import { Strategy } from 'workbox-strategies/Strategy.js';
import { RouteHandlerCallback, WorkboxPlugin } from 'workbox-core/types.js';
import { PrecacheEntry, InstallResult, CleanupResult } from './_types.js';
import './_version.js';
declare global {
    interface ServiceWorkerGlobalScope {
        __WB_MANIFEST: Array<PrecacheEntry | string>;
interface PrecacheControllerOptions {
    cacheName?: string;
    plugins?: WorkboxPlugin[];
    fallbackToNetwork?: boolean;
 * Performs efficient precaching of assets.
 * @memberof workbox-precaching
declare class PrecacheController {
    private _installAndActiveListenersAdded?;
    private readonly _strategy;
    private readonly _urlsToCacheKeys;
    private readonly _urlsToCacheModes;
    private readonly _cacheKeysToIntegrities;
     * Create a new PrecacheController.
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {string} [options.cacheName] The cache to use for precaching.
     * @param {string} [options.plugins] Plugins to use when precaching as well
     * as responding to fetch events for precached assets.
     * @param {boolean} [options.fallbackToNetwork=true] Whether to attempt to
     * get the response from the network if there's a precache miss.
    constructor({ cacheName, plugins, fallbackToNetwork, }?: PrecacheControllerOptions);
     * @type {workbox-precaching.PrecacheStrategy} The strategy created by this controller and
     * used to cache assets and respond to fetch events.
    get strategy(): Strategy;
     * Adds items to the precache list, removing any duplicates and
     * stores the files in the
     * {@link workbox-core.cacheNames|"precache cache"} when the service
     * worker installs.
     * This method can be called multiple times.
     * @param {Array<Object|string>} [entries=[]] Array of entries to precache.
    precache(entries: Array<PrecacheEntry | string>): void;
     * This method will add items to the precache list, removing duplicates
     * and ensuring the information is valid.
     * @param {Array<workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.PrecacheEntry|string>} entries
     *     Array of entries to precache.
    addToCacheList(entries: Array<PrecacheEntry | string>): void;
     * Precaches new and updated assets. Call this method from the service worker
     * install event.
     * Note: this method calls `event.waitUntil()` for you, so you do not need
     * to call it yourself in your event handlers.
     * @param {ExtendableEvent} event
     * @return {Promise<workbox-precaching.InstallResult>}
    install(event: ExtendableEvent): Promise<InstallResult>;
     * Deletes assets that are no longer present in the current precache manifest.
     * Call this method from the service worker activate event.
     * Note: this method calls `event.waitUntil()` for you, so you do not need
     * to call it yourself in your event handlers.
     * @param {ExtendableEvent} event
     * @return {Promise<workbox-precaching.CleanupResult>}
    activate(event: ExtendableEvent): Promise<CleanupResult>;
     * Returns a mapping of a precached URL to the corresponding cache key, taking
     * into account the revision information for the URL.
     * @return {Map<string, string>} A URL to cache key mapping.
    getURLsToCacheKeys(): Map<string, string>;
     * Returns a list of all the URLs that have been precached by the current
     * service worker.
     * @return {Array<string>} The precached URLs.
    getCachedURLs(): Array<string>;
     * Returns the cache key used for storing a given URL. If that URL is
     * unversioned, like `/index.html', then the cache key will be the original
     * URL with a search parameter appended to it.
     * @param {string} url A URL whose cache key you want to look up.
     * @return {string} The versioned URL that corresponds to a cache key
     * for the original URL, or undefined if that URL isn't precached.
    getCacheKeyForURL(url: string): string | undefined;
     * @param {string} url A cache key whose SRI you want to look up.
     * @return {string} The subresource integrity associated with the cache key,
     * or undefined if it's not set.
    getIntegrityForCacheKey(cacheKey: string): string | undefined;
     * This acts as a drop-in replacement for
     * [`cache.match()`](
     * with the following differences:
     * - It knows what the name of the precache is, and only checks in that cache.
     * - It allows you to pass in an "original" URL without versioning parameters,
     * and it will automatically look up the correct cache key for the currently
     * active revision of that URL.
     * E.g., `matchPrecache('index.html')` will find the correct precached
     * response for the currently active service worker, even if the actual cache
     * key is `'/index.html?__WB_REVISION__=1234abcd'`.
     * @param {string|Request} request The key (without revisioning parameters)
     * to look up in the precache.
     * @return {Promise<Response|undefined>}
    matchPrecache(request: string | Request): Promise<Response | undefined>;
     * Returns a function that looks up `url` in the precache (taking into
     * account revision information), and returns the corresponding `Response`.
     * @param {string} url The precached URL which will be used to lookup the
     * `Response`.
     * @return {workbox-routing~handlerCallback}
    createHandlerBoundToURL(url: string): RouteHandlerCallback;
export { PrecacheController };