"use strict"; /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */ const path = require("path"); const { validate } = require("schema-utils"); const { SyncWaterfallHook } = require("tapable"); const schema = require("./plugin-options.json"); const { trueFn, MODULE_TYPE, AUTO_PUBLIC_PATH, ABSOLUTE_PUBLIC_PATH, SINGLE_DOT_PATH_SEGMENT, compareModulesByIdentifier, getUndoPath, BASE_URI, compileBooleanMatcher } = require("./utils"); /** @typedef {import("schema-utils/declarations/validate").Schema} Schema */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Compiler} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Compilation} Compilation */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").ChunkGraph} ChunkGraph */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Chunk} Chunk */ /** @typedef {Parameters<import("webpack").Chunk["isInGroup"]>[0]} ChunkGroup */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Module} Module */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Dependency} Dependency */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").sources.Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Configuration} Configuration */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").WebpackError} WebpackError */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").AssetInfo} AssetInfo */ /** @typedef {import("./loader.js").Dependency} LoaderDependency */ /** * @typedef {Object} LoaderOptions * @property {string | ((resourcePath: string, rootContext: string) => string)} [publicPath] * @property {boolean} [emit] * @property {boolean} [esModule] * @property {string} [layer] * @property {boolean} [defaultExport] */ /** * @typedef {Object} PluginOptions * @property {Required<Configuration>['output']['filename']} [filename] * @property {Required<Configuration>['output']['chunkFilename']} [chunkFilename] * @property {boolean} [ignoreOrder] * @property {string | ((linkTag: HTMLLinkElement) => void)} [insert] * @property {Record<string, string>} [attributes] * @property {string | false | 'text/css'} [linkType] * @property {boolean} [runtime] * @property {boolean} [experimentalUseImportModule] */ /** * @typedef {Object} NormalizedPluginOptions * @property {Required<Configuration>['output']['filename']} filename * @property {Required<Configuration>['output']['chunkFilename']} [chunkFilename] * @property {boolean} ignoreOrder * @property {string | ((linkTag: HTMLLinkElement) => void)} [insert] * @property {Record<string, string>} [attributes] * @property {string | false | 'text/css'} [linkType] * @property {boolean} runtime * @property {boolean} [experimentalUseImportModule] */ /** * @typedef {Object} RuntimeOptions * @property {string | ((linkTag: HTMLLinkElement) => void) | undefined} insert * @property {string | false | 'text/css'} linkType * @property {Record<string, string> | undefined} attributes */ /** @typedef {any} TODO */ const pluginName = "mini-css-extract-plugin"; const pluginSymbol = Symbol(pluginName); const DEFAULT_FILENAME = "[name].css"; /** * @type {Set<string>} */ const TYPES = new Set([MODULE_TYPE]); /** * @type {ReturnType<Module["codeGeneration"]>} */ const CODE_GENERATION_RESULT = { sources: new Map(), runtimeRequirements: new Set() }; /** @typedef {Module & { content: Buffer, media?: string, sourceMap?: Buffer, supports?: string, layer?: string, assets?: { [key: string]: TODO }, assetsInfo?: Map<string, AssetInfo> }} CssModule */ /** @typedef {{ context: string | null, identifier: string, identifierIndex: number, content: Buffer, sourceMap?: Buffer, media?: string, supports?: string, layer?: TODO, assetsInfo?: Map<string, AssetInfo>, assets?: { [key: string]: TODO }}} CssModuleDependency */ /** @typedef {{ new(dependency: CssModuleDependency): CssModule }} CssModuleConstructor */ /** @typedef {Dependency & CssModuleDependency} CssDependency */ /** @typedef {Omit<LoaderDependency, "context">} CssDependencyOptions */ /** @typedef {{ new(loaderDependency: CssDependencyOptions, context: string | null, identifierIndex: number): CssDependency }} CssDependencyConstructor */ /** * @typedef {Object} VarNames * @property {string} tag * @property {string} chunkId * @property {string} href * @property {string} resolve * @property {string} reject */ /** * @typedef {Object} MiniCssExtractPluginCompilationHooks * @property {import("tapable").SyncWaterfallHook<[string, VarNames], string>} beforeTagInsert * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk]>} linkPreload * @property {SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk]>} linkPrefetch */ /** * * @type {WeakMap<Compiler["webpack"], CssModuleConstructor>} */ const cssModuleCache = new WeakMap(); /** * @type {WeakMap<Compiler["webpack"], CssDependencyConstructor>} */ const cssDependencyCache = new WeakMap(); /** * @type {WeakSet<Compiler["webpack"]>} */ const registered = new WeakSet(); /** @type {WeakMap<Compilation, MiniCssExtractPluginCompilationHooks>} */ const compilationHooksMap = new WeakMap(); class MiniCssExtractPlugin { /** * @param {Compiler["webpack"]} webpack * @returns {CssModuleConstructor} */ static getCssModule(webpack) { /** * Prevent creation of multiple CssModule classes to allow other integrations to get the current CssModule. */ if (cssModuleCache.has(webpack)) { return /** @type {CssModuleConstructor} */cssModuleCache.get(webpack); } class CssModule extends webpack.Module { /** * @param {CssModuleDependency} dependency */ constructor({ context, identifier, identifierIndex, content, layer, supports, media, sourceMap, assets, assetsInfo }) { // @ts-ignore super(MODULE_TYPE, /** @type {string | undefined} */context); this.id = ""; this._context = context; this._identifier = identifier; this._identifierIndex = identifierIndex; this.content = content; this.layer = layer; this.supports = supports; this.media = media; this.sourceMap = sourceMap; this.assets = assets; this.assetsInfo = assetsInfo; this._needBuild = true; } // no source() so webpack 4 doesn't do add stuff to the bundle size() { return this.content.length; } identifier() { return `css|${this._identifier}|${this._identifierIndex}|${this.layer || ""}|${this.supports || ""}|${this.media}}}`; } /** * @param {Parameters<Module["readableIdentifier"]>[0]} requestShortener * @returns {ReturnType<Module["readableIdentifier"]>} */ readableIdentifier(requestShortener) { return `css ${requestShortener.shorten(this._identifier)}${this._identifierIndex ? ` (${this._identifierIndex})` : ""}${this.layer ? ` (layer ${this.layer})` : ""}${this.supports ? ` (supports ${this.supports})` : ""}${this.media ? ` (media ${this.media})` : ""}`; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this getSourceTypes() { return TYPES; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this codeGeneration() { return CODE_GENERATION_RESULT; } nameForCondition() { const resource = /** @type {string} */ this._identifier.split("!").pop(); const idx = resource.indexOf("?"); if (idx >= 0) { return resource.substring(0, idx); } return resource; } /** * @param {Module} module */ updateCacheModule(module) { if (!this.content.equals( /** @type {CssModule} */module.content) || this.layer !== /** @type {CssModule} */module.layer || this.supports !== /** @type {CssModule} */module.supports || this.media !== /** @type {CssModule} */module.media || (this.sourceMap ? !this.sourceMap.equals( /** @type {Uint8Array} **/ /** @type {CssModule} */module.sourceMap) : false) || this.assets !== /** @type {CssModule} */module.assets || this.assetsInfo !== /** @type {CssModule} */module.assetsInfo) { this._needBuild = true; this.content = /** @type {CssModule} */module.content; this.layer = /** @type {CssModule} */module.layer; this.supports = /** @type {CssModule} */module.supports; this.media = /** @type {CssModule} */module.media; this.sourceMap = /** @type {CssModule} */module.sourceMap; this.assets = /** @type {CssModule} */module.assets; this.assetsInfo = /** @type {CssModule} */module.assetsInfo; } } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this needRebuild() { return this._needBuild; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this /** * @param {Parameters<Module["needBuild"]>[0]} context context info * @param {Parameters<Module["needBuild"]>[1]} callback callback function, returns true, if the module needs a rebuild */ needBuild(context, callback) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined callback(undefined, this._needBuild); } /** * @param {Parameters<Module["build"]>[0]} options * @param {Parameters<Module["build"]>[1]} compilation * @param {Parameters<Module["build"]>[2]} resolver * @param {Parameters<Module["build"]>[3]} fileSystem * @param {Parameters<Module["build"]>[4]} callback */ build(options, compilation, resolver, fileSystem, callback) { this.buildInfo = { assets: this.assets, assetsInfo: this.assetsInfo, cacheable: true, hash: this._computeHash( /** @type {string} */compilation.outputOptions.hashFunction) }; this.buildMeta = {}; this._needBuild = false; callback(); } /** * @private * @param {string} hashFunction * @returns {string | Buffer} */ _computeHash(hashFunction) { const hash = webpack.util.createHash(hashFunction); hash.update(this.content); if (this.layer) { hash.update(this.layer); } hash.update(this.supports || ""); hash.update(this.media || ""); hash.update(this.sourceMap || ""); return hash.digest("hex"); } /** * @param {Parameters<Module["updateHash"]>[0]} hash * @param {Parameters<Module["updateHash"]>[1]} context */ updateHash(hash, context) { super.updateHash(hash, context); hash.update( /** @type {NonNullable<Module["buildInfo"]>} */this.buildInfo.hash); } /** * @param {Parameters<Module["serialize"]>[0]} context */ serialize(context) { const { write } = context; write(this._context); write(this._identifier); write(this._identifierIndex); write(this.content); write(this.layer); write(this.supports); write(this.media); write(this.sourceMap); write(this.assets); write(this.assetsInfo); write(this._needBuild); super.serialize(context); } /** * @param {Parameters<Module["deserialize"]>[0]} context */ deserialize(context) { this._needBuild = context.read(); super.deserialize(context); } } cssModuleCache.set(webpack, CssModule); webpack.util.serialization.register(CssModule, path.resolve(__dirname, "CssModule"), // @ts-ignore null, { serialize(instance, context) { instance.serialize(context); }, deserialize(context) { const { read } = context; const contextModule = read(); const identifier = read(); const identifierIndex = read(); const content = read(); const layer = read(); const supports = read(); const media = read(); const sourceMap = read(); const assets = read(); const assetsInfo = read(); const dep = new CssModule({ context: contextModule, identifier, identifierIndex, content, layer, supports, media, sourceMap, assets, assetsInfo }); dep.deserialize(context); return dep; } }); return CssModule; } /** * @param {Compiler["webpack"]} webpack * @returns {CssDependencyConstructor} */ static getCssDependency(webpack) { /** * Prevent creation of multiple CssDependency classes to allow other integrations to get the current CssDependency. */ if (cssDependencyCache.has(webpack)) { return /** @type {CssDependencyConstructor} */( cssDependencyCache.get(webpack) ); } class CssDependency extends webpack.Dependency { /** * @param {CssDependencyOptions} loaderDependency * @param {string | null} context * @param {number} identifierIndex */ constructor({ identifier, content, layer, supports, media, sourceMap }, context, identifierIndex) { super(); this.identifier = identifier; this.identifierIndex = identifierIndex; this.content = content; this.layer = layer; this.supports = supports; this.media = media; this.sourceMap = sourceMap; this.context = context; /** @type {{ [key: string]: Source } | undefined}} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined this.assets = undefined; /** @type {Map<string, AssetInfo> | undefined} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined this.assetsInfo = undefined; } /** * @returns {ReturnType<Dependency["getResourceIdentifier"]>} */ getResourceIdentifier() { return `css-module-${this.identifier}-${this.identifierIndex}`; } /** * @returns {ReturnType<Dependency["getModuleEvaluationSideEffectsState"]>} */ // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this getModuleEvaluationSideEffectsState() { return webpack.ModuleGraphConnection.TRANSITIVE_ONLY; } /** * @param {Parameters<Dependency["serialize"]>[0]} context */ serialize(context) { const { write } = context; write(this.identifier); write(this.content); write(this.layer); write(this.supports); write(this.media); write(this.sourceMap); write(this.context); write(this.identifierIndex); write(this.assets); write(this.assetsInfo); super.serialize(context); } /** * @param {Parameters<Dependency["deserialize"]>[0]} context */ deserialize(context) { super.deserialize(context); } } cssDependencyCache.set(webpack, CssDependency); webpack.util.serialization.register(CssDependency, path.resolve(__dirname, "CssDependency"), // @ts-ignore null, { serialize(instance, context) { instance.serialize(context); }, deserialize(context) { const { read } = context; const dep = new CssDependency({ identifier: read(), content: read(), layer: read(), supports: read(), media: read(), sourceMap: read() }, read(), read()); const assets = read(); const assetsInfo = read(); dep.assets = assets; dep.assetsInfo = assetsInfo; dep.deserialize(context); return dep; } }); return CssDependency; } /** * Returns all hooks for the given compilation * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @returns {MiniCssExtractPluginCompilationHooks} hooks */ static getCompilationHooks(compilation) { let hooks = compilationHooksMap.get(compilation); if (!hooks) { hooks = { beforeTagInsert: new SyncWaterfallHook(["source", "varNames"], "string"), linkPreload: new SyncWaterfallHook(["source", "chunk"]), linkPrefetch: new SyncWaterfallHook(["source", "chunk"]) }; compilationHooksMap.set(compilation, hooks); } return hooks; } /** * @param {PluginOptions} [options] */ constructor(options = {}) { validate( /** @type {Schema} */schema, options, { baseDataPath: "options" }); /** * @private * @type {WeakMap<Chunk, Set<CssModule>>} * @private */ this._sortedModulesCache = new WeakMap(); /** * @private * @type {NormalizedPluginOptions} */ this.options = Object.assign({ filename: DEFAULT_FILENAME, ignoreOrder: false, // TODO remove in the next major release // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined experimentalUseImportModule: undefined, runtime: true }, options); /** * @private * @type {RuntimeOptions} */ this.runtimeOptions = { insert: options.insert, linkType: // Todo in next major release set default to "false" typeof options.linkType === "boolean" && /** @type {boolean} */options.linkType === true || typeof options.linkType === "undefined" ? "text/css" : options.linkType, attributes: options.attributes }; if (!this.options.chunkFilename) { const { filename } = this.options; if (typeof filename !