, abbrevs)
debug("arg=%j shRes=%j", arg, shRes)
if (shRes) {
debug(arg, shRes)
args.splice.apply(args, [i, 1].concat(shRes))
if (arg !== shRes[0]) {
i --
arg = arg.replace(/^-+/, "")
var no = false
while (arg.toLowerCase().indexOf("no-") === 0) {
no = !no
arg = arg.substr(3)
if (abbrevs[arg]) arg = abbrevs[arg]
var isArray = types[arg] === Array ||
Array.isArray(types[arg]) && types[arg].indexOf(Array) !== -1
var val
, la = args[i + 1]
var isBool = no ||
types[arg] === Boolean ||
Array.isArray(types[arg]) && types[arg].indexOf(Boolean) !== -1 ||
(la === "false" &&
(types[arg] === null ||
Array.isArray(types[arg]) && ~types[arg].indexOf(null)))
if (isBool) {
// just set and move along
val = !no
// however, also support --bool true or --bool false
if (la === "true" || la === "false") {
val = JSON.parse(la)
la = null
if (no) val = !val
i ++
// also support "foo":[Boolean, "bar"] and "--foo bar"
if (Array.isArray(types[arg]) && la) {
if (~types[arg].indexOf(la)) {
// an explicit type
val = la
i ++
} else if ( la === "null" && ~types[arg].indexOf(null) ) {
// null allowed
val = null
i ++
} else if ( !la.match(/^-{2,}[^-]/) &&
!isNaN(la) &&
~types[arg].indexOf(Number) ) {
// number
val = +la
i ++
} else if ( !la.match(/^-[^-]/) && ~types[arg].indexOf(String) ) {
// string
val = la
i ++
if (isArray) (data[arg] = data[arg] || []).push(val)
else data[arg] = val
if (la && la.match(/^-{2,}$/)) {
la = undefined
i --
val = la === undefined ? true : la
if (isArray) (data[arg] = data[arg] || []).push(val)
else data[arg] = val
i ++
function resolveShort (arg, shorthands, shortAbbr, abbrevs) {
// handle single-char shorthands glommed together, like
// npm ls -glp, but only if there is one dash, and only if
// all of the chars are single-char shorthands, and it's
// not a match to some other abbrev.
arg = arg.replace(/^-+/, '')
if (abbrevs[arg] && !shorthands[arg]) {
return null
if (shortAbbr[arg]) {
arg = shortAbbr[arg]
} else {
var singles = shorthands.___singles
if (!singles) {
singles = Object.keys(shorthands).filter(function (s) {
return s.length === 1
}).reduce(function (l,r) { l[r] = true ; return l }, {})
shorthands.___singles = singles
var chrs = arg.split("").filter(function (c) {
return singles[c]
if (chrs.join("") === arg) return chrs.map(function (c) {
return shorthands[c]
}).reduce(function (l, r) {
return l.concat(r)
}, [])
if (shorthands[arg] && !Array.isArray(shorthands[arg])) {
shorthands[arg] = shorthands[arg].split(/\s+/)
return shorthands[arg]
if (module === require.main) {
var assert = require("assert")
, util = require("util")
, shorthands =
{ s : ["--loglevel", "silent"]
, d : ["--loglevel", "info"]
, dd : ["--loglevel", "verbose"]
, ddd : ["--loglevel", "silly"]
, noreg : ["--no-registry"]
, reg : ["--registry"]
, "no-reg" : ["--no-registry"]
, silent : ["--loglevel", "silent"]
, verbose : ["--loglevel", "verbose"]
, h : ["--usage"]
, H : ["--usage"]
, "?" : ["--usage"]
, help : ["--usage"]
, v : ["--version"]
, f : ["--force"]
, desc : ["--description"]
, "no-desc" : ["--no-description"]
, "local" : ["--no-global"]
, l : ["--long"]
, p : ["--parseable"]
