Tiniest body parser in the universe. Built for modern Node.js.
Check out [deno-libs/parsec](https://github.com/deno-libs/parsec) for Deno port.
## Features
- ⏩ built with `async` / `await`
- 🛠 JSON / raw / urlencoded data support
- 📦 tiny package size (8KB dist size)
- 🔥 no dependencies
- ✨ [tinyhttp](https://github.com/tinyhttp/tinyhttp) and Express support
- ⚡ 30% faster than body-parser
## Install
# pnpm
pnpm i milliparsec
# bun
bun i milliparsec
## Usage
### Basic example
Use a middleware inside a server:
import { createServer } from 'node:http'
import { json } from 'milliparsec'
const server = createServer(async (req: ReqWithBody, res) => {
await json()(req, res, (err) => void err && console.log(err))
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
### Web frameworks integration
#### tinyhttp
import { App } from '@tinyhttp/app'
import { urlencoded } from 'milliparsec'
new App()
.post('/', (req, res) => void res.send(req.body))
.listen(3000, () => console.log(`Started on http://localhost:3000`))
## API
### `raw(req, res, cb)`
Minimal body parsing without any formatting.
### `text(req, res, cb)`
Converts request body to string.
### `urlencoded(req, res, cb)`
Parses request body using `new URLSearchParams`.
### `json(req, res, cb)`
Parses request body using `JSON.parse`.
### `multipart(req, res, cb)`
Parses request body using `multipart/form-data` content type and boundary. Supports files as well.
// curl -F "textfield=textfield" -F "someother=textfield with text" localhost:3000
await multipart()(req, res, (err) => void err && console.log(err))
res.end(req.body) // { textfield: "textfield", someother: "textfield with text" }
### `custom(fn)(req, res, cb)`
Custom function for `parsec`.
// curl -d "this text must be uppercased" localhost:3000
await custom(
(d) => d.toUpperCase(),
(err) => {}
res.end(req.body) // "THIS TEXT MUST BE UPPERCASED"
### What is "parsec"?
The parsec is a unit of length used to measure large distances to astronomical objects outside the Solar System.
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