== "function") { const hasName = /** @type {string} */filename.includes("[name]"); const hasId = /** @type {string} */filename.includes("[id]"); const hasChunkHash = /** @type {string} */ filename.includes("[chunkhash]"); const hasContentHash = /** @type {string} */ filename.includes("[contenthash]"); // Anything changing depending on chunk is fine if (hasChunkHash || hasContentHash || hasName || hasId) { this.options.chunkFilename = filename; } else { // Otherwise prefix "[id]." in front of the basename to make it changing this.options.chunkFilename = /** @type {string} */ filename.replace(/(^|\/)([^/]*(?:\?|$))/, "$1[id].$2"); } } else { this.options.chunkFilename = "[id].css"; } } } /** * @param {Compiler} compiler */ apply(compiler) { const { webpack } = compiler; if (this.options.experimentalUseImportModule) { if (typeof ( /** @type {Compiler["options"]["experiments"] & { executeModule?: boolean }} */ compiler.options.experiments.executeModule) === "undefined") { /** @type {Compiler["options"]["experiments"] & { executeModule?: boolean }} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign compiler.options.experiments.executeModule = true; } } // TODO bug in webpack, remove it after it will be fixed // webpack tries to `require` loader firstly when serializer doesn't found if (!registered.has(webpack)) { registered.add(webpack); webpack.util.serialization.registerLoader(/^mini-css-extract-plugin\//, trueFn); } const { splitChunks } = compiler.options.optimization; if (splitChunks) { if ( /** @type {string[]} */splitChunks.defaultSizeTypes.includes("...")) { /** @type {string[]} */ splitChunks.defaultSizeTypes.push(MODULE_TYPE); } } const CssModule = MiniCssExtractPlugin.getCssModule(webpack); const CssDependency = MiniCssExtractPlugin.getCssDependency(webpack); const { NormalModule } = compiler.webpack; compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(pluginName, compilation => { const { loader: normalModuleHook } = NormalModule.getCompilationHooks(compilation); normalModuleHook.tap(pluginName, /** * @param {object} loaderContext */ loaderContext => { /** @type {object & { [pluginSymbol]: { experimentalUseImportModule: boolean | undefined } }} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign loaderContext[pluginSymbol] = { experimentalUseImportModule: this.options.experimentalUseImportModule }; }); }); compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap(pluginName, compilation => { class CssModuleFactory { /** * @param {{ dependencies: Dependency[] }} dependencies * @param {(arg0?: Error, arg1?: TODO) => void} callback */ // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this create({ dependencies: [dependency] }, callback) { callback( // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined undefined, new CssModule( /** @type {CssDependency} */dependency)); } } compilation.dependencyFactories.set(CssDependency, new CssModuleFactory()); class CssDependencyTemplate { // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this apply() {} } compilation.dependencyTemplates.set(CssDependency, new CssDependencyTemplate()); compilation.hooks.renderManifest.tap(pluginName, /** * @param {ReturnType<Compilation["getRenderManifest"]>} result * @param {Parameters<Compilation["getRenderManifest"]>[0]} chunk * @returns {TODO} */ (result, { chunk }) => { const { chunkGraph } = compilation; const { HotUpdateChunk } = webpack; // We don't need hot update chunks for css // We will use the real asset instead to update if (chunk instanceof HotUpdateChunk) { return; } /** @type {CssModule[]} */ const renderedModules = Array.from( /** @type {CssModule[]} */ this.getChunkModules(chunk, chunkGraph)).filter(module => // @ts-ignore module.type === MODULE_TYPE); const filenameTemplate = /** @type {string} */ chunk.canBeInitial() ? this.options.filename : this.options.chunkFilename; if (renderedModules.length > 0) { result.push({ render: () => this.renderContentAsset(compiler, compilation, chunk, renderedModules, compilation.runtimeTemplate.requestShortener, filenameTemplate, { contentHashType: MODULE_TYPE, chunk }), filenameTemplate, pathOptions: { chunk, contentHashType: MODULE_TYPE }, identifier: `${pluginName}.${chunk.id}`, hash: chunk.contentHash[MODULE_TYPE] }); } }); compilation.hooks.contentHash.tap(pluginName, chunk => { const { outputOptions, chunkGraph } = compilation; const modules = this.sortModules(compilation, chunk, /** @type {CssModule[]} */ chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(chunk, MODULE_TYPE), compilation.runtimeTemplate.requestShortener); if (modules) { const { hashFunction, hashDigest, hashDigestLength } = outputOptions; const { createHash } = compiler.webpack.util; const hash = createHash( /** @type {string} */hashFunction); for (const m of modules) { hash.update(chunkGraph.getModuleHash(m, chunk.runtime)); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign chunk.contentHash[MODULE_TYPE] = /** @type {string} */ hash.digest(hashDigest).substring(0, hashDigestLength); } }); // All the code below is dedicated to the runtime and can be skipped when the `runtime` option is `false` if (!this.options.runtime) { return; } const { Template, RuntimeGlobals, RuntimeModule, runtime } = webpack; /** * @param {Chunk} mainChunk * @param {Compilation} compilation * @returns {Record<string, number>} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow