/** * @license React * react-dom.react-server.development.js * * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ "use strict"; "production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV && (function () { function noop() {} function getCrossOriginStringAs(as, input) { if ("font" === as) return ""; if ("string" === typeof input) return "use-credentials" === input ? input : ""; } function getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(thing) { return null === thing ? "`null`" : void 0 === thing ? "`undefined`" : "" === thing ? "an empty string" : 'something with type "' + typeof thing + '"'; } function getValueDescriptorExpectingEnumForWarning(thing) { return null === thing ? "`null`" : void 0 === thing ? "`undefined`" : "" === thing ? "an empty string" : "string" === typeof thing ? JSON.stringify(thing) : "number" === typeof thing ? "`" + thing + "`" : 'something with type "' + typeof thing + '"'; } var React = require("react"), Internals = { d: { f: noop, r: function () { throw Error( "Invalid form element. requestFormReset must be passed a form that was rendered by React." ); }, D: noop, C: noop, L: noop, m: noop, X: noop, S: noop, M: noop }, p: 0, findDOMNode: null }; if (!React.__SERVER_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_WARN_USERS_THEY_CANNOT_UPGRADE) throw Error( 'The "react" package in this environment is not configured correctly. The "react-server" condition must be enabled in any environment that runs React Server Components.' ); ("function" === typeof Map && null != Map.prototype && "function" === typeof Map.prototype.forEach && "function" === typeof Set && null != Set.prototype && "function" === typeof Set.prototype.clear && "function" === typeof Set.prototype.forEach) || console.error( "React depends on Map and Set built-in types. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers. https://reactjs.org/link/react-polyfills" ); exports.__DOM_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_WARN_USERS_THEY_CANNOT_UPGRADE = Internals; exports.preconnect = function (href, options) { "string" === typeof href && href ? null != options && "object" !== typeof options ? console.error( "ReactDOM.preconnect(): Expected the `options` argument (second) to be an object but encountered %s instead. The only supported option at this time is `crossOrigin` which accepts a string.", getValueDescriptorExpectingEnumForWarning(options) ) : null != options && "string" !== typeof options.crossOrigin && console.error( "ReactDOM.preconnect(): Expected the `crossOrigin` option (second argument) to be a string but encountered %s instead. Try removing this option or passing a string value instead.", getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(options.crossOrigin) ) : console.error( "ReactDOM.preconnect(): Expected the `href` argument (first) to be a non-empty string but encountered %s instead.", getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(href) ); "string" === typeof href && (options ? ((options = options.crossOrigin), (options = "string" === typeof options ? "use-credentials" === options ? options : "" : void 0)) : (options = null), Internals.d.C(href, options)); }; exports.prefetchDNS = function (href) { if ("string" !== typeof href || !href) console.error( "ReactDOM.prefetchDNS(): Expected the `href` argument (first) to be a non-empty string but encountered %s instead.", getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(href) ); else if (1 < arguments.length) { var options = arguments[1]; "object" === typeof options && options.hasOwnProperty("crossOrigin") ? console.error( "ReactDOM.prefetchDNS(): Expected only one argument, `href`, but encountered %s as a second argument instead. This argument is reserved for future options and is currently disallowed. It looks like the you are attempting to set a crossOrigin property for this DNS lookup hint. Browsers do not perform DNS queries using CORS and setting this attribute on the resource hint has no effect. Try calling ReactDOM.prefetchDNS() with just a single string argument, `href`.", getValueDescriptorExpectingEnumForWarning(options) ) : console.error( "ReactDOM.prefetchDNS(): Expected only one argument, `href`, but encountered %s as a second argument instead. This argument is reserved for future options and is currently disallowed. Try calling ReactDOM.prefetchDNS() with just a single string argument, `href`.", getValueDescriptorExpectingEnumForWarning(options) ); } "string" === typeof href && Internals.d.D(href); }; exports.preinit = function (href, options) { "string" === typeof href && href ? null == options || "object" !== typeof options ? console.error( "ReactDOM.preinit(): Expected the `options` argument (second) to be an object with an `as` property describing the type of resource to be preinitialized but encountered %s instead.", getValueDescriptorExpectingEnumForWarning(options) ) : "style" !== options.as && "script" !