'use strict'; var csstree = require('css-tree'), List = csstree.List, stable = require('stable'), specificity = require('csso/lib/restructure/prepare/specificity'); /** * Flatten a CSS AST to a selectors list. * * @param {Object} cssAst css-tree AST to flatten * @return {Array} selectors */ function flattenToSelectors(cssAst) { var selectors = []; csstree.walk(cssAst, {visit: 'Rule', enter: function(node) { if (node.type !== 'Rule') { return; } var atrule = this.atrule; var rule = node; node.prelude.children.each(function(selectorNode, selectorItem) { var selector = { item: selectorItem, atrule: atrule, rule: rule, pseudos: [] }; selectorNode.children.each(function(selectorChildNode, selectorChildItem, selectorChildList) { if (selectorChildNode.type === 'PseudoClassSelector' || selectorChildNode.type === 'PseudoElementSelector') { selector.pseudos.push({ item: selectorChildItem, list: selectorChildList }); } }); selectors.push(selector); }); }}); return selectors; } /** * Filter selectors by Media Query. * * @param {Array} selectors to filter * @param {Array} useMqs Array with strings of media queries that should pass (<name> <expression>) * @return {Array} Filtered selectors that match the passed media queries */ function filterByMqs(selectors, useMqs) { return selectors.filter(function(selector) { if (selector.atrule === null) { return ~useMqs.indexOf(''); } var mqName = selector.atrule.name; var mqStr = mqName; if (selector.atrule.expression && selector.atrule.expression.children.first().type === 'MediaQueryList') { var mqExpr = csstree.generate(selector.atrule.expression); mqStr = [mqName, mqExpr].join(' '); } return ~useMqs.indexOf(mqStr); }); } /** * Filter selectors by the pseudo-elements and/or -classes they contain. * * @param {Array} selectors to filter * @param {Array} usePseudos Array with strings of single or sequence of pseudo-elements and/or -classes that should pass * @return {Array} Filtered selectors that match the passed pseudo-elements and/or -classes */ function filterByPseudos(selectors, usePseudos) { return selectors.filter(function(selector) { var pseudoSelectorsStr = csstree.generate({ type: 'Selector', children: new List().fromArray(selector.pseudos.map(function(pseudo) { return pseudo.item.data; })) }); return ~usePseudos.indexOf(pseudoSelectorsStr); }); } /** * Remove pseudo-elements and/or -classes from the selectors for proper matching. * * @param {Array} selectors to clean * @return {Array} Selectors without pseudo-elements and/or -classes */ function cleanPseudos(selectors) { selectors.forEach(function(selector) { selector.pseudos.forEach(function(pseudo) { pseudo.list.remove(pseudo.item); }); }); } /** * Compares two selector specificities. * extracted from https://github.com/keeganstreet/specificity/blob/master/specificity.js#L211 * * @param {Array} aSpecificity Specificity of selector A * @param {Array} bSpecificity Specificity of selector B * @return {Number} Score of selector specificity A compared to selector specificity B */ function compareSpecificity(aSpecificity, bSpecificity) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { if (aSpecificity[i] < bSpecificity[i]) { return -1; } else if (aSpecificity[i] > bSpecificity[i]) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Compare two simple selectors. * * @param {Object} aSimpleSelectorNode Simple selector A * @param {Object} bSimpleSelectorNode Simple selector B * @return {Number} Score of selector A compared to selector B */ function compareSimpleSelectorNode(aSimpleSelectorNode, bSimpleSelectorNode) { var aSpecificity = specificity(aSimpleSelectorNode), bSpecificity = specificity(bSimpleSelectorNode); return compareSpecificity(aSpecificity, bSpecificity); } function _bySelectorSpecificity(selectorA, selectorB) { return compareSimpleSelectorNode(selectorA.item.data, selectorB.item.data); } /** * Sort selectors stably by their specificity. * * @param {Array} selectors to be sorted * @return {Array} Stable sorted selectors */ function sortSelectors(selectors) { return stable(selectors, _bySelectorSpecificity); } /** * Convert a css-tree AST style declaration to CSSStyleDeclaration property. * * @param {Object} declaration css-tree style declaration * @return {Object} CSSStyleDeclaration property */ function csstreeToStyleDeclaration(declaration) { var propertyName = declaration.property, propertyValue = csstree.generate(declaration.value), propertyPriority = (declaration.important ? 'important' : ''); return { name: propertyName, value: propertyValue, priority: propertyPriority }; } /** * Gets the CSS string of a style element * * @param {Object} element style element * @return {String|Array} CSS string or empty array if no styles are set */ function getCssStr(elem) { return elem.content[0].text || elem.content[0].cdata || []; } /** * Sets the CSS string of a style element * * @param {Object} element style element * @param {String} CSS string to be set * @return {Object} reference to field with CSS */ function setCssStr(elem, css) { // in case of cdata field if(elem.content[0].cdata) { elem.content[0].cdata = css; return elem.content[0].cdata; } // in case of text field + if nothing was set yet elem.content[0].text = css; return elem.content[0].text; } module.exports.flattenToSelectors = flattenToSelectors; module.exports.filterByMqs = filterByMqs; module.exports.filterByPseudos = filterByPseudos; module.exports.cleanPseudos = cleanPseudos; module.exports.compareSpecificity = compareSpecificity; module.exports.compareSimpleSelectorNode = compareSimpleSelectorNode; module.exports.sortSelectors = sortSelectors; module.exports.csstreeToStyleDeclaration = csstreeToStyleDeclaration; module.exports.getCssStr = getCssStr; module.exports.setCssStr = setCssStr;