const getCssChunkObject = (mainChunk, compilation) => { /** @type {Record<string, number>} */ const obj = {}; const { chunkGraph } = compilation; for (const chunk of mainChunk.getAllAsyncChunks()) { const modules = chunkGraph.getOrderedChunkModulesIterable(chunk, compareModulesByIdentifier); for (const module of modules) { // @ts-ignore if (module.type === MODULE_TYPE) { obj[( /** @type {string} */chunk.id)] = 1; break; } } } return obj; }; /** * @param {Chunk} chunk chunk * @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph chunk graph * @returns {boolean} true, when the chunk has css */ function chunkHasCss(chunk, chunkGraph) { // this function replace: // const chunkHasCss = require("webpack/lib/css/CssModulesPlugin").chunkHasCss; return !!chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(chunk, "css/mini-extract"); } class CssLoadingRuntimeModule extends RuntimeModule { /** * @param {Set<string>} runtimeRequirements * @param {RuntimeOptions} runtimeOptions */ constructor(runtimeRequirements, runtimeOptions) { super("css loading", 10); this.runtimeRequirements = runtimeRequirements; this.runtimeOptions = runtimeOptions; } generate() { const { chunkGraph, chunk, runtimeRequirements } = this; const { runtimeTemplate, outputOptions: { crossOriginLoading } } = /** @type {Compilation} */this.compilation; const chunkMap = getCssChunkObject( /** @type {Chunk} */chunk, /** @type {Compilation} */this.compilation); const withLoading = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers) && Object.keys(chunkMap).length > 0; const withHmr = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers); if (!withLoading && !withHmr) { return ""; } const conditionMap = /** @type {ChunkGraph} */chunkGraph.getChunkConditionMap( /** @type {Chunk} */chunk, chunkHasCss); const hasCssMatcher = compileBooleanMatcher(conditionMap); const withPrefetch = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.prefetchChunkHandlers); const withPreload = runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.preloadChunkHandlers); const { linkPreload, linkPrefetch } = MiniCssExtractPlugin.getCompilationHooks(compilation); return Template.asString(['if (typeof document === "undefined") return;', `var createStylesheet = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunkId, fullhref, oldTag, resolve, reject", ['var linkTag = document.createElement("link");', this.runtimeOptions.attributes ? Template.asString(Object.entries(this.runtimeOptions.attributes).map(entry => { const [key, value] = entry; return `linkTag.setAttribute(${JSON.stringify(key)}, ${JSON.stringify(value)});`; })) : "", 'linkTag.rel = "stylesheet";', this.runtimeOptions.linkType ? `linkTag.type = ${JSON.stringify(this.runtimeOptions.linkType)};` : "", `if (${RuntimeGlobals.scriptNonce}) {`, Template.indent(`linkTag.nonce = ${RuntimeGlobals.scriptNonce};`), "}", `var onLinkComplete = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("event", ["// avoid mem leaks.", "linkTag.onerror = linkTag.onload = null;", "if (event.type === 'load') {", Template.indent(["resolve();"]), "} else {", Template.indent(["var errorType = event && event.type;", "var realHref = event && event.target && event.target.href || fullhref;", 'var err = new Error("Loading CSS chunk " + chunkId + " failed.\\n(" + errorType + ": " + realHref + ")");', 'err.name = "ChunkLoadError";', // TODO remove `code` in the future major release to align with webpack 'err.code = "CSS_CHUNK_LOAD_FAILED";', "err.type = errorType;", "err.request = realHref;", "if (linkTag.parentNode) linkTag.parentNode.removeChild(linkTag)", "reject(err);"]), "}"])}`, "linkTag.onerror = linkTag.onload = onLinkComplete;", "linkTag.href = fullhref;", crossOriginLoading ? Template.asString([`if (linkTag.href.indexOf(window.location.origin + '/') !== 0) {`, Template.indent(`linkTag.crossOrigin = ${JSON.stringify(crossOriginLoading)};`), "}"]) : "", MiniCssExtractPlugin.getCompilationHooks(compilation).beforeTagInsert.call("", { tag: "linkTag", chunkId: "chunkId", href: "fullhref", resolve: "resolve", reject: "reject" }) || "", typeof this.runtimeOptions.insert !== "undefined" ? typeof this.runtimeOptions.insert === "function" ? `(${this.runtimeOptions.insert.toString()})(linkTag)` : Template.asString([`var target = document.querySelector("${this.runtimeOptions.insert}");`, `target.parentNode.insertBefore(linkTag, target.nextSibling);`]) : Template.asString(["if (oldTag) {", Template.indent(["oldTag.parentNode.insertBefore(linkTag, oldTag.nextSibling);"]), "} else {", Template.indent(["document.head.appendChild(linkTag);"]), "}"]), "return linkTag;"])};`, `var findStylesheet = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("href, fullhref", ['var existingLinkTags = document.getElementsByTagName("link");', "for(var i = 0; i < existingLinkTags.length; i++) {", Template.indent(["var tag = existingLinkTags[i];", 'var dataHref = tag.getAttribute("data-href") || tag.getAttribute("href");', 'if(tag.rel === "stylesheet" && (dataHref === href || dataHref === fullhref)) return tag;']), "}", 'var