'use strict'; var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); var forEach = require('for-each'); var test = require('tape'); var isRegex = require('..'); test('not regexes', function (t) { // @ts-expect-error t.notOk(isRegex(), 'undefined is not regex'); t.notOk(isRegex(null), 'null is not regex'); t.notOk(isRegex(false), 'false is not regex'); t.notOk(isRegex(true), 'true is not regex'); t.notOk(isRegex(42), 'number is not regex'); t.notOk(isRegex('foo'), 'string is not regex'); t.notOk(isRegex([]), 'array is not regex'); t.notOk(isRegex({}), 'object is not regex'); t.notOk(isRegex(function () {}), 'function is not regex'); t.end(); }); test('@@toStringTag', { skip: !hasToStringTag }, function (t) { var regex = /a/g; /** @type {{ toString(): string, valueOf(): RegExp, [Symbol.toStringTag]?: string}} */ var fakeRegex = { toString: function () { return String(regex); }, valueOf: function () { return regex; } }; fakeRegex[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'RegExp'; t.notOk(isRegex(fakeRegex), 'fake RegExp with @@toStringTag "RegExp" is not regex'); t.end(); }); test('regexes', function (t) { t.ok(isRegex(/a/g), 'regex literal is regex'); t.ok(isRegex(new RegExp('a', 'g')), 'regex object is regex'); t.end(); }); test('does not mutate regexes', function (t) { t.test('lastIndex is a marker object', function (st) { var regex = /a/; var marker = {}; // @ts-expect-error regex.lastIndex = marker; st.equal(regex.lastIndex, marker, 'lastIndex is the marker object'); st.ok(isRegex(regex), 'is regex'); st.equal(regex.lastIndex, marker, 'lastIndex is the marker object after isRegex'); st.end(); }); t.test('lastIndex is nonzero', function (st) { var regex = /a/; regex.lastIndex = 3; st.equal(regex.lastIndex, 3, 'lastIndex is 3'); st.ok(isRegex(regex), 'is regex'); st.equal(regex.lastIndex, 3, 'lastIndex is 3 after isRegex'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('does not perform operations observable to Proxies', { skip: typeof Proxy !== 'function' }, function (t) { /** @constructor */ function Handler() { /** @type (keyof Reflect)[]} */ this.trapCalls = []; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens forEach(/** @const @type {(keyof Reflect)[]} */ ([ 'defineProperty', 'deleteProperty', 'get', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', 'getPrototypeOf', 'has', 'isExtensible', 'ownKeys', 'preventExtensions', 'set', 'setPrototypeOf' ]), function (trapName) { Handler.prototype[trapName] = function () { this.trapCalls.push(trapName); // @ts-expect-error TODO: not sure why this is erroring return Reflect[trapName].apply(Reflect, arguments); }; }); t.test('proxy of object', function (st) { var handler = new Handler(); // @ts-expect-error Proxy handlers can be any object var proxy = new Proxy({ lastIndex: 0 }, handler); st.equal(isRegex(proxy), false, 'proxy of plain object is not regex'); st.deepEqual( handler.trapCalls, handler.trapCalls.length > 0 ? ['getOwnPropertyDescriptor'] : [], 'no unexpected proxy traps were triggered' ); st.end(); }); t.test('proxy of RegExp instance', function (st) { var handler = new Handler(); // @ts-expect-error Proxy handlers can be any object var proxy = new Proxy(/a/, handler); st.equal(isRegex(proxy), false, 'proxy of RegExp instance is not regex'); st.deepEqual( handler.trapCalls, handler.trapCalls.length > 0 ? ['getOwnPropertyDescriptor'] : [], 'no unexpected proxy traps were triggered' ); st.end(); }); t.end(); });