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Complex.js - ℂ in JavaScript
Complex.js is a well tested JavaScript library to work with complex number arithmetic in JavaScript. It implements every elementary complex number manipulation function and the API is intentionally similar to Fraction.js. Furthermore, it's the basis of Polynomial.js and Math.js.
let Complex = require('complex.js');
let c = new Complex("99.3+8i");
c.mul({re: 3, im: 9}).div(4.9).sub(3, 2);
A classical use case for complex numbers is solving quadratic equations ax² + bx + c = 0
for all a, b, c ∈ ℝ
function quadraticRoot(a, b, c) {
let sqrt = Complex(b * b - 4 * a * c).sqrt()
let x1 = Complex(-b).add(sqrt).div(2 * a)
let x2 = Complex(-b).sub(sqrt).div(2 * a)
return {x1, x2}
// quadraticRoot(1, 4, 5) -> -2 ± i
For cubic roots have a look at RootFinder which uses Complex.js.
Any function (see below) as well as the constructor of the Complex class parses its input like this.
You can pass either Objects, Doubles or Strings.
new Complex({re: real, im: imaginary});
new Complex({arg: angle, abs: radius});
new Complex({phi: angle, r: radius});
new Complex([real, imaginary]); // Vector/Array syntax
If there are other attributes on the passed object, they're not getting preserved and have to be merged manually.
new Complex(55.4);
new Complex("123.45");
new Complex("15+3i");
new Complex("i");
Two arguments
new Complex(3, 2); // 3+2i
Every complex number object exposes its real and imaginary part as attribute re
and im
let c = new Complex(3, 2);
console.log("Real part:", c.re); // 3
console.log("Imaginary part:", c.im); // 2
Complex sign()
Returns the complex sign, defined as the complex number normalized by it's absolute value
Complex add(n)
Adds another complex number
Complex sub(n)
Subtracts another complex number
Complex mul(n)
Multiplies the number with another complex number
Complex div(n)
Divides the number by another complex number
Complex pow(exp)
Returns the number raised to the complex exponent (Note: Complex.ZERO.pow(0) = Complex.ONE
by convention)
Complex sqrt()
Returns the complex square root of the number
Complex exp(n)
Returns e^n
with complex exponent n
Complex log()
Returns the natural logarithm (base E
) of the actual complex number
Note: The logarithm to a different base can be calculated with z.log().div(Math.log(base))
double abs()
Calculates the magnitude of the complex number
double arg()
Calculates the angle of the complex number
Complex inverse()
Calculates the multiplicative inverse of the complex number (1 / z)
Complex conjugate()
Calculates the conjugate of the complex number (multiplies the imaginary part with -1)
Complex neg()
Negates the number (multiplies both the real and imaginary part with -1) in order to get the additive inverse
Complex floor([places=0])
Floors the complex number parts towards zero
Complex ceil([places=0])
Ceils the complex number parts off zero
Complex round([places=0])
Rounds the complex number parts
boolean equals(n)
Checks if both numbers are exactly the same, if both numbers are infinite they are considered not equal.
boolean isNaN()
Checks if the given number is not a number
boolean isFinite()
Checks if the given number is finite
Complex clone()
Returns a new Complex instance with the same real and imaginary properties
Array toVector()
Returns a Vector of the actual complex number with two components
String toString()
Returns a string representation of the actual number. As of v1.9.0 the output is a bit more human readable
new Complex(1, 2).toString(); // 1 + 2i
new Complex(0, 1).toString(); // i
new Complex(9, 0).toString(); // 9
new Complex(1, 1).toString(); // 1 + i
double valueOf()
Returns the real part of the number if imaginary part is zero. Otherwise null
Trigonometric functions
The following trigonometric functions are defined on Complex.js:
Trig | Arcus | Hyperbolic | Area-Hyperbolic |
sin() | asin() | sinh() | asinh() |
cos() | acos() | cosh() | acosh() |
tan() | atan() | tanh() | atanh() |
cot() | acot() | coth() | acoth() |
sec() | asec() | sech() | asech() |
csc() | acsc() | csch() | acsch() |
Geometric Equivalence
Complex numbers can also be seen as a vector in the 2D space. Here is a simple overview of basic operations and how to implement them with complex.js:
New vector
let v1 = new Complex(1, 0);
let v2 = new Complex(1, 1);
Scale vector
scale(v1, factor):= v1.mul(factor)
Vector norm
norm(v):= v.abs()
Translate vector
translate(v1, v2):= v1.add(v2)
Rotate vector around center
rotate(v, angle):= v.mul({abs: 1, arg: angle})
Rotate vector around a point
rotate(v, p, angle):= v.sub(p).mul({abs: 1, arg: angle}).add(p)
Distance to another vector
distance(v1, v2):= v1.sub(v2).abs()
A complex zero value (south pole on the Riemann Sphere)
A complex one instance
A complex infinity value (north pole on the Riemann Sphere)
A complex NaN value (not on the Riemann Sphere)
An imaginary number i instance
A complex PI instance
A complex euler number instance
A small epsilon value used for equals()
comparison in order to circumvent double imprecision.
Installing complex.js is as easy as cloning this repo or use one of the following command:
npm install complex.js
Using Complex.js with the browser
<script src="complex.min.js"></script>
Coding Style
As every library I publish, Complex.js is also built to be as small as possible after compressing it with Google Closure Compiler in advanced mode. Thus the coding style orientates a little on maxing-out the compression rate. Please make sure you keep this style if you plan to extend the library.
Building the library
After cloning the Git repository run:
npm install
npm run build
Run a test
Testing the source against the shipped test suite is as easy as
npm run test
Copyright and Licensing
Copyright (c) 2024, Robert Eisele Licensed under the MIT license.