existingStyleTags = document.getElementsByTagName("style");', "for(var i = 0; i < existingStyleTags.length; i++) {", Template.indent(["var tag = existingStyleTags[i];", 'var dataHref = tag.getAttribute("data-href");', "if(dataHref === href || dataHref === fullhref) return tag;"]), "}"])};`, `var loadStylesheet = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunkId", `return new Promise(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("resolve, reject", [`var href = ${RuntimeGlobals.require}.miniCssF(chunkId);`, `var fullhref = ${RuntimeGlobals.publicPath} + href;`, "if(findStylesheet(href, fullhref)) return resolve();", "createStylesheet(chunkId, fullhref, null, resolve, reject);"])});`)}`, withLoading ? Template.asString(["// object to store loaded CSS chunks", "var installedCssChunks = {", Template.indent( /** @type {string[]} */ ( /** @type {Chunk} */chunk.ids).map(id => `${JSON.stringify(id)}: 0`).join(",\n")), "};", "", `${RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers}.miniCss = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunkId, promises", [`var cssChunks = ${JSON.stringify(chunkMap)};`, "if(installedCssChunks[chunkId]) promises.push(installedCssChunks[chunkId]);", "else if(installedCssChunks[chunkId] !== 0 && cssChunks[chunkId]) {", Template.indent([`promises.push(installedCssChunks[chunkId] = loadStylesheet(chunkId).then(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("", "installedCssChunks[chunkId] = 0;")}, ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("e", ["delete installedCssChunks[chunkId];", "throw e;"])}));`]), "}"])};`]) : "// no chunk loading", "", withHmr ? Template.asString(["var oldTags = [];", "var newTags = [];", `var applyHandler = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("options", [`return { dispose: ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("", ["for(var i = 0; i < oldTags.length; i++) {", Template.indent(["var oldTag = oldTags[i];", "if(oldTag.parentNode) oldTag.parentNode.removeChild(oldTag);"]), "}", "oldTags.length = 0;"])}, apply: ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("", ['for(var i = 0; i < newTags.length; i++) newTags[i].rel = "stylesheet";', "newTags.length = 0;"])} };`])}`, `${RuntimeGlobals.hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers}.miniCss = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunkIds, removedChunks, removedModules, promises, applyHandlers, updatedModulesList", ["applyHandlers.push(applyHandler);", `chunkIds.forEach(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunkId", [`var href = ${RuntimeGlobals.require}.miniCssF(chunkId);`, `var fullhref = ${RuntimeGlobals.publicPath} + href;`, "var oldTag = findStylesheet(href, fullhref);", "if(!oldTag) return;", `promises.push(new Promise(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("resolve, reject", [`var tag = createStylesheet(chunkId, fullhref, oldTag, ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("", ['tag.as = "style";', 'tag.rel = "preload";', "resolve();"])}, reject);`, "oldTags.push(oldTag);", "newTags.push(tag);"])}));`])});`])}`]) : "// no hmr", "", withPrefetch && withLoading && hasCssMatcher !== false ? `${RuntimeGlobals.prefetchChunkHandlers}.miniCss = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunkId", [`if((!${RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty}(installedCssChunks, chunkId) || installedCssChunks[chunkId] === undefined) && ${hasCssMatcher === true ? "true" : hasCssMatcher("chunkId")}) {`, Template.indent(["installedCssChunks[chunkId] = null;", linkPrefetch.call(Template.asString(["var link = document.createElement('link');", crossOriginLoading ? `link.crossOrigin = ${JSON.stringify(crossOriginLoading)};` : "", `if (${RuntimeGlobals.scriptNonce}) {`, Template.indent(`link.setAttribute("nonce", ${RuntimeGlobals.scriptNonce});`), "}", 'link.rel = "prefetch";', 'link.as = "style";', `link.href = ${RuntimeGlobals.publicPath} + ${RuntimeGlobals.require}.miniCssF(chunkId);`]), /** @type {Chunk} */chunk), "document.head.appendChild(link);"]), "}"])};` : "// no prefetching", "", withPreload && withLoading && hasCssMatcher !== false ? `${RuntimeGlobals.preloadChunkHandlers}.miniCss = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunkId", [`if((!${RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty}(installedCssChunks, chunkId) || installedCssChunks[chunkId] === undefined) && ${hasCssMatcher === true ? "true" : hasCssMatcher("chunkId")}) {`, Template.indent(["installedCssChunks[chunkId] = null;", linkPreload.call(Template.asString(["var link = document.createElement('link');", "link.charset = 'utf-8';", `if (${RuntimeGlobals.scriptNonce}) {`, Template.indent(`link.setAttribute("nonce", ${RuntimeGlobals.scriptNonce});`), "}", 'link.rel = "preload";', 'link.as = "style";', `link.href = ${RuntimeGlobals.publicPath} + ${RuntimeGlobals.require}.miniCssF(chunkId);`, crossOriginLoading ? crossOriginLoading === "use-credentials" ? 'link.crossOrigin = "use-credentials";' : Template.asString(["if (link.href.indexOf(window.location.origin + '/') !