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2025-01-28 10:38:27 +00:00
{"version":3,"file":"immer.cjs.development.js","sources":["../src/utils/env.ts","../src/utils/errors.ts","../src/utils/common.ts","../src/utils/plugins.ts","../src/core/scope.ts","../src/core/finalize.ts","../src/core/proxy.ts","../src/core/immerClass.ts","../src/core/current.ts","../src/plugins/es5.ts","../src/plugins/patches.ts","../src/plugins/mapset.ts","../src/plugins/all.ts","../src/immer.ts"],"sourcesContent":["// Should be no imports here!\n\n// Some things that should be evaluated before all else...\n\n// We only want to know if non-polyfilled symbols are available\nconst hasSymbol =\n\ttypeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && typeof Symbol(\"x\") === \"symbol\"\nexport const hasMap = typeof Map !== \"undefined\"\nexport const hasSet = typeof Set !== \"undefined\"\nexport const hasProxies =\n\ttypeof Proxy !== \"undefined\" &&\n\ttypeof Proxy.revocable !== \"undefined\" &&\n\ttypeof Reflect !== \"undefined\"\n\n/**\n * The sentinel value returned by producers to replace the draft with undefined.\n */\nexport const NOTHING: Nothing = hasSymbol\n\t? Symbol.for(\"immer-nothing\")\n\t: ({[\"immer-nothing\"]: true} as any)\n\n/**\n * To let Immer treat your class instances as plain immutable objects\n * (albeit with a custom prototype), you must define either an instance property\n * or a static property on each of your custom classes.\n *\n * Otherwise, your class instance will never be drafted, which means it won't be\n * safe to mutate in a produce callback.\n */\nexport const DRAFTABLE: unique symbol = hasSymbol\n\t? Symbol.for(\"immer-draftable\")\n\t: (\"__$immer_draftable\" as any)\n\nexport const DRAFT_STATE: unique symbol = hasSymbol\n\t? Symbol.for(\"immer-state\")\n\t: (\"__$immer_state\" as any)\n\n// Even a polyfilled Symbol might provide Symbol.iterator\nexport const iteratorSymbol: typeof Symbol.iterator =\n\t(typeof Symbol != \"undefined\" && Symbol.iterator) || (\"@@iterator\" as any)\n\n/** Use a class type for `nothing` so its type is unique */\nexport class Nothing {\n\t// This lets us do `Exclude<T, Nothing>`\n\t// @ts-ignore\n\tprivate _!: unique symbol\n}\n","const errors = {\n\t0: \"Illegal state\",\n\t1: \"Immer drafts cannot have computed properties\",\n\t2: \"This object has been frozen and should not be mutated\",\n\t3(data: any) {\n\t\treturn (\n\t\t\t\"Cannot use a proxy that has been revoked. Did you pass an object from inside an immer function to an async process? \" +\n\t\t\tdata\n\t\t)\n\t},\n\t4: \"An immer producer returned a new value *and* modified its draft. Either return a new value *or* modify the draft.\",\n\t5: \"Immer forbids circular references\",\n\t6: \"The first or second argument to `produce` must be a function\",\n\t7: \"The third argument to `produce` must be a function or undefined\",\n\t8: \"First argument to `createDraft` must be a plain object, an array, or an immerable object\",\n\t9: \"First argument to `finishDraft` must be a draft returned by `createDraft`\",\n\t10: \"The given draft is already finalized\",\n\t11: \"Object.defineProperty() cannot be used on an Immer draft\",\n\t12: \"Object.setPrototypeOf() cannot be used on an Immer draft\",\n\t13: \"Immer only supports deleting array indices\",\n\t14: \"Immer only supports setting array indices and the 'length' property\",\n\t15(path: string) {\n\t\treturn \"Cannot apply patch, path doesn't resolve: \" + path\n\t},\n\t16: 'Sets cannot have \"replace\" patches.',\n\t17(op: string) {\n\t\treturn \"Unsupported patch operation: \" + op\n\t},\n\t18(plugin: string) {\n\t\treturn `The plugin for '${plugin}' has not been loaded into Immer. To enable the plugin, import and call \\`enable${plugin}()\\` when initializing your application.`\n\t},\n\t20: \"Cannot use proxies if Proxy, Proxy.revocable or Reflect are not available\",\n\t21(thing: string) {\n\t\treturn `produce can only be called on things that are draftable: plain objects, arrays, Map, Set or classes that are marked with '[immerable]: true'. Got '${thing}'`\n\t},\n\t22(thing: string) {\n\t\treturn `'current' expects a draft, got: ${thing}`\n\t},\n\t23(thing: s