This commit is contained in:
szabomarton 2024-10-01 10:53:52 +02:00
parent a6e454a097
commit 32ea86f388
3 changed files with 4235 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -34,6 +34,334 @@ CREATE TABLE eladasok(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, osszeg INT, eladott_men
CREATE TABLE munkaido(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, munkas_id INT, becsekkolas DATETIME, kicsekkolas DATETIME); CREATE TABLE munkaido(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, munkas_id INT, becsekkolas DATETIME, kicsekkolas DATETIME);
ALTER TABLE munkaido ADD FOREIGN KEY (munkas_id) REFERENCES munkas(id); ALTER TABLE munkaido ADD FOREIGN KEY (munkas_id) REFERENCES munkas(id);
INSERT INTO `beszerzes_kiadasok` VALUES
(1,'34 ds','501 Halvorson Gardens\nNew Devynchester, WI 28325-8264'),
(2,'42 hh','33787 Kieran Knolls\nNorth Dejonhaven, OK 54485-5271'),
(3,'43 jc','3749 Anahi Groves\nHilpertbury, HI 31426'),
(4,'37 fv','327 Wisoky Viaduct\nNorth Malvina, SC 41712'),
(5,'54 wq','51674 Anderson Light Apt. 481\nRodborough, WY 20922-4425'),
(6,'96 ch','8298 Beier Camp\nDedricfurt, RI 29824-7249'),
(7,'80 fr','032 Jenkins Flat Apt. 961\nWest Addison, NH 68632'),
(8,'89 kv','34772 Daugherty Landing Suite 648\nGerardside, CO 97135'),
(9,'45 rg','2252 Lemke Mews\nSanfordchester, PA 81772-5757'),
(10,'08 oz','409 Dare Station\nMarquardtville, NH 13755-7358'),
(11,'67 rj','427 Kyla Springs\nAllisonburgh, WV 01634-5992'),
(12,'77 pk','87020 Sporer Gateway\nKirlinfurt, NJ 73718-0262'),
(13,'10 qe','225 Johns Squares Apt. 516\nSouth Terrenceport, MS 02742-8318'),
(14,'46 qp','69358 Antwon Hollow Suite 596\nNew David, NE 65499-9695'),
(15,'16 ef','2439 Colton Lodge Suite 136\nJulianaberg, NE 74904'),
(16,'93 vu','485 Stiedemann Port\nWaterschester, MA 21962-7281'),
(17,'57 kp','966 Bartholome Mills\nPort Shirleyhaven, IL 73607-0595'),
(18,'76 gq','9074 Wilkinson Club Suite 574\nEinoshire, AZ 60987-5585'),
(19,'82 pq','63618 Okey Divide Apt. 214\nPacochaville, AL 66501'),
(20,'29 mz','14378 Hahn Pines\nLoganstad, NV 09623'),
(21,'48 ip','83665 Imelda Glen\nEast Maybelleport, SD 17921-9377'),
(22,'09 ps','447 Steuber Mews Apt. 703\nWest Katharinaview, MD 12102-8280'),
(23,'72 if','798 Feest Mission\nWizaport, AR 47732'),
(24,'03 gf','400 Bernier Loaf\nCarlottaport, HI 00763'),
(25,'97 fa','585 Ilene Junction\nShannaview, AR 21616-7765');
(1,'71 if','95465 Alexane Springs\nNorth Carroll, IN 11189'),
(2,'95 xu','96289 Angela Locks\nLake Kendrabury, HI 78059-1992'),
(3,'66 ko','8181 Sporer Unions Apt. 545\nPort Newtonfort, TN 23417'),
(4,'90 ay','3183 Eichmann Lights\nEast Leonelview, TN 33607'),
(5,'00 nv','43381 Bartell Place Suite 665\nSouth Isabelleborough, RI 72837'),
(6,'17 kv','770 Iliana Landing Suite 138\nWest Paulinemouth, NH 68378'),
(7,'22 tb','320 Aniya Row\nWest Junius, AR 26646-0133'),
(8,'33 ph','1918 Dicki Valley\nSouth Letitiaton, NH 33294-1492'),
(9,'55 um','884 Adelle Forge\nEast Lesleyton, MN 51272'),
(10,'82 xk','240 Hardy Unions\nChandlertown, MN 20418-6636'),
(11,'12 bs','7625 Nitzsche Manors Apt. 422\nPort Alisaville, WA 15730-9206'),
