'use strict'; const fromEntries = require('object.fromentries'); const entries = require('object.entries'); const allRules = require('./lib/rules'); function filterRules(rules, predicate) { return fromEntries(entries(rules).filter((entry) => predicate(entry[1]))); } /** * @param {object} rules - rules object mapping rule name to rule module * @returns {Record<string, SEVERITY_ERROR | 'error'>} */ function configureAsError(rules) { return fromEntries(Object.keys(rules).map((key) => [`react/${key}`, 2])); } /** @type {Partial<typeof allRules>} */ const activeRules = filterRules(allRules, (rule) => !rule.meta.deprecated); /** @type {Record<keyof typeof activeRules, 2 | 'error'>} */ const activeRulesConfig = configureAsError(activeRules); /** @type {Partial<typeof allRules>} */ const deprecatedRules = filterRules(allRules, (rule) => rule.meta.deprecated); /** @type {['react']} */ // for legacy config system const plugins = [ 'react', ]; // TODO: with TS 4.5+, inline this const SEVERITY_ERROR = /** @type {2} */ (2); const SEVERITY_OFF = /** @type {0} */ (0); const configs = { recommended: { plugins, parserOptions: { ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true, }, }, rules: { 'react/display-name': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/jsx-key': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/jsx-no-target-blank': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/jsx-no-undef': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/jsx-uses-react': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/jsx-uses-vars': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-children-prop': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-danger-with-children': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-deprecated': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-direct-mutation-state': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-find-dom-node': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-is-mounted': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-render-return-value': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-string-refs': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-unescaped-entities': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-unknown-property': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/no-unsafe': SEVERITY_OFF, 'react/prop-types': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/react-in-jsx-scope': SEVERITY_ERROR, 'react/require-render-return': SEVERITY_ERROR, }, }, all: { plugins, parserOptions: { ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true, }, }, rules: activeRulesConfig, }, 'jsx-runtime': { plugins, parserOptions: { ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true, }, jsxPragma: null, // for @typescript/eslint-parser }, rules: { 'react/react-in-jsx-scope': SEVERITY_OFF, 'react/jsx-uses-react': SEVERITY_OFF, }, }, }; /** @typedef {{ plugins: { react: typeof plugin }, rules: import('eslint').Linter.RulesRecord, languageOptions: { parserOptions: import('eslint').Linter.ParserOptions } }} ReactFlatConfig */ /** @type {{ deprecatedRules: typeof deprecatedRules, rules: typeof allRules, configs: typeof configs & { flat?: Record<string, ReactFlatConfig> }}} */ const plugin = { deprecatedRules, rules: allRules, configs, }; /** @type {Record<string, ReactFlatConfig>} */ configs.flat = { recommended: { plugins: { react: plugin }, rules: configs.recommended.rules, languageOptions: { parserOptions: configs.recommended.parserOptions }, }, all: { plugins: { react: plugin }, rules: configs.all.rules, languageOptions: { parserOptions: configs.all.parserOptions }, }, 'jsx-runtime': { plugins: { react: plugin }, rules: configs['jsx-runtime'].rules, languageOptions: { parserOptions: configs['jsx-runtime'].parserOptions }, }, }; module.exports = plugin;