== options.as && console.error( 'ReactDOM.preinit(): Expected the `as` property in the `options` argument (second) to contain a valid value describing the type of resource to be preinitialized but encountered %s instead. Valid values for `as` are "style" and "script".', getValueDescriptorExpectingEnumForWarning(options.as) ) : console.error( "ReactDOM.preinit(): Expected the `href` argument (first) to be a non-empty string but encountered %s instead.", getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(href) ); if ( "string" === typeof href && options && "string" === typeof options.as ) { var as = options.as, crossOrigin = getCrossOriginStringAs(as, options.crossOrigin), integrity = "string" === typeof options.integrity ? options.integrity : void 0, fetchPriority = "string" === typeof options.fetchPriority ? options.fetchPriority : void 0; "style" === as ? Internals.d.S( href, "string" === typeof options.precedence ? options.precedence : void 0, { crossOrigin: crossOrigin, integrity: integrity, fetchPriority: fetchPriority } ) : "script" === as && Internals.d.X(href, { crossOrigin: crossOrigin, integrity: integrity, fetchPriority: fetchPriority, nonce: "string" === typeof options.nonce ? options.nonce : void 0 }); } }; exports.preinitModule = function (href, options) { var encountered = ""; ("string" === typeof href && href) || (encountered += " The `href` argument encountered was " + getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(href) + "."); void 0 !== options && "object" !== typeof options ? (encountered += " The `options` argument encountered was " + getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(options) + ".") : options && "as" in options && "script" !== options.as && (encountered += " The `as` option encountered was " + getValueDescriptorExpectingEnumForWarning(options.as) + "."); if (encountered) console.error( "ReactDOM.preinitModule(): Expected up to two arguments, a non-empty `href` string and, optionally, an `options` object with a valid `as` property.%s", encountered ); else switch ( ((encountered = options && "string" === typeof options.as ? options.as : "script"), encountered) ) { case "script": break; default: (encountered = getValueDescriptorExpectingEnumForWarning(encountered)), console.error( 'ReactDOM.preinitModule(): Currently the only supported "as" type for this function is "script" but received "%s" instead. This warning was generated for `href` "%s". In the future other module types will be supported, aligning with the import-attributes proposal. Learn more here: (https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-attributes)', encountered, href ); } if ("string" === typeof href) if ("object" === typeof options && null !== options) { if (null == options.as || "script" === options.as) (encountered = getCrossOriginStringAs( options.as, options.crossOrigin )), Internals.d.M(href, { crossOrigin: encountered, integrity: "string" === typeof options.integrity ? options.integrity : void 0, nonce: "string" === typeof options.nonce ? options.nonce : void 0 }); } else null == options && Internals.d.M(href); }; exports.preload = function (href, options) { var encountered = ""; ("string" === typeof href && href) || (encountered += " The `href` argument encountered was " + getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(href) + "."); null == options || "object" !== typeof options ? (encountered += " The `options` argument encountered was " + getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(options) + ".") : ("string" === typeof options.as && options.as) || (encountered += " The `as` option encountered was " + getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(options.as) + "."); encountered && console.error( 'ReactDOM.preload(): Expected two arguments, a non-empty `href` string and an `options` object with an `as` property valid for a `` tag.%s', encountered ); if ( "string" === typeof href && "object" === typeof options && null !== options && "string" === typeof options.as ) { encountered = options.as; var crossOrigin = getCrossOriginStringAs( encountered, options.crossOrigin ); Internals.d.L(href, encountered, { crossOrigin: crossOrigin, integrity: "string" === typeof options.integrity ? options.integrity : void 0, nonce: "string" === typeof options.nonce ? options.nonce : void 0, type: "string" === typeof options.type ? options.type : void 0, fetchPriority: "string" === typeof options.fetchPriority ? options.fetchPriority : void 0, referrerPolicy: "string" === typeof options.referrerPolicy ? options.referrerPolicy : void 0, imageSrcSet: "string" === typeof options.imageSrcSet ? options.imageSrcSet : void 0, imageSizes: "string" === typeof options.imageSizes ? options.imageSizes : void 0, media: "string" === typeof options.media ? options.media : void 0 }); } }; exports.preloadModule = function (href, options) { var encountered = ""; ("string" === typeof href && href) || (encountered += " The `href` argument encountered was " + getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(href) + "."); void 0 !== options && "object" !== typeof options ? (encountered += " The `options` argument encountered was " + getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(options) + ".") : options && "as" in options && "string" !== typeof options.as && (encountered += " The `as` option encountered was " + getValueDescriptorExpectingObjectForWarning(options.as) + "."); encountered && console.error( 'ReactDOM.preloadModule(): Expected two arguments, a non-empty `href` string and, optionally, an `options` object with an `as` property valid for a `` tag.%s', encountered ); "string" === typeof href && (options ? ((encountered = getCrossOriginStringAs( options.as, options.crossOrigin )), Internals.d.m(href, { as: "string" === typeof options.as && "script" !== options.as ? options.as : void 0, crossOrigin: encountered, integrity: "string" === typeof options.integrity ? options.integrity : void 0 })) : Internals.d.m(href)); }; exports.version = "19.0.0"; })();