== 0) {", Template.indent(`link.crossOrigin = ${JSON.stringify(crossOriginLoading)};`), "}"]) : ""]), /** @type {Chunk} */chunk), "document.head.appendChild(link);"]), "}"])};` : "// no preloaded"]); } } const enabledChunks = new WeakSet(); /** * @param {Chunk} chunk * @param {Set<string>} set */ const handler = (chunk, set) => { if (enabledChunks.has(chunk)) { return; } enabledChunks.add(chunk); if (typeof this.options.chunkFilename === "string" && /\[(full)?hash(:\d+)?\]/.test(this.options.chunkFilename)) { set.add(RuntimeGlobals.getFullHash); } set.add(RuntimeGlobals.publicPath); compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new runtime.GetChunkFilenameRuntimeModule(MODULE_TYPE, "mini-css", `${RuntimeGlobals.require}.miniCssF`, /** * @param {Chunk} referencedChunk * @returns {TODO} */ referencedChunk => { if (!referencedChunk.contentHash[MODULE_TYPE]) { return false; } return referencedChunk.canBeInitial() ? this.options.filename : this.options.chunkFilename; }, false)); compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new CssLoadingRuntimeModule(set, this.runtimeOptions)); }; compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree.for(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers).tap(pluginName, handler); compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree.for(RuntimeGlobals.hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers).tap(pluginName, handler); compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree.for(RuntimeGlobals.prefetchChunkHandlers).tap(pluginName, handler); compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree.for(RuntimeGlobals.preloadChunkHandlers).tap(pluginName, handler); }); } /** * @private * @param {Chunk} chunk * @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph * @returns {Iterable<Module>} */ getChunkModules(chunk, chunkGraph) { return typeof chunkGraph !== "undefined" ? chunkGraph.getOrderedChunkModulesIterable(chunk, compareModulesByIdentifier) : chunk.modulesIterable; } /** * @private * @param {Compilation} compilation * @param {Chunk} chunk * @param {CssModule[]} modules * @param {Compilation["requestShortener"]} requestShortener * @returns {Set<CssModule>} */ sortModules(compilation, chunk, modules, requestShortener) { let usedModules = this._sortedModulesCache.get(chunk); if (usedModules || !modules) { return /** @type {Set<CssModule>} */usedModules; } /** @type {CssModule[]} */ const modulesList = [...modules]; // Store dependencies for modules /** @type {Map<CssModule, Set<CssModule>>} */ const moduleDependencies = new Map(modulesList.map(m => [m, ( /** @type {Set<CssModule>} */ new Set())])); /** @type {Map<CssModule, Map<CssModule, Set<ChunkGroup>>>} */ const moduleDependenciesReasons = new Map(modulesList.map(m => [m, new Map()])); // Get ordered list of modules per chunk group // This loop also gathers dependencies from the ordered lists // Lists are in reverse order to allow to use Array.pop() /** @type {CssModule[][]} */ const modulesByChunkGroup = Array.from(chunk.groupsIterable, chunkGroup => { const sortedModules = modulesList.map(module => { return { module, index: chunkGroup.getModulePostOrderIndex(module) }; }) // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined .filter(item => item.index !== undefined).sort((a, b) => /** @type {number} */b.index - ( /** @type {number} */a.index)).map(item => item.module); for (let i = 0; i < sortedModules.length; i++) { const set = moduleDependencies.get(sortedModules[i]); const reasons = /** @type {Map<CssModule, Set<ChunkGroup>>} */ moduleDependenciesReasons.get(sortedModules[i]); for (let j = i + 1; j < sortedModules.length; j++) { const module = sortedModules[j]; /** @type {Set<CssModule>} */ set.add(module); const reason = reasons.get(module) || ( /** @type {Set<ChunkGroup>} */new Set()); reason.add(chunkGroup); reasons.set(module, reason); } } return sortedModules; }); // set with already included modules in correct order usedModules = new Set(); /** * @param {CssModule} m * @returns {boolean} */ const unusedModulesFilter = m => !( /** @type {Set<CssModule>} */usedModules.has(m)); while (usedModules.size < modulesList.length) { let success = false; let bestMatch; let bestMatchDeps; // get first module where dependencies are fulfilled for (const list of modulesByChunkGroup) { // skip and remove already added modules while (list.length > 0 && usedModules.has(list[list.length - 1])) { list.pop(); } // skip empty lists if (list.length !