import { randomBytes } from 'node:crypto'; import { getProperty } from 'dot-prop'; import inflection from 'inflection'; import sortOn from 'sort-on'; export function isItem(obj) { return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null; } export function isData(obj) { if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) { return false; } const data = obj; return Object.values(data).every((value) => Array.isArray(value) && value.every(isItem)); } var Condition; (function (Condition) { Condition["lt"] = "lt"; Condition["lte"] = "lte"; Condition["gt"] = "gt"; Condition["gte"] = "gte"; Condition["ne"] = "ne"; Condition["default"] = ""; })(Condition || (Condition = {})); function isCondition(value) { return Object.values(Condition).includes(value); } function ensureArray(arg = []) { return Array.isArray(arg) ? arg : [arg]; } function embed(db, name, item, related) { if (inflection.singularize(related) === related) { const relatedData =[inflection.pluralize(related)]; if (!relatedData) { return item; } const foreignKey = `${related}Id`; const relatedItem = relatedData.find((relatedItem) => { return relatedItem['id'] === item[foreignKey]; }); return { ...item, [related]: relatedItem }; } const relatedData =[related]; if (!relatedData) { return item; } const foreignKey = `${inflection.singularize(name)}Id`; const relatedItems = relatedData.filter((relatedItem) => relatedItem[foreignKey] === item['id']); return { ...item, [related]: relatedItems }; } function nullifyForeignKey(db, name, id) { const foreignKey = `${inflection.singularize(name)}Id`; Object.entries([key, items]) => { // Skip if (key === name) return; // Nullify if (Array.isArray(items)) { items.forEach((item) => { if (item[foreignKey] === id) { item[foreignKey] = null; } }); } }); } function deleteDependents(db, name, dependents) { const foreignKey = `${inflection.singularize(name)}Id`; Object.entries([key, items]) => { // Skip if (key === name || !dependents.includes(key)) return; // Delete if foreign key is null if (Array.isArray(items)) {[key] = items.filter((item) => item[foreignKey] !== null); } }); } function randomId() { return randomBytes(2).toString('hex'); } function fixItemsIds(items) { items.forEach((item) => { if (typeof item['id'] === 'number') { item['id'] = item['id'].toString(); } if (item['id'] === undefined) { item['id'] = randomId(); } }); } // Ensure all items have an id function fixAllItemsIds(data) { Object.values(data).forEach((value) => { if (Array.isArray(value)) { fixItemsIds(value); } }); } export class Service { #db; constructor(db) { fixAllItemsIds(; this.#db = db; } #get(name) { return[name]; } has(name) { return, name); } findById(name, id, query) { const value = this.#get(name); if (Array.isArray(value)) { let item = value.find((item) => item['id'] === id); ensureArray(query._embed).forEach((related) => { if (item !== undefined) item = embed(this.#db, name, item, related); }); return item; } return; } find(name, query = {}) { let items = this.#get(name); if (!Array.isArray(items)) { return items; } // Include ensureArray(query._embed).forEach((related) => { if (items !== undefined && Array.isArray(items)) { items = => embed(this.#db, name, item, related)); } }); // Return list if no query params if (Object.keys(query).length === 0) { return items; } // Convert query params to conditions const conds = []; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(query)) { if (value === undefined || typeof value !== 'string') { continue; } const re = /_(lt|lte|gt|gte|ne)$/; const reArr = re.exec(key); const op = reArr?.at(1); if (op && isCondition(op)) { const field = key.replace(re, ''); conds.push([field, op, value]); continue; } if ([ '_embed', '_sort', '_start', '_end', '_limit', '_page', '_per_page', ].includes(key)) { continue; } conds.push([key, Condition.default, value]); } // Loop through conditions and filter items let filtered = items; for (const [key, op, paramValue] of conds) { filtered = filtered.filter((item) => { if (paramValue && !Array.isArray(paramValue)) { // const itemValue = getProperty(item, key); switch (op) { // item_gt=value case { if (!(typeof itemValue === 'number' && itemValue > parseInt(paramValue))) { return false; } break; } // item_gte=value case Condition.gte: { if (!(typeof itemValue === 'number' && itemValue >= parseInt(paramValue))) { return false; } break; } // item_lt=value case { if (!(typeof itemValue === 'number' && itemValue < parseInt(paramValue))) { return false; } break; } // item_lte=value case Condition.lte: { if (!(typeof itemValue === 'number' && itemValue <= parseInt(paramValue))) { return false; } break; } // item_ne=value case { switch (typeof itemValue) { case 'number': return itemValue !== parseInt(paramValue); case 'string': return itemValue !== paramValue; case 'boolean': return itemValue !== (paramValue === 'true'); } break; } // item=value case Condition.default: { switch (typeof itemValue) { case 'number': return itemValue === parseInt(paramValue); case 'string': return itemValue === paramValue; case 'boolean': return itemValue === (paramValue === 'true'); } } } } return true; }); } // Sort const sort = query._sort || ''; const sorted = sortOn(filtered, sort.split(',')); // Slice const start = query._start; const end = query._end; const limit = query._limit; if (start !== undefined) { if (end !== undefined) { return sorted.slice(start, end); } return sorted.slice(start, start + (limit || 0)); } if (limit !== undefined) { return sorted.slice(0, limit); } // Paginate let page = query._page; const perPage = query._per_page || 10; if (page) { const items = sorted.length; const pages = Math.ceil(items / perPage); // Ensure page is within the valid range page = Math.max(1, Math.min(page, pages)); const first = 1; const prev = page > 1 ? page - 1 : null; const next = page < pages ? page + 1 : null; const last = pages; const start = (page - 1) * perPage; const end = start + perPage; const data = sorted.slice(start, end); return { first, prev, next, last, pages, items, data, }; } return sorted.slice(start, end); } async create(name, data = {}) { const items = this.#get(name); if (items === undefined || !Array.isArray(items)) return; const item = { id: randomId(), }; items.push(item); await this.#db.write(); return item; } async #updateOrPatch(name, body = {}, isPatch) { const item = this.#get(name); if (item === undefined || Array.isArray(item)) return; const nextItem = ([name] = isPatch ? { item, ...body } : body); await this.#db.write(); return nextItem; } async #updateOrPatchById(name, id, body = {}, isPatch) { const items = this.#get(name); if (items === undefined || !Array.isArray(items)) return; const item = items.find((item) => item['id'] === id); if (!item) return; const nextItem = isPatch ? { ...item, ...body, id } : { ...body, id }; const index = items.indexOf(item); items.splice(index, 1, nextItem); await this.#db.write(); return nextItem; } async update(name, body = {}) { return this.#updateOrPatch(name, body, false); } async patch(name, body = {}) { return this.#updateOrPatch(name, body, true); } async updateById(name, id, body = {}) { return this.#updateOrPatchById(name, id, body, false); } async patchById(name, id, body = {}) { return this.#updateOrPatchById(name, id, body, true); } async destroyById(name, id, dependent) { const items = this.#get(name); if (items === undefined || !Array.isArray(items)) return; const item = items.find((item) => item['id'] === id); if (item === undefined) return; const index = items.indexOf(item); items.splice(index, 1); nullifyForeignKey(this.#db, name, id); const dependents = ensureArray(dependent); deleteDependents(this.#db, name, dependents); await this.#db.write(); return item; } }