, porcelain : ["--parseable"]
, g : ["--global"]
, types =
{ aoa: Array
, nullstream: [null, Stream]
, date: Date
, str: String
, browser : String
, cache : path
, color : ["always", Boolean]
, depth : Number
, description : Boolean
, dev : Boolean
, editor : path
, force : Boolean
, global : Boolean
, globalconfig : path
, group : [String, Number]
, gzipbin : String
, logfd : [Number, Stream]
, loglevel : ["silent","win","error","warn","info","verbose","silly"]
, long : Boolean
, "node-version" : [false, String]
, npaturl : url
, npat : Boolean
, "onload-script" : [false, String]
, outfd : [Number, Stream]
, parseable : Boolean
, pre: Boolean
, prefix: path
, proxy : url
, "rebuild-bundle" : Boolean
, registry : url
, searchopts : String
, searchexclude: [null, String]
, shell : path
, t: [Array, String]
, tag : String
, tar : String
, tmp : path
, "unsafe-perm" : Boolean
, usage : Boolean
, user : String
, username : String
, userconfig : path
, version : Boolean
, viewer: path
, _exit : Boolean
; [["-v", {version:true}, []]
,["---v", {version:true}, []]
,["ls -s --no-reg connect -d",
,["ls ---s foo",{loglevel:"silent"},["ls","foo"]]
,["ls --registry blargle", {}, ["ls"]]
,["--no-registry", {registry:null}, []]
,["--no-color true", {color:false}, []]
,["--no-color false", {color:true}, []]
,["--no-color", {color:false}, []]
,["--color false", {color:false}, []]
,["--color --logfd 7", {logfd:7,color:true}, []]
,["--color=true", {color:true}, []]
,["--logfd=10", {logfd:10}, []]
,["--tmp=/tmp -tar=gtar",{tmp:"/tmp",tar:"gtar"},[]]
,["--tmp=tmp -tar=gtar",
{tmp:path.resolve(process.cwd(), "tmp"),tar:"gtar"},[]]
,["--logfd x", {}, []]
,["a -true -- -no-false", {true:true},["a","-no-false"]]
,["a -no-false", {false:false},["a"]]
,["a -no-no-true", {true:true}, ["a"]]
,["a -no-no-no-false", {false:false}, ["a"]]
,{"body-can-do-the-boogaloo-like-I-do":false}, []]
,["we are -no-strangers-to-love "+
"--you-know the-rules --and so-do-i "+
"---im-thinking-of=a-full-commitment "+
"--no-you-would-get-this-from-any-other-guy "+
"--no-gonna-give-you-up "+
"-no-gonna-let-you-down=true "+
"--no-no-gonna-run-around false "+
"--desert-you=false "+
"--make-you-cry false "+
"--no-tell-a-lie "+
"--no-no-and-hurt-you false"
},["we", "are"]]
,["-t one -t two -t three"
,{t: ["one", "two", "three"]}
,["-t one -t null -t three four five null"
,{t: ["one", "null", "three"]}
,["four", "five", "null"]]
,["-t foo"
,["-aoa one -aoa null -aoa 100"
,{aoa:["one", null, 100]}
,["-str 100"
,["--color always"
,["--nullstream false"
,["--notadate 2011-01-25"
,{notadate: "2011-01-25"}
,["--date 2011-01-25"
,{date: new Date("2011-01-25")}
].forEach(function (test) {
var argv = test[0].split(/\s+/)
, opts = test[1]
, rem = test[2]
, actual = nopt(types, shorthands, argv, 0)
, parsed = actual.argv
delete actual.argv
console.log(util.inspect(actual, false, 2, true), parsed.remain)
for (var i in opts) {
var e = JSON.stringify(opts[i])
, a = JSON.stringify(actual[i] === undefined ? null : actual[i])
if (e && typeof e === "object") {
assert.deepEqual(e, a)
} else {
assert.equal(e, a)
assert.deepEqual(rem, parsed.remain)