== 0) { const module = list[list.length - 1]; const deps = moduleDependencies.get(module); // determine dependencies that are not yet included const failedDeps = Array.from( /** @type {Set<CssModule>} */ deps).filter(unusedModulesFilter); // store best match for fallback behavior if (!bestMatchDeps || bestMatchDeps.length > failedDeps.length) { bestMatch = list; bestMatchDeps = failedDeps; } if (failedDeps.length === 0) { // use this module and remove it from list usedModules.add( /** @type {CssModule} */list.pop()); success = true; break; } } } if (!success) { // no module found => there is a conflict // use list with fewest failed deps // and emit a warning const fallbackModule = /** @type {CssModule[]} */bestMatch.pop(); if (!this.options.ignoreOrder) { const reasons = moduleDependenciesReasons.get( /** @type {CssModule} */fallbackModule); compilation.warnings.push( /** @type {WebpackError} */ new Error([`chunk ${chunk.name || chunk.id} [${pluginName}]`, "Conflicting order. Following module has been added:", ` * ${ /** @type {CssModule} */fallbackModule.readableIdentifier(requestShortener)}`, "despite it was not able to fulfill desired ordering with these modules:", ... /** @type {CssModule[]} */bestMatchDeps.map(m => { const goodReasonsMap = moduleDependenciesReasons.get(m); const goodReasons = goodReasonsMap && goodReasonsMap.get( /** @type {CssModule} */fallbackModule); const failedChunkGroups = Array.from( /** @type {Set<ChunkGroup>} */ /** @type {Map<CssModule, Set<ChunkGroup>>} */ reasons.get(m), cg => cg.name).join(", "); const goodChunkGroups = goodReasons && Array.from(goodReasons, cg => cg.name).join(", "); return [` * ${m.readableIdentifier(requestShortener)}`, ` - couldn't fulfill desired order of chunk group(s) ${failedChunkGroups}`, goodChunkGroups && ` - while fulfilling desired order of chunk group(s) ${goodChunkGroups}`].filter(Boolean).join("\n"); })].join("\n"))); } usedModules.add( /** @type {CssModule} */fallbackModule); } } this._sortedModulesCache.set(chunk, usedModules); return usedModules; } /** * @private * @param {Compiler} compiler * @param {Compilation} compilation * @param {Chunk} chunk * @param {CssModule[]} modules * @param {Compiler["requestShortener"]} requestShortener * @param {string} filenameTemplate * @param {Parameters<Exclude<Required<Configuration>['output']['filename'], string | undefined>>[0]} pathData * @returns {Source} */ renderContentAsset(compiler, compilation, chunk, modules, requestShortener, filenameTemplate, pathData) { const usedModules = this.sortModules(compilation, chunk, modules, requestShortener); const { ConcatSource, SourceMapSource, RawSource } = compiler.webpack.sources; const source = new ConcatSource(); const externalsSource = new ConcatSource(); for (const module of usedModules) { let content = module.content.toString(); const readableIdentifier = module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener); const startsWithAtRuleImport = /^@import url/.test(content); let header; if (compilation.outputOptions.pathinfo) { // From https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/29eff8a74ecc2f87517b627dee451c2af9ed3f3f/lib/ModuleInfoHeaderPlugin.js#L191-L194 const reqStr = readableIdentifier.replace(/\*\//g, "*_/"); const reqStrStar = "*".repeat(reqStr.length); const headerStr = `/*!****${reqStrStar}****!*\\\n !*** ${reqStr} ***!\n \\****${reqStrStar}****/\n`; header = new RawSource(headerStr); } if (startsWithAtRuleImport) { if (typeof header !== "undefined") { externalsSource.add(header); } // HACK for IE // http://stackoverflow.com/a/14676665/1458162 if (module.media || module.supports || typeof module.layer !== "undefined") { let atImportExtra = ""; const needLayer = typeof module.layer !== "undefined"; if (needLayer) { atImportExtra += module.layer.length > 0 ? ` layer(${module.layer})` : " layer"; } if (module.supports) { atImportExtra += ` supports(${module.supports})`; } if (module.media) { atImportExtra += ` ${module.media}`; } // insert media into the @import // this is rar // TODO improve this and parse the CSS to support multiple medias content = content.replace(/;|\s*$/, `${atImportExtra};`); } externalsSource.add(content); externalsSource.add("\n"); } else { if (typeof header !== "undefined") { source.add(header); } if (module.supports) { source.add(`@supports (${module.supports}) {\n`); } if (module.media) { source.add(`@media ${module.media} {\n`); } const needLayer = typeof module.layer !== "undefined"; if (needLayer) { source.add(`@layer${module.layer.length > 0 ? ` ${module.layer}` : ""} {\n`); } const { path: filename } = compilation.getPathWithInfo(filenameTemplate, pathData); const undoPath = getUndoPath(filename, compiler.outputPath, false); // replacements content = content.replace(new RegExp(ABSOLUTE_PUBLIC_PATH, "g"), ""); content = content.replace(new RegExp(SINGLE_DOT_PATH_SEGMENT, "g"), "."); content = content.replace(new RegExp(AUTO_PUBLIC_PATH, "g"), undoPath); const entryOptions = chunk.getEntryOptions(); const baseUriReplacement = entryOptions && entryOptions.baseUri || undoPath; content = content.replace(new RegExp(BASE_URI, "g"), baseUriReplacement); if (module.sourceMap) { source.add(new SourceMapSource(content, readableIdentifier, module.sourceMap.toString())); } else { source.add(new RawSource(content)); } source.add("\n"); if (needLayer) { source.add("}\n"); } if (module.media) { source.add("}\n"); } if (module.supports) { source.add("}\n"); } } } return new ConcatSource(externalsSource, source); } } MiniCssExtractPlugin.pluginName = pluginName; MiniCssExtractPlugin.pluginSymbol = pluginSymbol; MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader = require.resolve("./loader"); module.exports = MiniCssExtractPlugin;