(12,'58 en','262 Moore Course\nGageview, ME 26619-5607'),
(13,'00 zu','58032 Faye Trail\nSouth Eraport, MS 71463'),
(14,'04 zc','38053 Carroll Junctions\nYostshire, NY 52909'),
(15,'32 xd','27010 Jaydon Crescent Suite 425\nAhmadstad, NM 05243'),
(16,'16 hy','1102 Reggie Ports Apt. 795\nPaucekhaven, AK 91747'),
(17,'96 jc','176 Pagac Keys\nWestleyberg, CO 04607'),
(18,'81 kd','22723 Konopelski Forks\nWest Ludwighaven, OK 08193-9351'),
(19,'21 bi','53389 Noelia Loop Suite 586\nPort Charley, IL 49776'),
(20,'89 qs','8826 Adolf Mill Apt. 637\nSouth Ladarius, SD 17965'),
(21,'01 hp','985 Cole Extension Apt. 893\nWest Mitchelmouth, SC 09156-1406'),
(22,'77 va','6721 Shayna Burgs Apt. 911\nNorth Conor, IN 41266'),
(23,'54 tq','477 Ritchie Forks Suite 692\nPort Zackbury, MS 08824-4870'),
(24,'16 ld','941 Hudson Park Apt. 708\nAprilview, WA 99736'),
(25,'54 rw','6603 Moore Loop\nBodebury, VA 82700');
(1,'Makenna Quigley','295-660-6415x317','','7187',1),
(2,'Edythe Krajcik','(375)632-6878x45558','','22',2),
(3,'Mr. Claude Runte V','(202)788-1701x185','','15381',3),
(4,'Erica Shanahan','139-720-4809x9186','','96791',4),
(5,'Miss Marcella Kunde','(819)533-9064x7945','','41884301',5),
(6,'Trudie Olson','301-901-5060x602','','8799694',6),
(7,'Muhammad Connelly','1-196-953-0374x93717','','1',7),
(8,'Ms. Pattie Sauer','1-034-199-8481x64541','','28300463',8),
(9,'Clementina Lemke','282-702-8846x90839','','159',9),
(10,'Saige Pouros','(867)657-9063','','',10),
(11,'Miss Mazie Ritchie','(457)752-8130','','602',11),
(12,'Carli Cremin','1-257-489-3035x18463','','88',12),
(13,'Lisa Hudson','882-281-6532','','9762',13),
(14,'Brandon Hills','254.349.4686','','8214',14),
(15,'Miss Brisa Gibson Sr.','1-946-116-9281x4400','','8378',15),
(16,'Devyn OConnell','1-240-978-3433','','8',16),
(17,'Loy Crona','(978)782-8313','','',17),
(18,'Claudie Christiansen','(357)845-8246x966','','111',18),
(19,'Dr. Tad Halvorson','096.341.6624','','96694618',19),
(20,'Brandt Stamm','+99(8)4805934122','','951',20),
(21,'Federico Jenkins','04684393504','','755',21),
(22,'Shakira Kreiger','053-810-6314x1099','','593013890',22),
(23,'Prof. Jewel Bauch','(746)680-8319','','33',23),
(24,'Mr. Raheem Hettinger','263-771-8948','','7367',24),
(25,'Sim Hahn I','+43(1)6163829381','','76860243',25);
(1,1,'1983-08-13 17:12:39','2000-02-03 15:21:49'),
(2,2,'1975-11-19 21:22:07','2020-04-29 14:36:00'),
(3,3,'1978-08-19 15:48:56','1979-04-23 20:08:36'),
(4,4,'2024-09-16 13:32:13','1991-04-15 13:58:22'),
(5,5,'1993-11-04 04:07:53','1999-11-16 13:19:58'),
(6,6,'1973-04-06 14:08:53','2013-03-08 23:39:04'),
(7,7,'2019-08-14 13:16:19','2004-03-08 11:30:30'),
(8,8,'1981-05-08 07:27:48','2011-06-28 09:12:18'),
(9,9,'1990-10-02 11:08:48','2010-11-07 07:19:51'),
(10,10,'1976-11-23 01:44:25','1988-05-18 13:44:31'),
(11,11,'2023-01-17 00:53:04','2010-12-03 11:49:28'),
(12,12,'1997-03-13 07:58:04','1984-11-16 02:22:48'),
(13,13,'1992-04-20 09:49:45','1977-12-20 15:34:24'),
(14,14,'1990-12-01 17:38:54','2022-02-09 09:37:04'),
(15,15,'1978-05-11 14:10:04','1975-03-23 13:03:14'),
