131 lines
3.6 KiB
131 lines
3.6 KiB
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A tiny (2.8kB) and fast utility for getting a MIME type from an extension or filename
## Features
* Lightweight – 2.8kB gzip<br>
_Only includes standard mime types; all experimental and vendor-specific mimetypes removed._
* [Performant](#benchmarks)<br>
_All lookups are O(1) with minimal processing._
* Comprehensive Dictionary<br>
_Generated from [`mime-db`](https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db), which aggregates the IANA, NGINX, and Apache datasets._
* Customizable<br>
_Exposes the `mimes` dictionary for easy additions or overrides._
* Supports Native ESM and [Deno](https://deno.land/x/mrmime)<br>
_Ships with CommonJS and ESM support!_
## Install
$ npm install --save mrmime
## Usage
import { lookup, mimes } from 'mrmime';
// Get a MIME type
// ---
lookup('txt'); //=> "text/plain"
lookup('.txt'); //=> "text/plain"
lookup('a.txt'); //=> "text/plain"
// Unknown extension
// ---
lookup('.xyz'); //=> undefined
// Add extension to dictionary
// ---
mimes['xyz'] = 'hello/world';
lookup('xyz'); //=> "hello/world"
## API
### lookup(input)
Returns: `string` or `undefined`
#### input
Type: `string`
The extension or filename to lookup.
> **Important:**
> * Any `input` value is cast to string, lowercased, and trimmed.
> * If a filename or filepath is provided, only the extension will be used.
## Benchmarks
> Running on Node v16.8.0
Load times:
mrmime 0.963ms
mime/lite 3.281ms
mime 6.751ms
Benchmark :: plain ("ext")
mime x 598,849 ops/sec ±0.28% (94 runs sampled)
mime/lite x 536,643 ops/sec ±0.11% (97 runs sampled)
mrmime x 835,885 ops/sec ±0.20% (97 runs sampled)
Benchmark :: leading (".ext")
mime x 368,656 ops/sec ±0.19% (99 runs sampled)
mime/lite x 368,318 ops/sec ±0.13% (97 runs sampled)
mrmime x 533,643 ops/sec ±0.10% (96 runs sampled)
Benchmark :: filename ("file.ext")
mime x 326,907 ops/sec ±0.17% (95 runs sampled)
mime/lite x 327,479 ops/sec ±0.12% (98 runs sampled)
mrmime x 512,823 ops/sec ±0.12% (99 runs sampled)
## Credits
Of course, a thank-you to [`mime`](https://github.com/broofa/mime) serving the community all these years & for being a all-encompassing MIME type library. I've only ever needed lookup/`getType` functionality – and now ESM support – so `mrmime` can only ever support 1/3 of what `mime` offers, at best.
This would not be possible without the team behind [`mime-db`](https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db), who have painstakingly maintained an amazing database for 7+ years.
Artwork created by [mintinol](https://www.deviantart.com/mintinol), which I found [here](https://www.deviantart.com/mintinol/art/Mr-Mime-373927920).
Finally, thanks to [Tim Branyen](https://github.com/tbranyen) for donating the package name :)
## License
MIT © [Luke Edwards](https://lukeed.com)