import { all, compile, proxyaddr as proxyAddr } from '@tinyhttp/proxy-addr'; import { isIP } from 'node:net'; export { getURLParams } from '@tinyhttp/req'; const trustRemoteAddress = ({ socket }, trust) => { const val = socket.remoteAddress; if (typeof trust !== 'function') trust = compile(trust); return trust(val, 0); }; export const getProtocol = (req, trust) => { const proto = `http${ ? 's' : ''}`; if (!trustRemoteAddress(req, trust)) return proto; const header = req.headers['X-Forwarded-Proto'] || proto; const index = header.indexOf(','); return index !== -1 ? header.substring(0, index).trim() : header.trim(); }; const normalizeHostString = (host) => decodeURIComponent(host).toLowerCase().normalize(); const getAuthorityHeaderHostString = (req) => { const authority = req.get(':authority'); if (Array.isArray(authority)) return undefined; if (Array.isArray(authority) || !authority) return undefined; const index = authority.indexOf('@'); if (index === -1) return normalizeHostString(authority); return normalizeHostString(authority.substring(index + 1)); }; const getForwardedHeaderHostString = (req) => { const forwardedHost = req.get('x-forwarded-host'); if (Array.isArray(forwardedHost)) return undefined; if (!forwardedHost) return undefined; return normalizeHostString(forwardedHost); }; const getDefaultHeaderHostString = (req) => { const host = req.get('host'); if (!host || host.indexOf(',') !== -1) return undefined; if (host.indexOf(',') !== -1) return undefined; return normalizeHostString(host); }; const getHostString = (req, trust) => { var _a; if (trustRemoteAddress(req, trust)) { const forwardedHost = getForwardedHeaderHostString(req); if (forwardedHost) return forwardedHost; } const authorityHost = getAuthorityHeaderHostString(req); const defaultHost = getDefaultHeaderHostString(req); if (authorityHost && defaultHost) { if (authorityHost !== defaultHost) throw new Error('Request `:authority` pseudo-header does not agree with `Host` header'); return authorityHost; } return (_a = authorityHost !== null && authorityHost !== void 0 ? authorityHost : defaultHost) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined; }; export const getHost = (req, trust) => { const host = getHostString(req, trust); if (!host) return undefined; // IPv6 literal support const index = host.indexOf(':', host[0] === '[' ? host.indexOf(']') + 1 : 0); if (index === -1) return { hostname: host }; const hostname = host.substring(0, index); const port = Number(host.substring(index + 1)); if (Number.isNaN(port)) throw new TypeError('Port number is NaN, therefore Host is malformed'); return { hostname, port }; }; export const getIP = (req, trust) => proxyAddr(req, trust).replace(/^.*:/, ''); // striping the redundant prefix addeded by OS to IPv4 address export const getIPs = (req, trust) => all(req, trust); export const getSubdomains = (req, trust, subdomainOffset = 2) => { const host = getHost(req, trust); if (!(host === null || host === void 0 ? void 0 : host.hostname)) return []; const subdomains = isIP(host.hostname) ? [host.hostname] : host.hostname.split('.').reverse(); return subdomains.slice(subdomainOffset); }; //#