(16,16,'1990-07-31 05:39:41','1997-10-01 07:22:26'),
(17,17,'2004-01-09 07:05:03','1971-03-22 19:28:05'),
(18,18,'1999-11-19 16:00:50','1976-01-24 09:37:07'),
(19,19,'2019-03-26 23:46:35','1996-10-15 04:55:51'),
(20,20,'1973-08-11 11:51:12','2017-02-01 14:18:42'),
(21,21,'2007-05-29 22:14:31','1989-04-02 07:33:43'),
(22,22,'2001-05-24 05:07:58','2011-12-24 22:24:41'),
(23,23,'1982-12-11 04:56:11','1979-04-26 00:18:20'),
(24,24,'1991-08-19 19:51:32','1971-10-19 13:11:59'),
(25,25,'1975-12-14 13:41:37','1999-09-18 09:00:50');
INSERT INTO `eszkoztipus` VALUES
(1,'11 to'),
(2,'35 sa'),
(3,'11 dh'),
(4,'40 qp'),
(5,'10 hx'),
(6,'72 hg'),
(7,'78 dp'),
(8,'94 ju'),
(9,'98 wv'),
(10,'61 pw'),
(11,'57 nv'),
(12,'18 bu'),
(13,'35 sf'),
(14,'38 ey'),
(15,'53 qv'),
(16,'54 ci'),
(17,'13 fz'),
(18,'04 ld'),
(19,'81 cn'),
(20,'66 un'),
(21,'33 hj'),
(22,'31 sd'),
(23,'84 co'),
(24,'33 vy'),
(25,'48 kr');
(1,1,'5860 Macejkovic Ramp',9),
(2,2,'241 Davis Circles',4),
(3,3,'1367 Ignatius Motorway Suite 056',3),
(4,4,'08700 Ratke Crossing',3),
(5,5,'3765 Giles Mountains Suite 769',9),
(6,6,'423 OConnell Fort Suite 961',4),
(7,7,'091 Kaitlin Gateway Apt. 803',5),
(8,8,'51707 Jacobi Fords',2),
(9,9,'3584 Weber Corner',4),
(10,10,'8684 Darren Plains',2),
(11,11,'09421 Sawayn Grove',6),
(12,12,'8228 Adalberto Keys Suite 582',6),
(13,13,'696 Nedra Islands Apt. 259',5),
(14,14,'58672 Lavina Roads Suite 493',5),
(15,15,'0089 Kunze Forest',5),
(16,16,'93361 Destin Island Apt. 381',2),
(17,17,'040 Eichmann Shoal Suite 802',6),
(18,18,'5780 Windler Highway Apt. 196',7),
(19,19,'73137 Koelpin Island',9),
(20,20,'9211 Graham Station Suite 965',3),
(21,21,'2066 Fiona Station',1),
(22,22,'1970 Blick Meadows Suite 767',9),
(23,23,'3315 Verda Lodge Suite 781',7),
(24,24,'5427 Monica Points',1),
(25,25,'7526 Konopelski Road',6);
INSERT INTO `napitermeles` VALUES
ALTER TABLE beszerzes_kiadasok ADD macska_neve VARCHAR(255); ALTER TABLE beszerzes_kiadasok ADD macska_neve VARCHAR(255);

View File

@ -54,12 +54,13 @@ allampolgarsagok = ["Amerikai", "Kanadai", "Brit", "Francia", "Német", "Olasz",
def tablak_insert(tablaTartalomTomb, tablaNev): def tablak_insert(tablaTartalomTomb, tablaNev):
for tabla in tablak: with open('kimenet.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as celfajl:
for oszlop in oszlopok: for tabla in tablak:
for i in range(record_number): for oszlop in oszlopok:
if oszlop == tablaNev: for i in range(record_number):
#print(f"INSERT INTO {tabla} ({oszlop}) VALUES ('{random.choice(tablaTartalomTomb)}');") if oszlop == tablaNev:
print(f"UPDATE {tabla} SET {oszlop} = '{random.choice(tablaTartalomTomb)}' WHERE id={i + 1};") #print(f"INSERT INTO {tabla} ({oszlop}) VALUES ('{random.choice(tablaTartalomTomb)}');")
print(f"UPDATE {tabla} SET {oszlop} = '{random.choice(tablaTartalomTomb)}' WHERE id={i + 1};", file=celfajl)
tablak_insert(macska_nevek, "macska_neve") tablak_insert(macska_nevek, "macska_neve")
tablak_insert(macska_fajtak, "macska_fajta") tablak_insert(macska_fajtak, "macska_fajta")

kimenet.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff